Who We Are

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The group arrived at the outside area for the Gathering and parked. They all got out of the car and walked over to where there were seats and lots of other youtubers talking and laughing with each other. They all grabbed a bottle of water from one of the many coolers and found seats next to one-another. Once every person there got settled in their seats, six people rolled out a mini stage for the Holder of this years Battle to greet everyone on. This year, it happened to be Jimmy a.k.a Mr. Beast, even though he would still be competing in the competition.
The six people that rolled out the stage walked off to get the mic and speakers. When they can back, they set them up and then took their places on either side of the stage, three on each side. Once that was done, Mr. Beast himself walked into the stage and began the introduction to every Gathering.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome you all to this years Battle if the Youtubers!" He began, as everyone started cheering and hollering out of excitement.

"This year is supposed to be a rather powerful year, according to the charts but who knows? Maybe all of y'alls lazy butts aren't that powerful after all." This caused a few laughs to ripple throughout the crowd. "No no, I'm joking. I'm sure you all are fine.....maybe.....okay, seriously though, this year is said the be a good one so I hope you all are prepared. We're now going to start the second phase of the Gathering. It is a new phase added this year called the Revealing. It is basically where everyone who is to be competing this year has to unveil their powers so that way everyone is on an equal playing field as far as knowing the other competitors powers. We shall start with Single-Pringle competitors and move on to the Coupled competitors. For the coupled competitors, the list will go down by the first letter of the females last name or person 2 if it applies. Let's begin! The first competitor that will be kicking off the first ever annual Revealing is.....(A random youtuber with over 4 million subscribers and last name starts with A)

Time Skip bc this is boring AF

"...and last but not least is the couple of Mr. Lachlan Power and Lillian Young."
(Not my real last name btw)

Lillian looked over at Lachlan to find him also looking at her, both with a reassuring smile.

"It's now or never, babes." Lillian said, grinning one of her famous crooked smiles.

"And remember Lachlan," Lillian began.

"That no matter what," Lachlan joined in.

"It's who we are." They finished

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Lachlan replied.

He snatched up her hand in his own and the couple stood up. A couple people that they knew started cheering and hollering. Lannan, being Lannan, shouted "Go get 'em ya bloody legends!!"

Once they reached the stage, hand in hand, they smiled and Lachlan began speaking into the microphone.

"Hello everybody. As you hopefully guessed, I'm Lachlan Power and this is my girlfriend..."

"Lillian Young." She finished off.

"And we share the same power type. We are...." Lachlan began loudly, building up tension.

"Black magic users." Lillian quietly finished.

A collective gasp was heard throughout the crowd. Then there was a slightly loud hum of talking that spread around the group of spectators they steadily grew in loudness until people were shouting rude and evil remarks at them and it became almost deafening.

Everyone hated them. Almost.

"SHUT IT!!!!"

Everyone immediately closed their mouths. Landon has snuck up onto the stage with his invisibility and had taken a spare mic.

"What is wrong with you people?! Why are you all mad at them just because they are black magic users?! That doesn't make them any different than any of us. Okay yeah, they have an insanely rare magic. Congratu-fucking-lations. Yes, other black magic users have all turned out evil but so what? Why can't these two be different? I know that they are. To all of those that yelled at them, shamed them, and insulted them, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Don't go around just judging people for what magic they have because they can't choose it. They were born with it. Fuck you all."

Landon stormed off the stage and went back to his seat, next to Preston. Everybody was in shock. Not a word was spoken.

"I feel like now is a good time to mention that I'm an Ultima as well." Lillian leaned forward and slightly whispered.

Whatever calmness that was gained by Landon's speech was immediately lost. People went into a riot again.

"Shut the flying fuck up or I swear down I will stab somebody!" Lillian shouted.

That shut everyone up instantly. They all looked at the stage again, staring and the 5' 2" terror of a girl that, if looks could kill, would have them all dead right now.

"Holy shit y'all don't know how to accept this. How the hell do you think you would feel if you were in our position? Would you be brave enough to actually tell everyone here that you have black magic? Probably not. You probably would just say you had blue magic and everybody would be fine with it.-"

"Which would be cheating, by the way." Mr.Beast cut in.

Lillian turned around and looked at him.

"Shoosh nobody asked you!" She shouted.

"But I'm the hos-"

When he tried to speak again, she transformed into her power form and growled through her bared fangs.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I'll go now," Mr.Beast said, stepping off the stage.

Lillian turned back around and said into the mic, "Anybody else got a problem? No? Okay good. What now?"

Everyone was quietly staring at them. Then one person started clapping, followed by another and another. Eventually, everyone was standing up and clapping for them. Lillian spread her vanta-black devil wings to full length and held out her hand to silence everyone.

Once everyone went silent, Lillian gave her signature sideways smile and spoke into the mic, "Let the Battle begin."

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