The Battle Part 1

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Lillian and Lachlan walked off of the stage and Mr. Beast came back on.

"Well, that was very interesting but as Lillian said, the Battle is beginning. We will start by saying that once again, there is no same-color teaming. The only way that it is allowed is if there are multiple other colors of magic in that team and no more than three of each color."

(A/N: If that got confusing, let me know and I will explaining to you. <3)

"We will start by showing each contestant to their places in the Battle Arena. Each person will be given a flare. Whenever a player gets hit five times, they are out. Once they are out, they will shoot their flare signaling that they are out and will be escorted off the playing field. These are the rules for magic against another player. Nothing must be permanent. If you intentionally permanently damage another player, you will be disqualified and stripped of all powers. (Pretend that theres a way to do that.) Obviously the color teaming rule which I have already gone over. Lastly, don't intentionally bring pain to another. While this is a Battle, it was designed for youtubers to socialize, hangout with each other, make new friends, meet with old ones, and have fun so let's keep it that way. Now, will the first row of contestants please, follow our first chaperone to the Battle arena and after everyone is safely inside and spread apart, let the Battle begin."

~Time Skip~

When it was time for their row to go and be placed into the arena, Lillian, Lachlan, and the Click Crew followed their chaperone to their different sections. When it came time for them to split up, Lillian was the first one to go. She walked up to each of the members of Click, hugged them, and said goodbye.

When she came up to Lachlan, she grabbed his hands for a second and he engulfed her in a hug.

"I love you Lillian. Please make it out of this okay." He whispered into her ear.

"I love you too, Lachlan. I promise nothing will happen to me. I promise that we'll get out of this okay. I have to go now, bye-bye."

With that, she turned and walked into her spot in the Arena, waiting for everyone to load in and for the horn to blow.

-Time Skip 15 minutes-

After waiting for about fifteen minutes for everyone else, Lillian had started to get bored and play with her hood strings.

All of a sudden, she heard the horn blow and everyone was off. The first round had begun.

The first thing that Lillian did was run in the direction that she knew the Crew would be in. The first person she bumped into was Lannan.

"Hey Lannan! You heading towards the rest of them?"

He had his back turned to her so she had called him from a distance so she wouldn't scare him and cause him to accidentally hit her with a power spark. Only part of it worked.

"Holy fucking Jesus Christ fuck shit!!" Lannan shouted, causing Lillian to laugh. "Fuck you Lillian! You scared the living shit out of me!!"

"Yeah well, quit being such a wimp." Lillian retorted then bust out laughing again.

"You're lucky I like you. Otherwise you would be so out of this competition right now."

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