The Battle Part 3

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The last section of the Battle was underway. The group, now including Preston, not including Bazza, were walking around, looking for people to take down.

During the previous section of the Battle, part three, they had looked around for anybody to take down but only succeeded in finding absolutely nobody.

Lannan had just started the bantering of them 'not being fit enough for this shit' when the siren went off, signaling that the third part was over.

Now, they were on the hunt for other people one more, only this time, there was a smaller playing field and there was less opponents.

Elliott and Lannan were leading the pack with Lillian and Lachlan behind them and the others at the back.

They were all trudging along by a sheltered area when Landon came running out of it.

Instantly, Lillian's previously relaxed face hardened, knowing that it might not be Landon who was in control of his body. She broke away from Lachlan and pushed her way between Lannan and Elliott. She stepped in front of them and put up a force field behind her to protect her friends and her love.

"Landon?" She said cautiously, not wanting to risk their safety if Landon wasn't really himself.

Instead of his face breaking into a friendly smile like Lillian was hoping, Landon's face split into an evil smile that met his cold eyes.

He laughed almost maniacally.

"Silly little Lillian. Always so hopeful." He spoke but it wasn't his usual light tone but an evil, heavy tone.

"You always try to see the best in people. That must be why you were so weak in school."

Lillian drew a sharp breath. She didn't want to fall to the boy using Landon's body to do his evil works but it was hard. She was having to hear her childhood best friend spit evil things at her.

"It was always so easy to get under your skin." He started circling her yet not breaking the connection of their locked eyes. "Honestly, I wish you had killed yourself that day in senior year. It would have made my life so much easier and better. It's sad that you were the only one that understood the truth."

"And what might that be?" Lillian asked, trying to go along with his game.

"That you weren't loved and you weren't wanted. The funny thing is, you still aren't. Well, I'll see you in the final round, Lillian." He turned on his heel, took three steps away, and stopped. "Oh, and good luck to you all, you're going to need it."

With that, he took another step and teleported to a different part of the arena.


It was the final 14 other people of the fourth part of the Battle. Twenty-two competitors needed to go down to finish the section of the Battle.The circle was so small that, if you stood on one side, you could easily see the opposite end.

The groups tight circle of people had been broken. Thirteen of the 14 other people had teamed up and moved in on them. The enemies had slowly sent person after person into the circle to break it apart and weaken the group.

Lachlan and Lannan were caught up fighting three other people, Preston, JJ, and Vikk were battling three enemies, Kathleen, Marcus, and Cray had three, and Elliott and Lillian were fighting four.

'Lillian, what should we do?' Lachlan said in her head, using his telepathy.

'Hang on. I've got a plan. I just need to make a quick mind link with the others.'

'Okay, good luck.' With that, Lachlan cut off their mind link to make room for the connection for everyone.

Lillian shot a Sandstorm at one of her opponents, eliminating her. She then made the mind link whilst still fighting the other three.

'Okay guys. I've made a mind link between us all. I've got a plan to take them all out. If everybody gets their opponents down to one hit and then Lachlan and I put a force field around you all, I can do a Feigning Whisp which will speed across them all. Sound good?'




'Go for it'

'Hell yeah'


'Sounds good'


'Good luck'

Lillian broke the mind link and they all started to slowly chip away at each opponents health.

One by one, each enemy's health got brought down to one but in the process, the group lost Marcus, Kathleen, Elliott, Lannan, Cray, and Preston.

Lachlan, force field the rest and yourself! Now!

Immediately, three force fields were around Lachlan, Vikk, and JJ.

As soon as she realized that the force fields were up, Lillian launched herself into a midair-backflip. When she came back down, she landed silently with the palm of her hand on the ground.

Although you couldn't hear her land, a hush swept across their section of the field and the other 12 enemies were eliminated.

Lillian turned to JJ, Lachlan, and Vikk who had just let their force fields down.

"So, looks like we just need to find Landon, elim and then it's between us thr—"

But she never got to finish that sentence. From behind, she heard the crunch of a dead leaf under a foot. All of a sudden, there was a force field around her and Landon was in a fight with Lachlan, Vikk, and JJ.

With Landon on full health, Lachlan on two, and Vikk and JJ on one, the boys stood no chance.

Landon, who had seen what Lillian just did to her previous opponents, did a Feigning Whisp, eliminating JJ and Vikk.

He then turned on Lachlan who was now down to one hit, and fired a Silent Streak at him.

The ball of blue magic shot across the field, rapidly closing the gap between Lachlan and Landon.

Lachlan tried to jump out of the way of the shot but was a moment too slow. The ball caught him just below his collarbone, throwing him to the side and on the ground.

The final horn sounded and the force field encasing Lillian dissipated. She watched as Lachlan reluctantly set off his flare and Landon casually strolled towards her with an evil smirk on his face.

"Looks like it's just you versus me Young. We're the final two and one of us won't make it out. I promise that it won't be me."

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