Revealing pt.1

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Elliott's Point of View
As soon as Lachy asked about holding a meeting to reveal everyone's powers, I got nervous. Lillian has told me that she used black magic, but she had also told me she was worried about telling everyone that. She was worried that they would assume that she was an evil user of magic, seeing as the last 20 or so black magic users had turned out to be evil. I didn't think that she had anything to be worried about. She was a sweet and very caring person and everyone in the crew was pretty chill and loved her. I respect her privacy and hesitation to reveal her powers but there was one other reason I was nervous. Lachy has never told anyone, that I'm aware of, about his magic so this meeting will be a revealing of both Lillian's and Lachy's magic. I was still standing at the bottom of the stairs with Lachy when the elevator opened, releasing Marcus, Kath, and Cray. A few moments later, Bazz appeared at the top of the steps with Lannan gripping his right forearm and shaking it, trying to annoy him.
"Get off me!" Bazz shouted at Lannan.
"Just because I want to hear what Moose-tits over here wants to say, I shall let you free." Lannan replied whilst releasing Bazza's arm.
"Okay, let's hear it Mr. Moose-tits. Whatcha call us down for?" Marcus questioned, wrapping his arm around Kathleen's shoulders.
"Lachy wants to do a revealing-of-our-powers meeting so We get to know Lillian and she get to know us a bit better. Imma call in the pizza and while that's coming along, we can hold the meeting. Sound good?"
'Yeps', 'yeahs', and 'sures' came from the other five.
"Okay then. I will go order the pizza and will see you all in a few. Adios!!"
(Had to get that "Adios, senior" meme in there)
After he orders the pizza
(It's cheese pizza btw)
"Okay! Now that we have everyone in on the same level of the house and amazingly in the same room, let's begin with the power-telling-revealing-whatever-you-wanna-call-it shit. Let's go in this order," I began.
"First: Me
Third: Marcus
Fourth: Bazz
Fifth: Cray
Eighth: Lachy.
Sound good to everybody?" I questioned.
Everybody nodded.
"Okay then, let's start. I am a brown magic user also known as a minor magic user. I have primary powers of force-fields, invisibility, and water. So...yeah...that's pretty much it...NEXT!!!!" I shouted.
Kath stood up and said, "Marcus and I have the exact same power so I can just say it for both of us. So we are pink magic or minor magic users. Basically we control all of that sappy love shit." Kath spoke, laughing at the end, causing everyone to laugh, chipping away at the tension in the room. "Our extra powers are, telekinesis and creation." She sat down as Bazz stood up.
"Okay, mine has a funny backstory. I use green magic, which is classified as between major and minor magic. Green magic is the control of all plants and how fast they grow. That's the real reason that other youtubers call me 'Plant Man' but for the subs, we say it's because I'm tall and most of the time can't fit in the camera frame even though I say I can." Bazz rants. (If you understand, I love you forever.)
"Okay then." I heard Lillian say, chuckling a little bit.
"Next up is Cray!! Go on, little mustache man!!" I shouted, earning a laugh from everyone.
Cray stood up, giving me a cold stare, then smiling, letting me know he was joking.
"Okay, first off, fuck you, Elliott. Second off, I am a yellow magic user or a major magic user. Now, even though yellow is considered a major magic, it's the lowest level of major magic. Yellow magic is the magic of carefreeness. My primary are, Olli subridens and risus. Those are the Latin words for smiling and laughter. They make those powers Latin words because they sound cooler."
"Okay. Up next is myself, the self-proclaimed, dumb-shit-scientist." Lannan said, standing up. "I am a major magic user so, fuck you, you minor magic peasants. I am a blue magic user. Blue magic, as you all, my fellow fuck-tards, should know, is Shadow Stealth. My primaries are invisibility, silent step, and I'll let you guess and if you didn't get it you're a dumb fuck, Shadow Stealth, the ability to merge with shadows. I'm officially the coolest one here, nobody can trump me."
"Think again Lannan. I know for a fact that I have a more powerful magic."
Lillian spoke and stood up.
"Well, what's more powerful than blue magic? The only type of a higher rank than blue is....."
Lannan trailed off, realizing what her words meant.
"Black magic."

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