Meeting Click

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"So the first thing we're going to do is introduce you to the rest of the Click Crew. There are 6 of them and they are all going to go to The Battle of the Youtubers as well." Elliott said the Lillian. "There is Kathleen who we call Kath or Lufu. She's really nice, I think you two will get along really well. Then there is Marcus. He and Kath are currently dating and he is super nice as well. Next is Cray that little bitch. He is super short, I mean like, short short short sho-"
"Elliott, I think I understand." Lillian said while laughing.
"Whatever. He also has a mustache that he twists and it's like, really annoying. There is also Lannan who is an annoying little shit. He does absolutely retarded crap and we love him for it. Next up is Plant Man. His actual name is Brodey but we call him Bazza or Bazz because that's as close to his channels name as we can get and still give a damn. Now, I will warn you. This man is 6ft 7inches. DO NOT start shouting at him and asking how the hell he got that tall like you did the last tall person you met, okay?" (Actually did that cause I'm short AS)
"I make no promises."
"Close enough! Okay then, lastly there is Lachlan or Lachy. He's not usually there but you might see him around. You also have me in the group and I guess that you could say that I'm the alpha of the group, the leader, the strongest, the-"
"Haha. You wish. I bet you're probably the weakest one there." Lillian smirked.
"Nobody asked you Lillian! Nobody asked you." Elliott replied.
"Oh so I'm right then?"
"SHUT UP!!" He said in that weird accent he does when he got proven wrong and he knows it.
"How about I make you shut up, huh?" Lillian said and flicked her wrist ever so slightly so that a piece of cloth appeared out of the air and tied itself around Elliott's mouth. Enough magic to make that twat shut up but not enough for it to cause any danger to the cabbie up front, seeing as too much magic too close to normal people can sometimes be a danger to them. Elliott reached behind his head and undid the knot that was holding the cloth in place. Then he playfully smacked the side of her face with it but not hard enough to hurt her.
"Well then, I see how it is." He said.
"Took you long enough, dimwit." Lillian shot back.
With nothing to come back with, Elliott just rolled his eyes in defeat and looked out his window while Lillian looked out hers and the two friends stayed like that for the rest of the car ride.

———when they get to the mansion———

The cab pulled up to the mansion and Elliott paid off the cabbie. Then Lillian got her luggage out of the trunk/boot.  When she turned around to look at the mansion, she was absolutely amazed. It was so beautiful. It was all white with windows everywhere and it was huge.
"Umm... I just didn't care enough to and knew you would come down here to visit eventually."
"Of course. That is totally something you would do." Lillian sighed.
"Well, are you ready to go meet everyone?" He asked her.
"No. I'm an antisocial bitch. Let's go." (This is something I have said irl too and my friend busted out laughing)
"Alright, let's go!!" Elliott shouted, making her laugh.
Lillian and Elliott walked up to the front door, Elliott leading the way, and he opened the door for them. He stepped inside and then moved aside to let her in as well. When she walked in, Elliott shut the door behind her. Lillian looked up from where she had been looking at the ground because, again, she was antisocial and saw 6 people walking up to meet her. The first one she guessed was Cray because he looked just like Elliott had described him: short with a mustache yet he was still taller than her by about 4 inches. He had really blue eyes and reddish brown hair, kind of like Elliott.
"Hello Lillian, I'm Cray. Welcome to the Click House." He said while shaking her hand.
"Hi Lillian, I'm Kath. Welcome to Australia." She said while smiling and giving Lillian a hug. Lillian liked her already, she was so sweet.
"Welcome to Australia Lillian. Good to have ya here. I'm Marcus." He shook her hand and walked over to Kath, putting his arm around her shoulders. They were a really cute couple. She hoped that they stayed together and nothing happens between them.
"G'day mate. Welcome to Australia, the land of Vegeshite. I'm Lannan, the annoying prick."
"Okay then." She chuckles and shook his hand.
The next person was probably the tallest person she had ever seen in her entire life.
"Holy shit!! How in the hell did you get so fucking tall?!?!" Lillian yelled. To be fair, she did say no promises.
"Lillian! What did we say about doing that?" Elliott shouted at her.
"For your information bitch, you said not to do it and I said no promises, okay?" Lillian yelled back at him.
"God dammit. Fine continue." He said while the others were laughing. "Don't laugh, you're encouraging her. You know what? I give up." He said when they didn't stop.
"Damn right." She said under her breath as she turned back to the guy that HAD to be Bazza just because of the height factor.
"Uh.. hello Lillian. I'm Bazza or Bazz, whichever I don't really care what you call me. Welcome to Australia and the Click House, where shit usually gets destroyed." This made her laugh again. These people were really funny. She could tell she was gonna like it here. With one person left to go, she slightly lifted her head, seeing as it had dropped a bit and what you saw shocked you. It was the same person-
A/N: Hahahaha CLIFFHANGER!!!! I'm sorry I had to do it. The timing was great. Also it was already 1025 words. I had to cut it off somewhere. Sorry for not posting a lot. I've been super sick with infintigo, strep, and fever. I'll try to post a bit more often but yeah that's really all.

Goodbye my Shady Squad I love you all, happy Valentine's Day!! Keep up the great work and stay awesome!!!

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