6.Whats your name?!

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Next one is here haha read to find out


Selena Pov:

"That's no good then" said Nurse Joy writing something down.

"I know your awake" I said looking at the boy on my bed.

He lifted his he up and looked me in the eyes, he had sliver eyes, no surprise there.

"How did you know" he asked.

"Your breathing change as soon as Nurse Joy started to talk" I said smiling.

"Well..., my names Moon Light" he said one hand Scratching his headed and the other waiting for a hand shake.

"Well I can't remember my name and I can't shake your hand mate" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ohhh yah sorry I forgot" he said looking down at his feet.

I laughed.

"So how did you end up in the middle of the ocean, with Mew" he asked.

I told Moon Light what happened,I started when Mew popped her head out of the brush.

"So you don't remember anything else" he asked

"No, I don't remember anything before that" I said closing my eyes.

"Ok, the girl needs to rest now Moon Light" said Nurse Joy opening the door.

"Ok, but we can't keep calling her 'the girl' we need to give her a name for now, until we find out her really name" said Moon Light.

"How about Angle" said Nurse Joy.

"Angle it is then" said Moon Light.

"Do I get a say in this" said Angle.

"No you don't" said Moon Light laughing he's way out of the door.


Her names Angle now %)

Tnader out :=P

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