17.The ugly truth

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So here's it is lol.


Moon Light Pov:

Zorua transformed into Charizard and blocked the path way out.

"We don't have much choice do we now" said Michael grabbing his stuff and went into one of the bed rooms.

"Well Im not giving up that easy, I have a lot of question unanswered, why should we do what she said when she won't tell us anything" he said scrunching up his fist.

"Luke, she will tell us in her own time, now we have to be patient" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Ok,.......I'm just worried" he said turning around walking into his room.


Angel Pov:

"What was that about" asked Christine as I pulled her towards the lake.

We got to the lake, I made sure there was no one around.

"I'll show you then" I said walking to the edge of the lake and lifting my bloody T-shirt of my back only wearing bras, although I was flat chested.










"W...wings t..there .. So beautiful" she said shocked.

"My wings had dry blood on them and I haven't had time to wash them and I also can't reach them as well, so will you be able to help me" I said turning around slow.

"S..sure" she said.

I reached down to my backpack and grabbed out a sponge, she grabbed the sponge out of my hand, I sat in the water, while she washed the blood away.

"You still shocked" I said.

"Sort of, but I think it cool, you would be able to fly when ever you want to" she said.

"Well I don't know how to even us them" I said.

"Don't worry about that I'll help you, can't wait to tell the boys" she said happily.

"You can't" I said looking down.

"Why not" she said moving to my right wing to clean it.

"One of them is working for Team Plasma........"


Someone is working for Team Plasma but who.

%O lol

(Dodges flying chair)

"Don't start this again"

(I chuck a table at Angel)

"Ha I win"

Tnader out :P :D

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