19. Our life?!

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what's going to happened :)


Angel Pov:

"Angel wake up" Christine said moving my wing out of the way.

"To early" I said sitting up and pushing the blanket to one side.

"It's 8am" she said.

"To early still" I said jumping down from my hammock.

I stretched my wing out, and then tucked them in, I put my blue jumper over them, I put black jeans on and walked out of the room.

The guy were out side already, they were sitting around the fire it was cold here in the morning.

"Morning sleeping beauty" said Moon Light chucking more wood on the fire.

Christine and I sat down around the the fire, Zorua walked over to me and laid on my lap, falling asleep.

There was an awkward silence in the air.







"Why don't we get to know each other better" I said.

"I'll start, I'm from Sinnoh and the Champion of Sinnoh, I'm 16, I have no siblings, my mother died when i was young and my farther.... I don't talk to him anymore" said Moon Light.

"I'm next, I've been an orphan since I was 4, I don't have much memory of my parents, I'm 16, i've been all around the world because no one wanted me as their own child" said Christine.

"Here I go, I'm from Uvona, I'm 16 to 17 soon, my mother and father and my little sister they live in Aspertia city, and I haven't seen them in a year" said Luke.

"............I'm 16... That's all I'm going to say" said Michael looking at the ground.

"Ok, that just leaves me, I'm 15 and I turn 16 in a month or so, I have no memory of my parents or my name, Moon Light was the one who gave me a name, I had unknown powers, and I can talk to Pokemon" I said as Mew sat on my head.

"Meww" she said putting up her right hand, she said (yeah)

"So what did Team Plasma do with your back" asked Michael ask.

"All in good time" I said standing up.

"Why won't you tell us, we told you stuff" said Luke.

"Yes I know, but some of you guys weren't telling the whole truth" I said starting to walk.

I looked at Zorua, and gave him to sign to keep on guard, Christine and Mew followed me out outside the cave.

We got to the lake in silence, I took off my jumper only wearing my blue T-shirt (I made holes in my T-shirt so my wings can go though) and stretched out my wings.

"You okay" said Christine.

"Yeah, let's get some practising in while we can" I said slowly flapping my wings.

"Now try to go really fast towards the sky"

I pushed my wings towards the ground as hard as I can, in seconds I was above the clouds, the Sun just came out, it was warm and beautiful.

I went in and out of the clouds, it felt so nice as the clouds gently touched my face, I flew back down to the ground, where Christine was waiting for me.

"I think you got the hang of it already" said Christine putting her arm around my neck.

"I couldn't have done it without you" I said putting my arm around her neck.

"Let's head back" Christine said pulling me along.


She finally learns to fly.

Who wasn't telling the truth about their life.

Tnader out :P

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