13. Testing subject

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What's going to happen, you better read to find out :)


Moon Light:

I was able to get the bag of my head, I looked around, I saw Christine in a cage on the left of me and Zorua's cage on the right of me.

"Christine you ok" I asked.

"Yah, wheres Angel" she asked trying to get the bag of her head.

"I'm not sure, she's not here" I said looking at Zorua.

Zorua was standing up, looking at a in built house in the rock wall, he lift his paw, point at the rock house.

"Is that where Angel is?" I asked Zorua.

He nodded.


Angel Pov:

The man pulled off the bag that was on my head, I looked at him, he had a long black jacket that hit the ground, he held a sword in his left hand, he had a red eye patch on his right eye and green hair, I've seen that green hair somewhere before.

There were three doctors in the room, two males and one female.

"What do you want" I looked at him, in the eyes.

"My dear, you have a power that will help me take over the whole world" he said evilly smiling.

"Well you got the wrong person, I'll Miles leave now" I said smiling back at him.

"Not till we experiment on you first" he said nodding at the doctors.

One of the doctors laid me on the table, hocked my legs and arms to the table, both the men garbed there note pads, the woman grab a needle and put it in my arm, it was a white liquid.

My back was starting to hurt, it felt as if two thrones were pushing though my skin.

"Feel anything yet" he said.

"Not...a..thing" I said pushing my teeth together.

"Give her another one then" he said.

The woman put another needle in my arm, the pain increased, I made sure not to scream, I didn't want Moon Light and Christine to worry.

I could feel the thrones push even more though my skin.

"Now" he asked again.

"What are you trying to achieve" I Gusted for air.

"We have been doing all kinds of experiments....on Pokémon, we were just waiting for the right test subject to walk in and put it altogether, that would be you" he said look out the window.

The woman put another needle in my arm, how many more! I was now breathing deeply, the thrones were getting bigger and bigger, it hurt so much more.

"Now" he evilly smiled.

"What do you think, pirate" I laughed at the last part.

"You'll pay for that, put the rest in" he said scrunching his fist.

Three needles went into my arm at once, the pain growled, the throne final came out of my skin, I could hold the pain in any longer.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.


What's happening to Angel, you'll have to wait and see.

Tnader out. :0

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