14. Dont give up

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Moon Light Pov:


I heard a scream for the rock house, that's Angel.

Two men dressed as doctors, walk out the door holding Angel, they chucked her in a cage on top of mine.

"Angel, what happened, are you ok" I said really worried.

"..........Mo....on.....Li......ght...." She said weakly.

"Don't worry I'm here" I said lifting my hands up on top of my cage trying to find hers.

I found her hand, I held onto gently.

My eyes were shocked to see what happened next.........








B..blood, there was blood dropping of the cage hitting the floor.

"Angel don't you die on us" I said, my eyes were starting to water.



Luke Pov:


"What was that" I said looking at Michael.

"Sounded like a girl screaming in pain" said Michael looking where the scream came from.

"Angel...." I said under my breath.

Please Angels ok.

We found where the rest of the gang were, they got captured by Team Plasma, now we needed a plan to get them out of there.

Angel had blood on her back.

I let out my Skuntank, Michael let out his Garbodor.

Moon Light saw us.

"Use poison gas" said Michael and I at the same, whispering.


Moon Light Pov:

I saw Luke and Michael.

"Christine, Zorua and Angel, Luke and Michael are going to use poison gas, so make sure you don't breath it in" I said lifting my T-shirt over my face.

There was a purple cloud coming towards us, all of Team Plasma grunts started running out of the cave, Zorua used cut on the bars.

I got out of he cage and picked up Angel, I felt two things on her back, there was no time to see what they did.

We started running towards Luke and Michael, still covering are face.

"WHERE IS SHE, WE HAVE TO FINF HER" said a voice in the poison gas.

We found Luke and Michael, Luke toke Angel of me and carried her on his back, we ran out of the cave, Team Plasma grunt were out here coughing and laying on the ground.

"STOP THEM" a man said with green.

We were trapped.

"STAY AWAY FROM THEM" said a man from the sky.

He was riding a black Pokemon...Zekrom, Zekrom landed right I front of us.

"My name is N, I'm here to help you, get out your flying Pokemon" he said.

"How can we trust you" said Christine.

"Do you have choice in the matter, and we have to get her to a hospital" N said looking at Angel.

Everyone got out there Pokemon out except Luke he didn't have a flying Pokemon yet.

"Get on" N said putting out his hand.

Luke grabbed hold of his making sure he didn't drop Angel, Zorua jumped on Zekrom before he toke off.


Angel Pov:

I opened my eyes to see Luke holding to me, I lifted my right hand slow to see it covered in blood, Luke grabbed hold of my hand.

"Don't give up Angel, were nearly there" he said near crying.

I closed my eyes, smiling a little bit.



Tnader out :P

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