Chapter 1

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"Hello, my name is Jason Kage I'm 17 years old, I'm a high school student and I'm a demon, but before you freak out let me explain, after the Demon King and Angel God sealed Oblivion away 5,000 years ago some angels and demons decided to stay on Middle World aka Earth, and live lives alongside each other and the humans, so because of that humans, demons, angel and demi humans which are half human and either half demon or half angel live together, work together, go to the same school together etc., so now I hope there isn't any reason to be surprised when I say I'm a demon, so now let's get to the story!"

"Beep beep beep!" Jason's alarm clock blared.
"Agh why can't it be Friday!" Jason says sitting up in his bed. "Well I'd better get ready for school."
Jason gets ready and leaves for school.

At school in Jason's classroom
"Okay class find your seats I have some exciting news, we have a new student that's going to be joining us." Miss. Tsuki says.
Jason heard excited murmuring amongst his classmates as they walked over to there desks.
"Okay you can come in now." Miss. Tsuki said, then the door of the classroom opened up, and a shy girl with blond hair and icy blue eyes walked in trying to avoid the eyes of the other students.
"Why don't you introduce yourself." Miss. Tsuki suggested.
"Um hel... hello my nam... my name is Glaciea Tenshi it's a plea... pleasure to meet you all." Glaciea stammered.
"Well it's nice to meet you Glaciea, why don't you take the seat next to Jason." Miss. Tsuki said and gestured to the seat next to Jason in the back row, Glaciea walked over to it.
"Hi it's nice to meet you Glaciea." Jason said and extended his hand out when she sat down, but Glaciea avoided him and looked at her desk.
"It's nice to meet you too." Glacia says still looking down at her desk.
"Okay class lets get started on today's lesson." Miss. Tsuki says.

After class
Jason gets up to leave.
"Um Jason..."
Jason turns around and sees Glaciea staring at the ground.
"Yes what is it Glaciea?" Jason asked puzzled.
"Um is... is it okay if... if I can ask you to walk me to my place... please, but don't think of it as anything weird..., I just moved here so I don't know my way around so well yet." Glaciea says still looking at the ground.
Jason smiles. "Yeah I don't mind, and trust me I know from experience how a city that you never been to before can be confusing to get around in especially if you came from a small village, town or another city." Jason says.
Glaciea raises her head and looks at him and Jason got lost in her blue eyes, but she quickly looked down at the ground again.
"Tha... thank you Jason." Glaciea said.
"Glaciea where do you live anyway?" Jason asked her.
"Oh I live in the apartment complex on North Water View street." She said still looking at the ground.
"Wait Glaciea I live there also!" Jason says shocked.
Glaciea raises her head again.
"Well shall we head there?" Jason smiles again and holds out his hand and this time Glaciea takes it.
The two exit the school and head towards the apartment complex.

They arrive at the apartments.
"So which apartment number is yours Glaciea?" Jason asks her.
"My apartment number is 116 what number is yours?" She asks him.
"Oh I'm apartment number 112, so you're just a few doors down from me." Jason says.
"So it seems." Glaciea says quietly.
"Glaciea did you say something?" Jason asks her.
Glaciea could feel her face turning red. "Nope I didn't say anything." She assured him.
"Well anyway Glaciea I will be seeing you tomorrow if you have any questions, or need anything come see me okay?" Jason asks her.
Glaciea shakes her head yes, then walks towards her apartment.

The next day.
Jason and Glaciea walk to school together.
"Okay class we are going to start talking about fiends and magic." Miss. Tsuki says with a serious tone in her voice. "If you don't know what fiends are there basically magic parasites that literally suck the magic out of living things, and all of you know that magic is in all living things, but if a fiend drains you of all of your magic you turn into a fiend yourself." Miss. Tsuki says.
A female student raises her hand.
"Yes Amber?" Asked Miss. Tuski.
"Um I thought fiends vanished when the Demon King and Angel God sealed Oblivion away 5,000 years ago?" Asked Amber.
"Yes, that is correct, but there was a fiend attack in a village last night!" Miss. Tuski says, seriousness and a hint of anger clear in her voice.
"Wait?!" "What?!" "No way?!" Jason's classmates said in a panic.
"And with the appearance of fiends that means that the magic barrier is weakening that Oblivion is sealed behind." Miss. Tuski says.
"That's why the principal told all of the teachers to test the students to see where they currently stand with the use of magic, that's in each and everyone of you from demon, to angel, to human and to demi human, so I will help teach you how to make your magic control even stronger than it currently is, so if you can use magic in spell form or channel it and make a magic weapon, or if you can use it in both spell and weapon form, I will help you make that current magic control that you have even stronger! Since that attack on that village last night was only the beginning, it's only a matter of time before the fiends attack again, and since no one knows where there next attack is going to happen, it's a good idea to get prepared since who knows there next attack might even be our very own lovely city of Sorairo! So, let's get this magic exam underway, because once I'm done teaching you all that I can those fiends won't know what hit them!" Miss. Tuski says looking at the students.

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