Chapter 21

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"What the, what happened to the sky?!" Drake asks surprised since the sky was pitch black when moments ago it was a brilliant blue.
"I don't know, but this isn't natural." Sara says.
"No it isn't." Glaciea agreed.
Droplets start to fall.
"Wait what is this rain? But the rain droplets are pitch black!" Drake says.
Where the droplets fell on the ground fiends emerged.
"What in the worlds?!" Sara says in disbelief at the scene unfolding before her.
"We need to get out of here and fast before we're surrounded!" Glaciea says and takes off running in the direction they just came from, Drake and Sara following after her.
"I don't understand what's happening!" Drake says.
"I have no idea either Drake." Glaciea says then trips.
"Glaciea are you alright?" Sara asks her.
"Yeah I should be." Glaciea tries getting up, but her legs are shaking from exhaustion.
"Here lean on me." Sara instructs and Glaciea obeys, but they where now almost completely surrounded by fiends.
"What should we do?" Drake asks.
"I guess the only option we have is to stand our ground and fight! We won't be able to out run them forever with Jason and Glaciea both out of commission now." Sara says then looks at Jason who was unconscious on Drake's back then at Glaciea who was struggling to stay standing.
"I'm sorry." Glaciea says feeling like a burden now.
"Theres nothing to be sorry about." Sara tries to reassure her.
"Glaciea can you look after Jason for me?"Drake asks.
"Yes of course." Glaciea responded.
Drake walked over to a tree that was behind him, then gently sits Jason down against the tree.
"I will protect him with every last bit of strength and magic I have left!" Glaciea says then with Sara's help goes over to Jason and sits next to him.
When all of this was happening the fiends where closing the space between them.
"Well Sara are you ready?" Drake asks her while summoning flames in both of his hands.
"Of course it's my job and honor to protect the members of the royal family and any that are lucky enough to call them friends." Sara turns her head towards Glaciea and gives her a smile then summons her sword, white feathers floated off of the blade.
The fiends must have taken this as an invention for a fight since the suddenly picked up speed and charged at them.
"Here they come!" Drake says. "Feast on this fiends!" He says then from his hands a pillar of flames shot towards the fiends reducing them to nothing more than a pile of ash.
"Nice one Drake!" Glaciea says behind him.
"Nice now its my turn!" Sara says, then her sword started glowing brightly. "Have a taste of Devine punishment fiends! Heavenly lightning!" Sara pointed the sword tip towards the sky which started to crackle with lightning, she then pointed the sword at the fiends and a large bolt of lightning came down from the sky and fried a large number of fiends. Sara and Drake kept up there onslaught of attacks on the fiends, but whenever they took out a large number of fiends the black droplets fell and replenished the fiends numbers.
"As long as this black rain continues there won't be any end to them." Sara says while breathing hard now.
"Yeah theres no way we're going to win at this rate." Drake says breathing hard too.
"Come on Drake we can't let these fiends get past us!" Sara says. "Heavenly lightning!" Nothing came. "Oh no I'm completely out of magic?!" Sara says horrified.
Drake goes to shoot another pillar of flames from his hands at the advancing fiends, but nothing came out.
"No way I'm out of magic too!" Drake says.
"New plan I will act as a diversion, Drake you get Glaciea and Jason out of here!" Sara says.
"Sara no I won't leave you!" Glaciea says feeling tears forming in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Glaciea, but there's no other option I can think of." Sara says then faces Drake. Who looks at Sara then at Glaciea, but before he could says anything they hear someone singing the singing got closer and closer.
"No way." Sara says in complete disbelief, then the next thing they knew tree roots where sprouting from all of the fiends chests they then dissolved into nothingness and standing there was...
"Crystal?!" Drake and Glaciea said in perfect unison.
"Flora?!" Sara says in shock. "This is probably the only time that I'll be overjoyed to see a traitor."
Crystal walks over to them. "I will ignore that last statement Sara since I need to get you four to the city ASAP." She says then walks over to Glaciea. "Can you walk?" She asks her.
"Kinda." Glaciea responded.
"Here I will help Glaciea, Drake you take Jason." Sara instructs.
"Alright." Drake says then picks Jason up and drapes him over his back.
Sara turns towards Crystal. "Alright we're ready lead the way."
Crystal turns and starts walking in the direction of the city, on the way fiends appeared, but Crystal took them out effortlessly. Finally after what felt like an eternity they made it back to the city.
"Wait what happened to everyone?" Sara asked Crystal.
Since there was absolutely no one in sight when they arrived.
"Everyone in the city was quickly evacuated to different safe areas in the city." Crystal explains.
"That's an relief." Drake says.
A shadow flys suddenly overhead.
"Is that a fiend?" Drake asks looking up.
The figure seemed to chuckle then got closer and Drake saw that the figure appeared to be male with angel wings, a halo that shined on his black hair, and he had icy blue eyes that reminded Drake of Glaciea's.
"I'm terribly sorry for alarming you, but rest assured I'm no fiend my name is Michael." He introduced himself, he then looked at Jason on Drake's back. "Is it okay if I treat the injuries of the son of Satan you have on your back there." Michael asks Drake.
Drake is a little hesitant and Crystal must have noticed since she said.
"Don't worry Drake Michael is the best healer in all of Heaven." Crystal reassured him.
"Oh you flatter me Flora." Michael says.
"Um, okay." Drake says then sets Jason down.
"Alright let me work my magic." Michael lays his hand on Jason's chest and all of his injuries healed instantly.
"Wow that's amazing!" Drake says in amazement.
"Agh, what happened?" Jason asks as he slowly opens up his eyes.
"Jason!" Drake, Sara and Glaciea all say in perfect unison.
Jason sits up and puts his right hand on his head. "What happened to me?" Jason asks himself quietly then turns and looks at Drake, a confused look was written on Jason's face, but Drake couldn't blame him since he be confused too waking up like that.
"Alright Glaciea it's your turn now." Michael says then walks over to Glaciea and puts his hand on her chest, just like Jason all of her injuries healed instantly, and she could also feel her energy returning.
"Thank you Michael!" Glaciea says than walks a little ways away from Sara happy to be back on her own two feet and not feeling like a burden anymore.
"Here I would also like to give you four these." Michael reaches into a pouch he had on his left side and took out four golden apples.
"Wait those are Iduun apples?!" Sara says in disbelief.
"Yes, and I want all four of you to eat one." Michael explains.
"What's an Iduun apple?" Jason asks standing next to Drake now.
"There a magical apple that completely restores someone's magic and energy." Glaciea explains.
"And there very rare, so why have use eat them?" Sara asks Michael.
A serious expression darkened his face.
"Because Oblivion is free and he's coming this way, so the worlds are in great need of your assistance." Michael says and everyone is at a loss for words...

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