Chapter 19

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"Everyone I'll creat a distraction Jason, Drake and Glaciea you three prepare to launch a surprise attack okay?" Sara says quickly and  quietly, so only they could hear her. Jason, Drake and Glaciea where surprised by this, but they all shook there heads in agreement. "Good now get ready!" Sara says and holds her sword to the sky which started to glow. Akuma watches them not moving from where he stood.
"Let your radiant light blind my foes!" Sara yells and the sword glowed as bright as a star.
"What is this?!" Akuma asks as he covers his eyes, but then he gives his pointy teeth smile. "You will have to do better than that if you wish to defeat me!" Akuma focuses his magic into his sword then slashes a wave of powerful menacing magic towards where Sara was.
"Sara look out!" Glaciea said from somewhere in the light, then the light quickly faded away.
"Glaciea?!, Glaciea!!" Sara said horrified because lying on top of her was an extremely badly injured Glaciea, blood was gushing out of a massive wound that stretched from her right shoulder blade all the way to her left hip.
"Here let me heal you!" Sara says frantically and places her light sword on Glaciea's wound.
"Let the devein light heal the wounded." The sword started to glow and the wound slowly started to close.
Sara didn't notice that Drake and Jason landed on either side of her until Jason knelt down and brushed Glaciea's hair out of her wound, she could see the anger bubbling up inside of him.
"Is she alive?" He asks her trying to hold back his anger and tears.
"Yes." She says. Sara responded.
Jason stands up and faces Akuma.
"Sara, you and Drake get Glaciea out of here." Jason says between gritted teeth as he watched Akuma who seemed to be enjoying the scene that was unfolding before him, since he was giving Jason his pointy teeth smile.
"Wait Jason you can't possibly be thinking of fighting Akuma alone?!" Drake says shocked.
"I am and I'm going to knock his teeth out, so we won't ever have to see that smile of his ever again!" Jason says and clinches his fist.
Drake went to put his hand on Jason's left shoulder to stop him, but he stopped when darkness started to seep out of Jason's body.
Sara and Drake looked at him in stunned silence, since once the darkness dissipated his appearance was altered, he had his crimson red eyes, but his pitch black armor had white and red markings on it, his finger tips turned into claws, his horns lengthened and had red designs on them, and his wings where white on the outside with red designs on them as well.
Jason summoned his sword and flew towards Akuma who barely had time to block.
"Wait what, what is that?!" Drake asked Sara.
"That's Jason's true demon form." Said a soft voice.
Sara and Drake both looked down and saw that Glaciea was awake.
"Glaciea!" Sara felt tears forming in her eyes.
"Wait that's Jason's true demon form?!" Drake asks her.
Glaciea shacks her head yes.

"Akuma I won't let you get away!" Jason says pure rage in his voice.
Akuma blocked Jason's onslaught of attacks, but Jason wasn't giving him anytime to use his magic.
"You die here Akuma!" Jason yells then slashes his sword.
"I don't think so." Akuma says then walks inside of a shadow, Akuma appeared behind Jason and thrusted his sword to stab Jason in the the back.
"Shadow armor!" Jason says.
Akuma's sword bounced harmlessly off of Jason's back.
Akuma was staggered and Jason took this opportunity to strike.
"Phantom slash!" Jason's sword was enveloped in darkness and his sword cut through Akuma like he was cutting butter with a hot knife.
Akuma let out a deafening scream before he dissolved into nothingness.

"No way did Jason just kill Akuma?!" Drake asked in disbelief.
"Way to go Jason!" He yells, but Jason didn't say anything instead he looked at him with dull eyes and flew at Drake, Sara pulled Glaciea out of the way.
"Die!" Jason yelled and slashed at Drake. Drake barely escaped.
"Jason what are you doing?! What's wrong?!" Drake asks him. Jason didn't respond instead he kept attacking him.
"Jason has been consumed by his rage and became berserk!" Sara says terror in her voice.
"Wait what do you mean berserk?!" Drake asks her.
"In other words Jason has been consumed by his magic and rage and sees everyone as enemies." Glaciea says.
Jason stops and turns towards Glaciea, Sara runs in front of her with her sword in her hand ready to protect her.
"Glaciea, Sara how do we stop him?!" Drake asks from somewhere above them.
"We have to snap him out of his rage." Glaciea says.
"And how do we do that?" Drake asks.
Glaciea walks out from behind Sara and towards Jason.
"Wait Glaciea!" Sara yells.
"I'm the only one that should snap him out of his rage, it was my fault that Jason became berserk in the first place, so I should be the one to snap him out of it even if it means using that."
"Wait Glaciea you don't mean you're going to use that power?!" Sara says shocked.
Glaciea summons her bow in her hand and stops a little bit in front of Jason.
"Jason I will try to make this as painless as possible." Glaciea says softly then she gets enveloped in an icy wind, when the wind departed there was an angel with icy blue eyes, wearing a white dress with gold trimming, her wings sparkled like freshly fallen snow and her golden halo shone above her icy blue hair. Where she stood the ground started to freeze.
"Wait that's Glaciea?!" Drake asked Sara in amazement.
Sara shook her head yes.
"That's Glaciea's true angel form the angel of ice." Sara says.

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