Chapter 8

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It's a crystal clear cloudless night, the stars shone high above in the heavens, and the moon shines it's silvery rays across the land bathing everything in its brilliant light.
"Yes, this should be a good spot." A shadowy figure says as they gaze at the surface of a lake, it's surface reflected the light of the moon off of it like a mirror. The shadowy figure puts there hand into there pocket and produces a stone that glowed a faint white light, they then dropped it into the moonlight reflected surface of the lake, the water started to ripple then solidify, what the shadowy figure saw next was a man in all white with a halo on his head sitting at a desk.
"Hello Satan it's been what 4,000 years since the last time we spoke, so what's the meaning for you to contact me now and through a moonlight mirror of all things?!"
"Well God I have some urgent things I need to discuss with you about." Satan replied.

The next morning Jason woke up and saw that his dad was passed out snoring on the couch.
"Well I shouldn't wake him up, so I will just go get Glaciea and head to school." Jason thought to himself and quietly left the apartment.

When Glaciea and Jason entered there classroom everyone was talking amongst each other, but Drake but as soon as he saw Glaciea and Jason he smiled at them.
"Good morning you two." Drake greeted them.
"Good morning Drake." Glaciea and Jason both greeted him back as they walked to there desks.
The door to the classroom opened up and Miss. Tuski walked in.
"Good morning class can all of you please take a seat." Miss. Tuski asked and everyone went to an empty seat.
"Okay, so I thought more about the teams of three last night and I think they will be a good idea, I'm even going to let you choose your teammates, so go ahead and form your teams." Miss. Tuski says and smiles. Everyone gets up and started to make teams of three.
"Well Glaciea we are just missing one member." Jason said.
"So, would it be ok if I'd be the last member?"
Jason turned his head and sees Drake standing there.
"I have no objections do you Jason?" Glaciea asks him.
"I don't and we made a pretty good team last night, so welcome to the team Drake." Jason says.
Drake smiles. "Thank you you two."

(Spongebob a few moments later card)
"Okay it looks like everyone found there teams, so I will have one of your members from each of the teams tell me your team members and I will write there names down, so Hikari I will start with your team." Miss. Tuski says.
(Spongebob A few moments later card)
"Okay so Jason who's all in your team?" Miss. Tuski asks.
"It's me, Glaciea and Drake." Jason answers.
"Okay thank you." Miss.Tuski says. "And now last, but not least Kelsey whose all in your team?"
"It's me, Adam and Xavier." Kelsey answers.
"Okay did I miss anyone?" Miss. Tuski scans the room. "Okay, so the next thing I want you to do in your groups is getting to know each other more and..." Miss. Tuski is suddenly interrupted by her desk phone ringing. "Sorry, one moment please class." Miss. Tuski picks up the phone and answers. "Hello, I see, okay I will have them go down right away, yep, okay bye." Miss. Tuski hangs up then walks over to Glaciea, Jason and Drake.
"Glaciea and Jason the principal would like to see you in her office." Miss. Tuski tells them.
"Um okay." Jason says not knowing how to respond.
Jason and Glaciea both exit the room.
"What do you think the principal wants?" Glaciea asks nervousness in her voice.
"I don't know, but we didn't do anything wrong, so it's nothing to be nervous about." Jason reassures her.
They reach the principle's office and Jason knocks on the door and they hear a.
"Come in."
Jason opens up the door and there's a really tan guy with blond hair standing in front of the principal's desk, wearing a Hawaiian tropical shirt, shorts and flip flops. When he turned around and saw Jason and Glaciea a big smile appeared on his face revealing perfect white teeth.
"Glaciea!!!!" The man yells then runs towards Glaciea arms outstretched preparing to give Glaciea a massive bear hug, but Glaciea steps out of the way and the man runs into the door that was now closed behind them.
"Ow." The man says while rubbing his head.
"Glaciea is this really how you treat your old man?"
"Um sorry dad you just took me by surprise is all." Glaciea says shyly while looking at the floor.
"Wait, so Glaciea this is your dad?!" Jason asked surprised.
"Yes, I'm Glaciea's dad Go...George." The man says and outstretches his right hand to Jason. Jason takes his hand.
"Nice to meet you I'm Jason."
"Oh I already know who you are." George said softly.
"Wait, what was that?" Jason asked George, but either George didn't hear him or he ignored the question.
"By the way principle why did you call me and Glaciea here anyway?" Jason asked her.
"Honestly I called you two here because Go... George wanted to see you and Glaciea." The principal explained.
"Oh, so that's all?" Jason asks the principal and she shook her head yes. "Okay, so me and Glaciea should head back to class than." Jason turned to face Glaciea who was being bear hugged by her dad now.
"Yes, I completely agree Jason we should head back to class." Glaciea says and her dad lets go of her. "We can't let Drake be by himself forever can we?" Glaciea asks then opens up the door and exits the room, Jason follows after her the door shutting behind him.
George stares at the shut door.
"By the way George nice save with your name." The principle muses.

After the school day was over Jason and Glaciea are walking home after saying there goodbyes to Drake, but they suddenly stop when they hear someone yelling "Jason, Glaciea WAIT!!"
Jason and Glaciea stop and turn around and they see Glaciea's dad running up to them.
"Whew." "I thought I would never catch up to you." George says.
"Um dad why where you running after us?" Glaciea asks him.
"Is it bad to see where my own daughter is living at?" George asks.
"Well no I guess not." Glaciea says.
Glaciea, Jason and George arrive at the apartment complex, and standing there is Trey.
"Welcome home Jason and Glaciea, but who's this?" Trey asks them.
"Trey this is my father George." Glaciea introduces them.
"Nice to meet you George I'm Trey Jason's father." Trey says and extends his hand out for George to shake.
"And it's nice to meet you." George replies.
"Hey Jason and Glaciea is it okay if you two let us talk for a bit?" Trey asks them.
"Um sure." Jason says and Glaciea nods her head in agreement before they both head to there apartments.
Trey and George wait for the doors to fully close behind them before they start there conversation.
"So, Satan are you prepared for what's coming?" George asks.
"You mean getting ready for another war against Oblivion? Yeah I'm trying to get my forces as ready as I can, what about you God?" Trey asks.
"Same I'm getting my forces prepared as well. It's hard to believe we are siding with each other again, even if our children seem to get along well with each other we still have our differences." George says.
"I think that's mostly because Glaciea doesn't know who I am, or Jason knows who you are." Trey says.
"I don't know Satan I have a feeling even if Glaciea knew who you where, and Jason knew who I was I think they would still act this way towards each other." George says.
"I still have my doubts about that, but I really hope you're right considering the fate of all three of the worlds may end up resting upon there shoulders." Trey says in a serious voice.

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