Chapter 2

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Miss. Tuski takes all of the students outside to test them in the big practice field behind the school.
"Okay when I call your name I want you to come in front of me and give me a mouthful not a taste, but a mouthful of what your capable of got it?" Miss. Tuski asks the students assembled in front of her.
All the students shake there heads in agreement.
"Okay, so the first one up is Koneko." Miss. Tuski says.
"Wait?!" "Me?!" A surprised voice says from the crowd of students.
"Yes Koneko everyone else step back quit a bit, so you don't get caught in the crossfire." Miss. Tuski instructed.
Everyone stepped aside, so only a demi human with a cat tail, and cat ears was standing in front of Miss. Tuski, she was shaking so badly it looked like she would pass out at any moment.
"Miss. Tuski I never fought before, and I never had any intention to fight before, so... so why do I have to fi... fight you?!" Koneko stammered.
"That doesn't matter Koneko, fiends don't care if you want to fight or not, all they see you is a walking magic snack, and if you can't defend yourself against them then you will have all of your magic drained from you and and become one, so if you don't want that to happen than I suggest you learn how to channel your magic and fight!" Miss. Tuski said.
"Ri... right Miss. Tuski I understand!" Koneko said.
"Good Koneko now come at me with your magic, so I can evaluate you!" In Miss. Tuski's hands a two handed great sword appeared that glowed a brilliant white light.
"Okay Miss. Tuski!" On Koneko's hands what appeared to be knuckles with sharp points appeared they where a greenish color.
"Ohhh nice even though you don't like to fight you can still summon a magic weapon, and from the color I'm assuming you have wind magic?" Miss. Tuski asks and smiles.
"Yep you are correct teach now here I come!" Koneko runs towards Miss. Tuski at a speed that turned her into a bluer, Koneko readied a punch, but Miss. Tuski steps out of the way.
A surprised look appears on Koneko's face.
"Common Koneko, I know you are faster than this." Miss. Tuski taunts.
"Oh you want faster teach well you asked for it!"
Koneko spins around and unleashes a barrage of punches, but Miss. Tuski dodges them all.
"Sorry Koneko you left yourself wide open!" Miss. Tuski says then delivers a strong kick in Koneko's stomach sending her to the ground flat on her back.
Miss. Tuski walks over to Koneko and kneels down next to her.
"Koneko you put a lot of strength in your punches, but I can tell that you are unconfident in yourself, so you made them easy to dodge and not only that it left you wide open, but I know you will improve in no time." Miss. Tuski says and smiles. "And with that demonstration I think I can confidently evaluate you, I feel that after you improve your confidence you will be a cat that fiends will regret meeting in an alleyway!"
Miss. Tuski offers her hand to Koneko who accepts it they both stand up.
"Thank you Miss. Tuski! I will do everything I can to improve my confidence!" Koneko says pride burning in her eyes.
"Good, now let's see who's going to be my next opponent..." Miss. Tuski scans the crowd.
After the matches against Hikari, Tori, Kitsune, Amber, and Jacob Miss. Tuski called it a day.
"Tomorrow I will go up against more of you, but I'm very happy with the results, so far so I can't wait to see what the rest of you have in store for me!" Miss. Tuski smiles at them and gives them a thumbs up. "Well you all can go for the day see you all tomorrow!"
All the students head home and Miss. Tuski heads to her office and sits down in the chair behind her desk.
"Maybe there is hope after all." Miss. Tuski thought to herself, but she is suddenly snapped out of her train of thought by her phone on her desk suddenly ringing Miss. Tuski picks it up.
"Hello." Miss. Tuski says.
"Hello Miss. Tuski."
"Principal?!" Miss. Tuski says surprised.
"Can you come to my office please?" The principle asks.
"Well of course." Miss. Tuski says.

Miss. Tuski enters the Principal's office.
"Hello Miss Tuski please take a seat." The principle instructs.
Miss. Tuski does as instructed.
"Miss. Tuski I was watching your class doing the magic exam, and I want to know what's your evaluation on where they currently stand for the students you tested today?" The principle asks.
Miss. Tuski smiles. "Actually I'm pleasantly surprised, the students I tested so far have a better understanding of magic than I thought they would."
"I see, that's good to hear." The principle says. "But that isn't the only reason why I called you here."
"It's not?" Miss. Tuski asked surprised.
"No it's not, the other reason I called you here is because you have Jason in your class yes?" The principal asks.
"Yeah that's right." Miss. Tuski says a little confused. "Why?"
"Because I was thinking of writing an email to his father, but I don't know if he would show up if I don't mention something about Jason in it." The principle says seriousness in her voice.
"Wait are you serious?!" Miss. Tuski asks in disbelief.
"Yes quite serious, the fact that the magic barrier in-prisoning Oblivion is weakening is the reason why fiends are back, so it's a very big issue that doesn't only effect our world it also effects Heaven and Hell." The principle puts both of her hands down on her desk.
"So, what exactly are you planning to say?" Miss. Tuski asks. The principal smiles at her.
"Here let me show you." She says.
The principal turns the computer screen to Miss. Tuski, so she can read the email.

"Your highness you got an email from the surface world?!" A subject says as they run into the throne room.
"Oh?" "Let me see it." The Demon King says surprised.
"Here let me go get a laptop so you can read it." The subject says than hurries to get a laptop, they return moments later and show the Demon King the email. The Demon King reads it and a serious expression appears on his face. He then gets up and walks to the entrance of the throne room.
"Your highness where are you going?" One of his subjects asks worried. The Demon King reaches the door, but before he leaves he turns his head and says.
"Well it looks like I'm going to be taking a little vacation to the surface world, so in my absence Kaze you are in charge."
"Yes your highness." Kaze says surprised as he watched his king walk out of the throne room.

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