Chapter 7

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By the time the three of them got completely out of the forest it was dark.
"We are lucky we got out when we did." Drake said.
"Yeah, but now Glaciea and I have to walk home in the dark." Jason said.
"Hey what about you two come over to my place it isn't that far from here." Drake suggested.
"Wait you... you mean it Drake?" Glaciea asks.
"Yeah you can also get something to eat and take a bath if you want, well if you are interested that is." Drake said.
Jason and Glaciea exchange glances.
"Thank you Drake I think Glaciea and I will take you up on that offer. Jason said.
"Awesome follow me." Drake starts walking and Jason and Glaciea follow after him.

After about 10 minutes of walking big mansion size house started to pop up around them.
"Wait what are we doing in the rich neighborhood?" Jason wondered.
Then Jason saw a mansion that was bigger than the others (if that's even possible) and they where walking up the path to it, when they got close to the porch a man with a fancy tuxedo came out from the mansion.
"Good evening young master Drake, who might these two be?" The man asks.
"Albert these are my friends Jason and Glaciea." Drake said.
"Hey." Jason greeted him.
"Hello." Glaciea greeted him.
"Hello to you too, any friends of young master Drake's are welcomed here." Albert said. "So please come in." The man gestured to them to enter.
"Thank you." Glaciea and Jason both say then walk into the mansion behind Drake.
"Wow." Jason couldn't believe what he saw. "Drake I wasn't expecting you to live in a gigantic mansion."
"Well when your mother is a dragon (dragons love treasure) and your dad is a famous Hollywood movie director..."
A bead of sweat goes down the side of Jason's face.
"Yeah that makes sense why you live in a giant mansion."
"Well anyway let me show you where you can take a bath, and in that time Albert should be getting supper finished.
Drake leads Glaciea and Jason to a room.
"So do you two want to bathe together or separately?" Drake asks them.
"Wait bathe together?!" Jason and Glaciea say in perfect unison there faces both beet red.
"I'll take it from that reaction that you want to bathe separately, okay then I will put up the divider." Drake said.
Glaciea glances at the ground face still red. "I never opposed to bathing together." She thought to herself.
Drake leads them into the bathroom.
"Geez Drake I thought you where taking us to the bathroom not the swimming pool." Jason said. The "bath tub" was more like an Olympic size swimming pool, with three large dragon statues, two on both sides of the bath tub and one in the middle there mouths open wide like there ready to breath fire, but instead of fire nice warm water came out of there mouths.
"Well you two can go into the changing area and get undressed." Drake points to two rooms on the left side of the the room, one said Men's the other said Woman's. "By the time you two are done I should have the divider up." Drake says then walks to the right side of the room while Jason and Glaciea both head to the changing rooms on the left side.
4 minutes later Jason emerges, but Glaciea was already standing there wearing a towel when she saw Jason her face turned beet red.
"Ja... Jason why aren't you wearing a towel!?" Glaciea stammered.
"What do you mean yes I am..." Jason trails off as he looks down, Jason could feel his face heating up as he tries his best to cover up what he didn't want Glaciea to see.
"I'm... I'm so sorry Glaciea!" Jason tries to apologize, but now Drake is standing next to Glaciea.
"Wait am I interrupting something?" Drake scratches his head and turns his back. "Well anyway the divider is up and sorry for intruding on you." Drake says and walks away.
Glaciea walks over to the right side of the tub.
"Wow I completely made a fool of myself."
Jason thought to himself.
Glaciea gets into the bath and feels her face turning red again.
"I can't believe I gazed upon the forbidden fruit." She thought to herself.

After Glaciea and Jason got done with there baths and changed back into there cloths they follow Drake to the dining area.
"And here we are." Drake says and they enter into a room with a long table, silver platers sat at one end of the table.
"Right this way you three." Albert said then gestured at three chairs, Jason, Glaciea and Drake sit down in them, Albert gives them all a plate and silverware then lifts up the lids on the silver platers revealing roast beef on one, mashed potatoes on another and the last one had green bean casserole.
"Is there anything here that you don't like?" Albert asks Glaciea and Jason who both shake there heads no.
"Okay then." Albert gives everyone the food on the platers. "I hope you enjoy the meal I prepared, and if you need anything else please call." Albert bows then walks towards the kitchen.
Jason takes a bite of the roast beef that seemed to melt into his mouth.
"This is amazing!" Jason says then continues eating like he hasn't eaten in days.
"I agree Albert is an amazing chef." Glaciea said.
"I'm sure he will be delighted to hear praise for his cooking that isn't from me." Drake says.
The three continue eating, Albert returns to refill there drinks which was chocolate milk, and put more food on there plates if they wanted anymore.
"I'm completely stuffed, I couldn't eat another bite even if I wanted to." Jason says.
"Yeah I'm with you Jason." Glaciea agreed, by the way Drake can I ask you what time it is?"
Right after Glaciea asked Drake that question a chime went off somewhere in the dining area.
"By that chime I'd say it's 7 pm." Drake said.
"Wait 7 pm!" Jason and Glaciea say in perfect unison.
"Thanks for everything Drake, but me and Glaciea should probably get home now." Jason says.
Drake stands up.
"Okay I will have Albert drive you home then." Drake says.
"That be awesome." Jason said.
Albert comes out from the kitchen.
"Let me get the car keys and I'd be more than happy to drive you home." Albert says and goes into the kitchen.
Albert returns a few seconds later with the car keys.
"Are you ready to go?" Albert asks Jason and Glaciea.
"Yes" Jason said. "But before we go thanks again for everything Drake, you are always welcomed to come to the Apartment complex on North Water View Street to visit me and Glaciea anytime." Glaciea and Jason wave goodbye to Drake.
Drake waves back at them "and you can come hang out here with me anytime." Drake says then he hears the door shut.

Albert drove Jason and Glaciea to the apartment complex, they got out of the car and thanked Albert for driving them home.
"Well see you tomorrow Glaciea." Jason waves goodbye and Glaciea waves back, Jason opens up his apartment door as quietly as he can, to see his dad standing on the other side of it arms crossed and fury burning in his crimson red eyes.
"Where have you been Jason!?" Trey asks fury clear in his voice.
"I was at a friends house and lost track of time." Jason responded. "Which isn't a lie." He thought to himself.
"Is that all?" Trey asked fury still in his voice.
"Yes, so can you please move, so I can get ready for bed." Jason asked him.
Trey steps aside, but Jason could tell he wasn't completely buying that he only went to a friends house, but he was glad that his father stopped asking him questions... for now anyway.

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