Chapter 22

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Everyone is staring at Michael trying to process the bombshell of news he just dropped on them.
"What do you mean Oblivion is free and headed this way?! Did he actually manage to break free of his imprisonment?!" Sara asks terror clear in her voice.
"Yes, and now that you know the predicament we're in will you accept the apples now?" Michael asks her.
Sara walks up and takes the apples out of his hands.
"Yes we will." She says then walks back, she hands Jason, Drake and Glaciea all an apple.
"Make sure you eat the entire apple including the core since that's where the majority of the apples' replenishing properties lye." Michael instructs.
Jason brings the golden fruit to his lips and bites into it, he was expecting it to taste like any ordinary apple, but for some reason it tasted like milk chocolate which took him by complete surprise, he continued to eat the apple including the core. After he finished his apple he could feel a warmth emitting from his stomach that quickly spread throughout his body, all of the tiredness he felt in his muscles seemed to disappear.
"This must be the apples replenishing properties that Michael was talking about." Jason thought to himself.
"It seems that all of you have finished your apples." Michael says.
"Um, Michael is it okay if I ask you a couple of questions that I have?" Glaciea asks.
"Yes, what might your questions be Glaciea?" Michael responds.
"Well my first question is I noticed when we entered the city that there's no black rain here how is that possible?" Glaciea asks.
"That's because Raphael constructed a magic barrier over the city to keep the rain out." Michael explains. "What's your next question?" He asked her.
"Where is dad at?" Glaciea asks him.
"Rest assured that his majesty is fine, he just had to go run an errand first before coming here." Michael says and a relived expression appeared on Glaciea's face.
"Well I'm glad that he's okay." Glaciea says.
"Do you have any other questions you want to ask me Glaciea?" Michael asks her.
"No I just had those two thank you for answering them Michael." Glaciea says.
"Alright then, now I'm going to fill you four in on the intel that I have gained from the scouts I sent to keep tabs on Oblivion, but I will warn you what I'm about to tell you isn't good news. When Oblivion came into contact with a small town he summoned his finds and they rampaged and consumed everything in sight in a matter of moments, all of the residents where drained of there magic and turned into fiends and Oblivion's fiend army grew." Michael says and horrified expressions appeared on Drake, Glaciea, Sara and Jason's faces.
"The same fate happened to the next town and the town after that, but after the attack on the third town the scouts reported that the first fiends seemed to change and actually ended up growing larger." Michael says.
"Wait, is that some kind of evolution?!" Sara asks.
"That's a possibility." Michael says.
"But at this rate Oblivion will have an endless number of powerful fiends, not counting this black rain that makes an endless number of lesser fiends." Michael says.
"Will we even stand a chance against them, and  more importantly can we even beat them?" Jason asks.
"We have to otherwise all three of the worlds will fall to Oblivion and we can't let that happen!" Michael says.
Jason is feeling uneasy at the thought that soon he will be facing off against an army of powerful fiends that continue to increase in size and number, not to mention the father of all fiends and the strongest fiend of all Oblivion.
"So how long do we have before Oblivion reaches us?" Glaciea asks.
"I will say in about an hour." Michael says.
"Wait that isn't very long?!" Drake says shock clear in his voice.
"No it isn't sadly, and in that hour so many more innocent individuals are going to lose there lives to these wretched fiends!" Michael says and clinches his fist.
"What forces do we even have here?" Sara asks.
Crystal speaks and that makes Jason jump since she was so quiet and didn't say anything he didn't realize that she was still there.
"There are Heavens' forces stationed all over the city including Raphael, but mines Gabriel who is currently accompanying his majesty." Crystal says.
"Wait none of Hell's forces are here?" Jason asked her.
"Currently no." Crystal says and Jason feels worried about his father and everyone in the Underworld, he didn't notice that Glaciea was approaching him from behind until he felt her arms wrap around his waist, he turns his head and looks right into her icy blue eyes.
"Don't worry Jason I'm sure you're dad is okay he is Satan after all." She says and gives him a big warm smile, he can't help but smile back at her. "Thank you Glaciea I needed that." He says.
Michael walks over to Sara.
"Sara I hope that you don't mind that I let Flora take command, I know that your Heaven's new second in command, but in terms of experience you haven't commanded an army on the battlefield yet." Michael says while looking at Sara who turns and looks at Flora.
"I actually don't mind Michael since a battle with stakes this high I think I can cast aside my grudge and have an experienced commander taking the reins on this one." Sara says and Flora gives her a smile.
"I'm glad to hear that Sara." Michael says relief clear in his voice. "Well it will be awhile until Oblivion gets here so how about you four go rest in that nearby building until Oblivion arrives, we will sound alarms when we see him approaching."
They all agreed and started making there way to the building.

It's now an hour later and alarms start ringing out across the entire city. Jason, Drake, Sara and Glaciea come running out of the nearby building and see what looked like a giant dragon flying towards them.
"Wait is that Oblivion?!" Jason asks. He could feel terror rising up inside of him.
"Yes that's him." Sara says and Jason could hear terror in her voice too. "It's hard to believe that the fates of all of the worlds will be decided on this one battle." She says this and it makes Jason even more terrified, he then feels a soft hand take his right hand he looks and sees that its Glaciea, her eyes where trained on Oblivion as he flew closer.
"We will stand our ground and not let Oblivion cast the worlds into ruin!" She says. Her icy blue eyes shone with an emotion Jason couldn't read, but her confidence reassured him.
Somewhere behind them Crystal yelled. "Archers and mages on my mark... and FIRE!" Magic arrows and spells hurtled towards Oblivion and collided with him, but Oblivion emerged without a single scratch on him, he then let out a breath attack of pure darkness at the city.
"Quickly everyone get down!" Sara yelled, and without thinking Jason tackled Glaciea to the ground and laid on top of her right when a giant explosion happened.
"Um... Jason..." Glaciea says and Jason looks down and sees that Glaciea's face was beat red.
"I'm sorry Glaciea!" Jason says then quickly gets up and helps Glaciea up.
"Aww isn't that cute, the son of Satan and daughter of God seem to have feelings for one another." Said a voice Jason never heard before, he turned his head and caught his breath since sitting atop of a nearby building was a pitch black dragon with glowing red crimson eyes, which where looking right at him and Glaciea.
"That's Oblivion!" Drake says behind him.
Oblivion laughs.
"That's right demihuman, and now its time for you to die!" Oblivion says this then out of the shadows all around him fiends emerged.
"Leave the son of Satan and daughter of God to me, but you can kill everyone else." Oblivion orders his fiends than he trains his crimson red gaze on Jason and Glaciea again, he then opens up his mouth and unleashes a breath attack of pure darkness at them, Jason quickly transforms into his demon form to try to shield himself and Glaciea from the attack, but the attack was to strong and they both got consumed by the darkness.
"Aaaagh!" Jason and Glaciea both said.
Drake and Sara couldn't believe what they just witnessed, but then...

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