Chapter 5

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When Jason awoke the next morning he saw his father sitting on the sofa which was his bed last night, watching tv with a serious expression written on his face.
"Um what are you watching dad?" Jason asks him.
"I'm watching the news." He responds.
Jason walks over and glances at the tv on the bottom next to the news reporter it said fiend attack at New Harbor town, town completely destroyed and all 3,000 residents missing.
"No way that town isn't that far away from Sorairo!" Jason says stunned.
"Yeah I'm aware, why this is one of the two things troubling me." Trey says.
"And what's the other one?" Jason asks him.
"That the fiends forces must be increasing in size exponentially if they attacked a town of 3,000." Trey says.
Jason had no idea how to respond to this, as he thinks about all of those individuals that are probably fiends now, but a sudden knock on his door snaps him out of his train of thought. Jason walks over and opens up his door and standing on the other side is Glaciea, Jason gestures for her to walk in and she does.
"Did you two see what was on the news this morning?!" Glaciea asks Jason and Trey sadness in her voice.
"Yes." Jason says.
"When I woke up I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing." Glaciea says tears forming in her eyes. "3,000 people missing and, so close to us!"
"Yes the fiend threat grows ever nearer that's for sure." Trey says.
Jason glances up at the clock. "Wait its almost 9 am! Glaciea we have to go! Otherwise Miss. Tuski is going to be furious with us if we are late for the last day of magic exams, especially since you're her first opponent today Glaciea!" Jason says and walks over to the door. "Bye dad."
Trey didn't have time to say goodbye since Jason was already out of the door with Glaciea following behind him.

On the practice field
Jason and Glaciea hear there classmates talking about the fiend attack in New Harbor last night.
"I can't believe it 3,000 individuals missing!" Said one.
"The entire town was destroyed!" Said another.
"What happens if those fiends come here next?" Asked another.
Jason's classmates where to distracted that they didn't notice that Miss. Tuski was standing behind them.
"That's one reason why me and the other teachers are doing these magic exams, so we know where you students currently stand and how we should train you in case of a fiend attack, but that attack on New Harbor was a surprise and shock to everyone, but that also shows how real the fiend threat is, so now let's finish up this exam Glaciea your up first." Miss. Tuski says.
The other students parted, so Glaciea and Miss. Tuski could have a lot of room to do the exam.
"Okay Glaciea you should know the drill by now." Miss. Tuski says than summons her two handed great sword.
"Yes I do." Glaciea says, then in her right hand a bow of blue ice appeared.
"Oh, so you are a long range weapon user this will be interesting." Miss. Tuski says.
Glaciea uses her magic and summons three arrows she pulls back the bow string "may my arrows fly truly immobilize my foe." Glaciea says softly then releases the three arrows which instead of going to Miss. Tuski they nose dived into the ground by her feet.
"Glaciea good effort, but your arrows didn't even come close enough that I felt I had to def..." Miss. Tuski breaks off because where the arrows had landed they started freezing the ground around them rapidly, and in a matter of moments the ice reached Miss. Tuski, she tried to run from it, but she was frozen in place.
"Who said anything about trying to hit you Miss. Tuski, by freezing the ground around you and freezing you in place it makes hitting you with my next attack a lot easier, since a target that can't move or get away is a dead target." Glaciea summons another arrow and notches it to her bow string.
Miss. Tuski starts to chuckle. "Man I love this class of mine all of you are full of surprises, so Glaciea I wish I could experience more of what you can do, but if I did that I'm not gonna lie I would be dead, so I will just have to wait sadly, so Glaciea if you would be so kind as to free me from this icy imprisonment you seem to have me in I would greatly appreciate it." Miss. Tuski smiles at Glaciea.
Glaciea has an embarrassed look on her face.
"Um... well you see, I don't know how to undo that..." Glaciea says and looks down at the ground.
"It's fine Glaciea, but in that case can you go get me 50 hair driers and 50 extension cords?"
Miss. Tuski asks.
Drake steps forward.
"Here I can unthaw you." Drake says then summons flames in both of his hands.

(Spongebob 1 hour later card)
"Thank you Drake." Miss. Tuski says.
"No problem." Drake says then walks back to the group.
"Okay now that I'm no longer a pop sickle let's continue with the magic exam!"
Kelsey your next.
"Right Miss. Tuski!" Kelsey says.
Kelsey summons a sword that sparked with electricity.
After Kelsey was Adam, the demi human Koinu, and than last but not least Xavier.
"Okay and that concludes the magic exams." Miss. Tuski says out of breath. "Tomorrow we will be meeting back in our normal classroom, I'm thinking of possibly putting you in teams of 3 from what I've seen from this magic exam, if I do that than those teams you will train with and do other activities with, but I will think about it more and then let you know okay." Miss. Tuski shoots them a warm smile.

On the way to the apartment building after class.
"Jason if Miss. Tuski does do groups I hope we can pick who we want to be with, since I would like to be in the same group as you." Glaciea says.
"Same I would like to be in the same group as you Glaciea." Jason looks at her and smiles which makes Glaciea blush.
"By the way Jason what did you think of my magic exam even though I didn't really get to demonstrate much, and I ended up turning our teacher into a pop sickle." Glaciea asks looking ahead.
"Glaciea your ice magic is amazing, and I'm like Miss. Tuski I can't wait to see what else you can do." Jason says.
"Thank you Jason." Glaciea says softly.
The two continue walking silently when they suddenly see something black flying towards them.
"Glaciea look out!" Jason says then pulls Glaciea out of the way just before the black thing collided with her.
"What... what was that?" Glaciea asked.
"I don't know, but we should follow it." Jason said.
"I agree." Glaciea said then they ran after it.
"We can't lose site of it because if we do I doubt we will find it again." Jason said and Glaciea nodded her head in agreement.
Jason and Glaciea continue following it for what felt like hours.
"Where is this thing going?!" Jason thought to himself, but then trees started coming up in the distance.
"Wait it's headed towards the forest?!" Glaciea says shocked.
"If it goes in there then we will surly lose it!" Jason says then picks up the pace, but suddenly a shadow appears above him and Glaciea and they look up to see a boy with red hair, horns and dragon wings flying above them.
"Wait is that Drake? What's he doing here?" Glaciea asked.
"I have no idea." Said Jason.
Drake must have noticed them because he flew down a little bit in front of the entrance to the woods and looked at them or maybe he has looking at the black thing they where chasing, Drake summoned flames in both of his hands and threw them at the ground creating a fire wall, but the black thing flew through the wall not even slowing down into the forest.
"Dam it!" Drake said then extinguished the fire wall. Jason and Glaciea where standing next to Drake now completely out of breath.
"What are you two doing here?" Drake asked them.
"We where chasing after that black thing, what are you doing here Drake?" Jason asks him.
"I was also chasing after that black thing it flew by me when I was taking a night flight and I never seen anything like it before, also with the recent attack on New Harbor I thought it might have been a fiend." Drake said.
"That's true I didn't even think of it possibly being a fiend." Jason said.
"Well none the less we should go into the forest and look for it, if it is a fiend we need to get ride of it before it causes potential harm to anyone." Drake says. "So will you two team up with me and help me track it down?" Both Glaciea and Jason both shake there heads in agreement and all three of them walk into the woods.

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