Chapter 17

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"Yesterday while Raphael was on patrol of the skies with Michael they spotted a large black mass at the edge of the Upper World, when they flew closer towards the black mass it started to take shape in the form of many fiends, when they flew back they informed me of what they saw and ordered Gabriel to bring his majesty back to Heaven ASAP, but before Gabriel left he pulled me to the side and informed me that there was no way that his majesty would return to Heaven even though it's his kingdom, unless there was someone trustworthy to look after Glaciea who he cares more about than anything else in the worlds." Sara looks at Glaciea when she says this, and Glaciea looks down at the floor. "I understood what Gabriel meant, so I agreed to watch over Glaciea, he then informed me that he spoke to Lilith and his daughter Miss. Tuski already to enroll me into the same class as Glaciea, I was actually at a loss for words since he already had everything sorted out, but I didn't question him and I arrived on Middle World as soon as I could and here we are." Sara finishes.
"So, fiends are invading Heaven now." Glaciea says, Jason couldn't see her face, but her voice told him that she was on the verge of tears, Jason knew exactly how she felt since he felt this way when his father told him about what was happening in the Underworld.
"Yes." Sara says traces of sadness in her voice as well.
"I can't be...believe th...that dad woul...wouldn't te...tell me what was happ... happening before leav... leaving." Glaciea says between sobs.
Jason gentle rubs her back to try to comfort her.
"Glaciea I know your farther will be fine he's God after all." Jason says softly to Glaciea. Glaciea raises her head and looks at Jason he could see the tears streaming down her face, Jason without thinking reaches out and hugs her.
"Tha...thanks Jason." Glaciea says.
Drake suddenly gets up.
"Well I hope you don't mind, but I should be going it's almost 4pm (16:00pm), and Albert will be furious if I'm not home soon since I didn't inform him that I wouldn't be home until later today." Drake says a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his face since he felt like he was intruding now.
"See you tomorrow at school Glaciea and Jason ." Drake says and then exits the apartment.
"I think I should be going to Glaciea you probably have questions you want to ask Sara."Jason says then he leans over and kisses Glaciea on her left cheek, this seemed to completely surprise her since she looked at him with a look that Jason couldn't identify.
He gets up and waves goodbye to Glaciea and Sara and then leaves the apartment.
Glaciea puts her hand on her left cheek and she could feel her face turning beat red.
"Thank you Jason." Glaciea says softly to herself.

It's around 6:30 pm (18:30 pm) now and Sara is outside of the apartment getting some fresh air, when she turns around to open up the apartment door she freezes in place because she hears singing, singing that she hasn't heard in a very long time, when Sara turns to face the direction that the singing is coming from she sees a woman rounding the corner carrying a laundry basket pilled high with folded laundry, she's walking in Sara's direction.
"Hello Flora." Sara spits Flora out like it was poison.
The woman stops singing.
"Huh, what, who said that?" Crystal asks as she looks around, she then lowers the laundry basket.
"Oh Sara what are you doing here?!" Crystal asks Sara in complete surprise.
"I would like to ask you the same thing Flora." Sara says.
"Is being a supervisor of the Pearly Gates render you blind Sara? What does it look like I'm doing?! I'm doing laundry!" Crystal says announce clear in her voice.
"That's not what I mean! What's a traitor like you doing with a halo still on your head?!" Sara asks anger in her voice.
Crystal lets out a little chuckle.
"What, God's 2nd in command didn't get the low down?" An amused smile appears on Crystal's face, which seemed to enrage Sara even more. "Well anyway Sara I don't feel like humoring you anymore since as you can see I have laundry to put away. Crystal walks to the apartment door next to Glaciea's, but she stops before entering.
"Also Sara it's Crystal not Flora."
Crystal says then puts her right hand on the door knob.
"And another thing as a beauty tip don't scowl so much it leaves wrinkles sweetheart." Crystal says then enters the apartment.
"What in the worlds has been happening on Middle World  if a traitor can walk around like her past never happened!" Sara thinks to herself as she clinches her fist in complete anger.

My apologies for these last two chapters being boring, I had to get the story train rolling again. :)

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