Chapter 10

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"So this is where Mitten's owner lives?!" Jason asks Drake in disbelief.
"It's the address that was on the missing poster." Drake said.
The "house" where Mitten's owner apparently lived in was a Victorian style house, everything about it was extravagant from the iron workings on the fence that surrounded the house, to the weather vain on top of the house, the house itself was all brown but the ginger breading around the peak of the roof and windows was white.
The iron gate was unlocked, so Drake, Jason and Glaciea walked up onto the porch, Drake holding Mittens knocked on the door, there wasn't any answer at first, so Drake knocked on the door again and this time they could hear someone behind the door, the door opened up a little bit.
"Mittens!" A female voice said excitingly, the door flew open and a woman in a blue dress with a halo on her head came out, she had her hands outstretched preparing to take Mittens from Drake, but when she saw Jason and Glaciea she froze in place, Jason and Glaciea also froze in place, because even without her black clothes on and outcast band, there was no mistaking that face, the owner of Mittens was the same angel that attacked the restaurant that Glaciea and Jason went to with Trey.
"What is an Outcast doing here?!" Jason asks, anger in his voice as he summoned his black sword.
"Ex Outcast thank you very much and I'm here for my Mittens." The angel replies. She walks over to Drake and he gives her Mittens.
"So now if you excuse me I'm missing Wheel of Fortune." The angel says and turns around with Mittens in her hands, she touches the door handle to go back into her house when...
"Wait!" Jason calls out and she turns her head.
"What did you mean by Ex Outcast?" Jason asked her.
"I have no place on any of the worlds, or in the Outcast so I left them." She steps inside and the door shuts behind her.
Drake faces Jason and Glaciea confusion written all over his face.
"You've met her before?" Drake asks them.
They both remain silent.
"Well anyway lets go home it's been a long day." Drake says trying to break the tension, and he starts walking down the sidewalk towards Brazen Street, Jason and Glaciea following behind him in complete silence.

The angel girl watches the three of them leave from her living room window, Mittens walks over to her and sits down looking up at her, the angel girl looks down at Mittens.
"No matter how much I dislike this, those three did return you to me so it seems like I'm in debt to them despite our differences."

Jason, Glaciea and Drake are walking towards the intersection where they will be parting ways with Drake for the day, when suddenly a black shadow comes bolting towards them, they quickly get out of the way before it collided with them.
"Wait that's like the shadow from before!" Glaciea says.
"So that means that was a fiend!" Drake said.
"Come on we have to catch up to it!" Jason said.
Jason, Drake and Glaciea run after the shadow and it leads them to a nearby forested area.
"This isn't good it's almost dark." Drake says.
"Yeah we have to stop it now!" Jason says. "Glaciea can you freeze it?" Jason asks her.
"I'll try to freeze it Jason." Glaciea summons her ice bow and summons an ice arrow she notches it to the bow string. "May my arrow fly truly and immobilize my foe!" Glaciea releases the arrow it flys through the air with ease, when it came in contact with the shadow ice quickly formed on the shadow and it fell to the ground.
"Nice shot Glaciea!" Drake and Jason both say in perfect unison.
Drake and Jason walk up to the frozen shadow to see what fiend it was, but...
"No... noway where did it go?" Jason asked looking around.
"Wait." "I missed?!" Glaciea asks as she reaches Drake and Jason.
"No you didn't miss Jason and I both saw the fiend getting incased in ice." Drake says looking at the fiend less ice prison.
"So where did it go then?" Glaciea asks looking around.
"Hahaha" they hear laughter coming from the shadows.
"Wait where's that laughter coming from?" Glaciea asks scanning the trees.
From the shadows a slender man with pitch black hair, wearing black dress pants and a fancy black suit walks out from the shadows of the trees, when he got closer Jason noticed that his eyes where as black as the night sky.
"Who are you?" Jason asks as he summons his sword.
"I guess I should introduce myself my name is Akuma." The figure introduced himself and bows to them.
Jason could feel a bead of sweat rolling down the right side of his face.
"Akuma, I know that name your the first fiend that Oblivion created, his right hand man!" Jason said trying to keep his voice steady.
"Oh I'm so happy that you know of me." Akuma smiled at Jason reveling pointy white teeth. "Like I know who you are Jason Kage the son of Satan.
"How... how do you know who I am?!" Jason asks this time he couldn't keep his voice steady and keep the fear out of his voice, and it was obvious that Akuma noticed the fear in his voice when he spoke because he gave Jason another pointy teeth smile.
"You honestly thought you could keep your identity a secret from Oblivion forever?" Akuma chuckled. "Oblivion has eyes and ears all over the worlds, so now if you'd be so kind as to come with me Jason willingly those two next to you will live a little while longer."
Akuma points to Glaciea and Drake.
"No way I'll never just hand myself over, especially not to the likes of you!" Jason said sounding braver than he felt.
Akuma started laughing. "Well in that case I'll just have to take you the hard way then!" Akuma summons a sword in his right hand, it was a sword as dark as Jason's, but it gave off a menacing dark aura. "Now son of Satan in one way or another you're coming with me!" Akuma rushes at Jason.

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