Chapter 6

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Drake, Jason and Glaciea head into the forest, but Drake suddenly stops and looks up at the sky.
"I hope that thing didn't go to far in since the sun is getting ready to set." Drake says still looking up at the sky. "I don't know about you two, but I don't feel like being in this forest when it's pitch black."
"I'm with you Drake I don't want to be in here in the dark either." Jason says.
"Yeah me neither." Glaciea agrees.
"Okay let's continue then." Drake says and starts walking again.
Drake, Glaciea and Jason head deeper into the forest.
"That thing could be anywhere and with it being black it can easily blend into the shadows." Jason says.
"Yeah, so be on the look out Glaciea and Jason." Drake warns.
The three venture even further into the forest when Glaciea suddenly stops.
"What is it Glaciea?" Jason asks her.
"Do you two hear that?" She asks them.
"Hear what?" Drake asks her.
"I don't know how to really describe it, but it sounds kinda like chatter and it's coming from that way." Glaciea points to the right.
"Well lead the way Glaciea since I don't hear it." Drake says.
"Okay." Glaciea says then starts walking in the direction of where she is hearing the chatter when they get closer it starts getting louder.
"Wait I can hear it now." Drake whispers.
"Me to." Jason says softly.
When the three get closer the sound was pretty loud now, so they kneeled down behind some wild raspberry bushes to provide them cover and peered over the vines.
In a clearing they couldn't believe what they saw what appeared to be three medium sized black figures stood in the clearing, there bodies looked to be made of shadows, there eyes where a bright yellow almost like they plucked two stars out of the night sky and put them on there faces.
"Wait are those fiends?!" Jason asked shacking.
"I... I don't know, but I've never seen anything like those before, so I'm assuming they are." Drake said.
"Wh... what should we do?" Glaciea asks terror in her voice, but Jason couldn't blame her seeing those three shadowy figures in person and not in text books or glyphs (form of ancient paintings like wall paintings etc.) terrorized him also.
"We need to take them out." Drake said, but Jason saw that he was shaking also.
"Drake I know how important it is to take them out since those three would cause a lot of harm, but I have no idea if we could take them." Jason said.
"Um guys there was three shadowy figures right?" Glaciea asked terror clear in her voice.
"Yeah." Drake said.
"There's only two now?!" Glaciea had even more terror in her voice.
Jason and Drake peered over the Raspberry bush, and sure enough there was only two, but a negative feeling behind them made all three turn there heads and they saw the 3rd one looming over them.
"So you're our ease droppers." The dark figure said in a deep voice.
Drake, Jason and Glaciea are terror stricken and at a loss for words.
By now the other two figures stood on the other side of the raspberry bush.
"This isn't good we are completely surrounded." Jason thought.
"Well I have to thank you three ease droppers though, your magic will be greatly appreciated by Oblivion!" The shadowy figure said then it's hands seemed to transform into two razor sharp blades. "Now are you going to hand your magic over the easy way or the hard way?" The fiend asks a cruel what Jason thought was a smile appeared on its shadowy face.
"Jason, Glaciea we have no choice we have to fight!" Drake said suddenly then flew up into the air summoning two balls of fire.
"Your right Drake!" Jason said summoning his sword of darkness and Glaciea summoning her bow of ice.
"I see, so you three wish to do this the hard way good." The fiend says, and with that the two fiends behind Jason and Glaciea also transformed there hands into razor sharp blades. "Now let the fun begin!" The fiend lashed out at Jason, and the two behind Jason and Glaciea leaped at them from behind the bush, but before the fiends made contact with Jason and Glaciea a wall of flames erupted on both sides of them.
"I won't let you harm them!" Drake yells.
"Well it looks like I will have to take care of you first!" The fiend said then leaps into the air surprising Drake, who gets ready to push the fiend away, but before the fiend got to Drake a black sword sprouted from the fiend's chest.
" noway." The fiend says then dissolves into darkness, standing or more like flying is a boy with horns, demon wings wearing pitch black armor, in his right hand is a sword that looked like it was made from darkness. Drake is at a loss for words, but then he somehow finds his voice.
"Jason is that... is that you?!" Drake asks him in complete shock.
"Yes Drake this is my demon form." Jason replies. "Now let's go help Glaciea!"
Glaciea was standing next to a tree bow string drawn and three arrows notched.
"May my arrows fly truly and let them immobilize my foes!" Glaciea says then let's go of her arrows they land in front of the fiends.
"You are a horrible shot." One of the fiends mused, but then a surprise look appeared on its face.
"Wait what... what did you do!?" One of the fiends asked, as they saw the ground freeze around them from the arrows and the two fiends where frozen in place.
"Who said anything about trying to hit you, since an immobilized target is a dead target. Now Jason and Drake!" Glaciea yelled and the two boys came flying down from the cover of the shadows, Jason cut one fiend in half and Drake burned the other one to cinders.
"Wait did... did we honestly just take out all three of those fiends?!" Jason asked in disbelief.
"It appears so." said Drake also in disbelief and walks over towards Jason. "Also Jason I didn't get to tell you this before but, you look completely badass in that form!"
"Oh... um thanks Drake." Jason says surprised.
"Um guys I don't mean to interrupt, but the sun is nearly set, so we should get out of here before it gets to dark to see where we are going." Glaciea says.
Drake looks up at the sky and it was a canvas of colors from pinks, oranges, purples and blues.
"I agree let's get out of here I don't want to spend anymore time then we have to in here."
"Right." Jason says than transforms back into his human form.
Drake, Jason and Glaciea exit the forest, but they where unaware that they where being watched amongst the shadows.
"Very very interesting." The mysterious individual said a smile appearing on there face.

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