Chapter 11

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Akuma has his sword outstretched ready to have it tear into Jason's flesh. Jason quickly summons his sword getting ready to block his attack when suddenly Drake yelled from somewhere above Jason...
"Not on my watch!"
In front of Jason a fire wall erupted separating Akuma and Jason before they made contact.
Glaciea runs up to Jason and Drake lands next to them.
"Jason and Drake do you remember what we did back in the forest when we fought those three fiends?" Glaciea asks them.
"Yeah I remember." Jason says.
Drake shacks his head in agreement.
"Well I think I have an idea on how we can beat Akuma!" Glaciea says.
"Glaciea what do you have in mind?" Drake asks her, and Glaciea quickly explains her plan to them.
Akuma is standing on the other side of the fire wall.
"Do you honestly think some punny pathetic flames can stop me?" Akuma chuckled. "All it did was by you a little time if that." Akuma focused darkness into his blade and slashed the fire wall, the wall dissolved, but standing on the other side was Glaciea with her bow string drawn and three arrows notched.
"May the heavens themselves punish my foes that dare to a-pose me!" Glaciea let go of her bow string and the three arrows soared into the sky. Akuma looked at Glaciea.
"Wow if that was supposed to frighten me you fail..." Akuma broke off as a snowflake floated by his face, he looked up towards the sky and saw gray clouds blocking the sky, the wind and snow started to pick up, in a matter of moments it was a white out blizzard.
"What did you do?!" Akuma projected that question to Glaciea, but Glaciea was nowhere to be seen, she appeared to have melted into the blizzard snow.
"If you thought this could stop me yeah right!" Akuma says and starts to focus darkness into his sword again getting ready to dispel the blizzard.
"Oh we where not planning on the blizzard to stop you."
A voice said behind Akuma, he turned around and saw Drake standing there a fire ball in each hand.
"Nope we where just using it for cover." Akuma turned to whoever said that, and standing in front of him was a boy with horns, jet black wings wearing jet black armor.
"I see, I have to admit this plan of yours is not to shabby, but there's no way you two can beat me even with you in your demon form Jason."
Akuma says locking eyes with him.
"Wow you sure are full of yourself aren't you Akuma, I can't wait to kick the shit out of you!" Drake says.
"I would like to see you try." Akuma said and then darkness started to seep out of his body. "I will show you the terrifying power that Oblivion created me with!" Akuma raises his sword.
"Drake look out!" Jason flies to Drake and bear hugs him, he then quickly creates a shield with his magic to cover there bodies awaiting the impact, right when a blast of pure darkness and hatred sliced through the blizzard destroying Glaciea's spell, when Jason opened up his eyes the light of the setting sun shone across the sky, and Akuma was standing where he was when he launched his attack.
Jason dispelled his shield not knowing how much magic he used to protect himself and Drake from that blast.
"Wh... what the..." Drake said looking behind them.
Jason turned his head and saw what he was looking at, all of the trees behind them where cut down, Jason couldn't believe what he was looking at.
"Jason, Drake are you okay?!" "What happened?!"
Drake and Jason both looked to see Glaciea standing to there right concern and worry written all over her face.
"Yeah I think I'm okay thanks to Jason's quick thinking." Drake says then stands up, Jason goes to stand up also, but his legs felt like they where made out of jello.
Drake reaches down and helps Jason up.
"There you go." Drake says to Jason.
"You know I'm quite surprised that you two survived that blow, but I'm glad that you did because if I accidentally killed you Jason Oblivion would be furious with me." Akuma says while walking towards them.
Glaciea summons her bow and steps in front of Drake and Jason in a protective stance, she summons an arrow and notches it to her bow string.
"Stop right there Akuma, I won't let you take another step!" Glaciea says.
Akuma stops.
"I have to admit you're magic seems pretty strong, so you would be a perfect magic sacrifice to Oblivion." Akuma says.
"I will never be a magic sacrifice to Oblivion!" Glaciea says fury in her voice.
"I see so you're going to be stubborn as well and here I was hoping I didn't have to resort to this but oh well." Akuma starts emitting darkness out of his body again a terrified expression appears both on Jason and Drake's faces.
"Glaciea get as far away from him as you can hurry!" They both say in perfect unison.
But instead of Akuma sending out a powerful slashing attack with his sword, he instead in-pailed the ground with it, where his sword struck a fissure appeared and cracks started spider webbing from the fissure, emitting a menacing dark purple light, from the fissure bubbles of pure darkness started floating up from the cracks and forming together and they started to change shape.
"No way is he creating fiends?!" Drake asks terror clear in his voice and beads of sweat start to trickle down the right side of his face, Jason could feel his body trembling, but he couldn't blame him since he was also terrified.
In a matter of moments Akuma had about 20 fiends standing in front of him.
"Bring me the son of Satan alive, the other two you can take there magic from now go!" Akuma orders the fiends and they start running at Jason, Glaciea and Drake.
Glaciea runs back, so she's standing next to Drake and Jason.
"We need to get out of here!" Glaciea says panic in her voice.
But it was to late the fiends had them surrounded.
"We are doomed." Drake said while looking at the fiends around them.
Jason saw Akuma looking at them a pointy teeth smile appeared on his face.
"Now attack th..." before Akuma could finish his sentence singing seemed to fill the entire forest.
"Great what could that be?" Jason thought to himself.
The singing got closer and closer than out of the cover of the trees stood an angel wearing a blue dress, and even without her black outfit on and Outcast band there was no mistaking her face.
The angel walked into the clearing.
"No way is that Mittens' owner?!" Drake asked in complete disbelief.
"So what do I owe this unexpected intrusion." Akuma asked.
"I'm here to repay a debt." The angel replied.
Akuma chuckles. "Well in that case you're a fool for coming here, you five expose of our unwanted guest for me." Akuma points to five fiends and they charge at the angel, the angel girl doesn't move where she's standing, instead she opens up her mouth and starts singing again the forest is filled with her beautiful voice.
"You honestly think you're singing can stop my fiends?!" But right after Akuma got done asking that tree roots shot out of the ground and in-pails all five fiends killing them instantly.
Akuma is at a loss for words at what just happened, the angel girl stops her song and looks at Akuma.
"Yes, I do think I can stop you're fiends with my singing." The angel girl said this with a hint of amusement in her voice.
After hearing the angel girl say that it seemed to enrage Akuma, he started focusing darkness into his sword.
"Mittens' owner get out of the path of his attack he can kill you with that!" Drake warned the angel girl, but instead of being concerned a smile appeared on her face.
"Don't worry I have this covered." The angel girl says than winks at Drake, she starts singing again.
"I won't let you do anything!" Akuma says than charges at her, but roots erupted from the ground and wrapped around him. "Waagh!" He says in surprise, more roots appear next to him there sharp points ready to in-pail him. "I won't fall this easily!" He said then slashes through the roots with his sword.
The angel girl stops singing a smile appears on her face. "I wasn't planning on killing you with that attack it was just a perfect distraction."
"What do you mean?" Akuma asks fury in his voice.
"May my arrow fly truly and immobilize my foe!"
Akuma dodged Glaciea's arrow that she fired at him, but as he quickly turned to face her, he saw that all of the fiends that where surrounding Drake, Jason and Glaciea where gone along with Drake and Jason.
"What, but, but how?!" Akuma asked stunned.
"I told you that my singing will stop your fiends. A smile appears on the angel's lips.
"And now you're surrounded Akuma." A voice said to Akuma's left he turned his head and saw Jason there his sword in his right hand.
"Yep you have nowhere to go." A voice said behind Akuma, Akuma turned and saw Drake there a fire ball in each hand. Glaciea stood at Akuma's right her bow drawn and an arrow notched, the angel walked in front of Akuma.
"Surrender yourself Akuma." The angel girl said, but Akuma chuckled.
"I have to admit this was fun, but I will not be surrendering anytime soon, so until next time." Akuma turned towards Jason and he gave him his pointy tooth smile before disappearing into darkness.
"Darn it he got away!" Drake said as he angrily dispelled the flames in his hands.
"He will be back." The angel girl said.
Jason turns and looks at the angel girl.
"By the way if you don't mind me asking why did you help us?" Jason asks the angel girl.
"Like I told Akuma I was only here to repay you back for finding my lost cat Mittens nothing more nothing less." She said.
Jason walks up to her.
"Well if you didn't come when you did that would've ended badly for us." Jason said. "So, thank you."
"Yeah whatever." The angel girl said. "Well anyway it seems that you three don't appear to have any serious injuries surprisingly, so I'll be going now." The angel girl says.
"Wait!" Glaciea calls out to her and she stops.
"Yes?" She asks Glaciea.
"Can you tell us your name at least? Well if that's okay with you that is?" Glaciea asks.
"My name is Crystal Heartfall." The angel girl says than walks away.
"Thank you again Crystal!" Glaciea yells, but Crystal either didn't hear her or she did and ignored her because she didn't stop again.
"Well you two lets head back it's dark now and I don't feel like spending anymore time in this forest than we have to." Jason says than converts back into his human form.
"Um Jason, I have a question for you before we go." Drake says.
"What's your question Drake?" Jason asks him and Drake looks down at the ground.
"Are you really the son of Satan?" Drake asks Jason now looking at him.
There's a few second pause before Jason says anything.
"Yes, that's true Drake and I would like you and Glaciea to not tell anyone okay." Jason says while looking at Drake and Glaciea.
"Well of course dude you're secret is safe with me." Drake says while giving Jason a thumbs up.
"Yeah your secret is safe with us Jason." Glaciea says shooting Jason a warm smile.
"I'm so glad to have friends like you two now let's go home." Jason says.
Both Drake and Glaciea agree and all three exit the forest.

Crystal is walking back to her house it's dark now and the street lights are starting to flicker to life, she gets closer to her front gate when she sees movement by the gate.
"Who's there?!" She asks and a figure steps towards her, she backs up and the figure steps into the light of a nearby street light.
"No it can't be... how... how did you find me?!" Crystal asks the figure terror in her voice.
The figure smiles at her revealing perfect white teeth that seemed to glow in the light from the street light.
"It's been awhile hasn't it Flora Shizen whoops I mean Crystal Heartfall."

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