Chapter 13

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Akuma enters a cave and walks until he reaches a large cavern, in the middle of the cavern was a barrier made of pure magic, when he is only a few inches away from the barrier he kneels down onto one knee.
"I'm sorry my master I've failed in retrieving the son of Satan." Akuma says disappointment in his voice.
"Do not worry Akuma, I've already started the next phase of my plan." Oblivion says, a growl escapes his throat that could've been laughter.

In the Underworld aka Hell
It was the same thing different day, everyone was going about there day without any care in the worlds, and with the Demon King away to the surface world aka Middle World Kaze was left in charge. Kaze is the Demon King's right hand man, he was in charge of protecting the citizens of the Underworld and keeping things in order for his king.
"Now let's see, what do I have to do to day." Kaze says to himself while looking at his clip bored.
Kaze is walking by the entrance to the castle when he hears foot steps running up the steps outside and then the castle doors fly open.
"What is the meaning of this..." Kaze trails off as he sees Mizu standing there bleeding from injuries all over his body and out of breath.
"We...we have a big...big problem." Mizu wheezed.
"Mizu you can tell me later, please go get something to drink and catch your breath." Kaze insisted.
"No Kaze you... you don't understand we...we are being invaded by... by fiends!" Mizu says in gasps.
"What?! Mizu where are they!?" Kaze asked both surprise and anger present in his voice.
"At the edge of our territory before it connects to Middle World please go and get our king..." Mizu passes out from exhaustion.
"Help Mizu needs medical attention!" Kaze yells and two castle members come over and pick Mizu up and they take him to the castle infirmary.
"And it appears that I need to deliver some unwanted news to our king great." Kaze thought to himself.

At the apartment complex
"Well dad I'm going to school see you later." Jason says then opens up the door to leave the apartment.
"Yep see you later." Trey says than the door closes behind Jason.

It was around 2:30 pm (14:30 pm) and Trey was watching T.V. When he suddenly heard a knock on the door.
"I wonder who that could be." Trey thought to himself when he stood up. "Jason won't be home for a little while yet." Trey opened up the door, but when Trey saw who was there he was taken by complete surprise.
"Kaze and Lucifer what are you two doing here?!" Trey asks them. "You two should be keeping watch over the Underworld!"
"We have some information we need to discuss with you your highness." Kaze said.
A serious expression appears on Trey's face.
"Well if you two came here personally it must be something pretty serious." Trey says.
"It's very serious." Kaze says a serious expression appears on his face.
"You two come inside we can discuss this more in here." Trey gestures for them to enter the apartment.

Jason and Glaciea arrive at the apartment complex and they see both of there fathers outside and two boys, they appeared to be about Jason's age and where standing next to Trey, one had dark brown hair with green eyes wearing a green T-shirt and blue jeans, the other one looked like a punk rocker, he had pitch black hair spiked up, with violet colored eyes, wearing a ripped white T-shirt and ripped jeans, when they heard Glaciea and Jason approaching all four turned and looked at them.
Jason stops suddenly.
"Kaze and Lucifer what are you two doing here?!" Jason asks them surprise in his voice.
The dark drown haired one stepped towards Jason.
"Jason it's been a long time." He said.
"Yes it has Kaze, why I'm surprised to see you and Lucifer here, but if you two are here..." a worried expression appeared on Jason's face. "Did something happen to the Underworld?!" Jason asks Kaze.
Kaze looks towards Trey who sighs.
"Don't worry I'll fill him in then we can depart." Trey says.
"Wait you're leaving?!" Jason asked him.
"Yes, but first lets talk in your apartment, so I can fill you in." Trey says and him and Jason go into the apartment.
"Okay, so here's what Kaze and Lucifer told me." Trey explains to Jason that there are fiends attacking the Underworld and he has to return to help protect it.
"I see." Jason says. "But let me go with you the Underworld is my home too!"
"Absolutely not!" Trey says.
"But why?!" Jason asks.
Trey stands up and faces Jason sadness in his eyes.
"Because I couldn't live with myself if anything where to happen to you Jason, you're the last family I have and Oblivion targeted you already, I don't want you to be in anymore danger than you already have been, and more than likely a war will break out in the Underworld against the fiends, so please understand I don't want you to come with me because I'm doing this for your own safety and well being." Trey says.
Jason stands up and hugs his dad.
"I understand dad just please come back to Middle World alive." Jason tries not to cry.
Trey puts his right hand on his head.
"Don't worry I have no intentions of leaving you." Trey tries to reassure Jason.
Jason lets go of Trey and looks him in his crimson red eyes and says. "You'd better not dad, I have no intentions of visiting you in Hell." Jason smiles at him.
Trey smiles back trying to hold back his laughter at this unexpected comment.
"Don't worry you won't have to Jason." Trey says.
After Trey and Jason got done talking they join the others outside.
"So did you tell Jason everything?" Lucifer whispers to Trey.
"Yes." Trey responds.
"Okay than is there anything else you want to tell Jason before we leave?" Lucifer asks him.
Trey turns to Jason other than the fact that I'm proud to be his father." Trey smiles at Jason and Jason smiles back.
"Okay than we should be off the longer we are away the worse the Underworld might become." Kaze says.
"Right lets go." Trey says.
Trey, Kaze and Lucifer start walking down the path to leave the apartment complex when Trey turns and waves goodbye to Jason, Glaciea and George, Jason starts feeling tears coming to his eyes again as his father gets further and further away, George walks up beside Jason and gently places his right hand on his left shoulder.
"Jason don't worry I know you're father will be just fine." George tries to reassure him.

The Demon King's castle in the Underworld:
When Trey entered the castle in his demon form everyone inside was overjoyed to see him.
"Your highness we missed you so much." One said.
"Have you heard that fiends have been spotted in our territory?" Another asked.
"Yes I was informed about the fiends why I came back from Middle World." Trey says.
Trey heads to the castle infirmary and sees Mizu sitting in a chair.
But something didn't feel right to Trey when he saw Mizu.
"Mizu tell me everything about the fiends that you saw if that's really you that is?" Trey grits his teeth in anger.
"Wh...what do you mean you're highness of course it's me!" Mizu says surprise in his voice.
"You can stop with this sharade I know you aren't Mizu. Trey goes over and picks him up by his arm. "What did you do with the real Mizu?!" Trey asks fury in his voice.
Kaze walks into the infirmary.
"You're highness what are you doing to Mizu?!" "Put him down he's still recovering from his injuries!" Kaze said.
"Kaze this isn't Mizu!" Trey says.
"What do you mean of course it's Mizu..." Kaze gets cut off by Mizu starting to laugh.
"I'm surprised you're highness that you saw through my disguise like it was nothing, but I shouldn't have thought anything less from the Demon King that helped in-prison my master, but now you are going to die along with everyone in the Underworld!" The fake Mizu said then he started glowing Trey let go of him and flew to Kaze.
"He's going to self destruct!" Trey said, but before he got to Kaze there was a very bright white light followed by a massive explosion.

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