Chapter 9

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Miss. Tuski is walking home from school.
"Let's see what would be a good team building activity, so the students can grow even closer as teammates." Miss. Tuski thought to herself.
Miss. Tuski puts her thumb on her chin and a "hmm," comes out. "Seriously what can I do..." she trails off because something on a near by telephone pole catches her eye, she walks over to it. "That's it!" She says excitingly.

The next day in Miss. Tuski's classroom everyone is talking amongst each other in there groups, when the door to the classroom opens up and Miss. Tuski walks in holding some papers.
"Okay everyone find the nearest desk." Miss. Tuski tells the class.
Everyone went to the nearest desk.
"Okay class, so last night I was thinking of possible ways to getting to know your teammates even more than you might already know them, so in my hands here is a team building activity, so I need one member from each group to come up here and take one pice of paper from me and go back to your group, but don't look at it until I tell you to okay." Miss. Tuski instructs.
One member from each group went up to get a pice of paper from Miss. Tuski.
"I'll go get it for our group." Glaciea says than heads to Miss. Tuski.
A few seconds later Glaciea returns and places the pice of paper on Drake's desk behind her.
"Okay you all have a pice of paper now, so now you can all flip the pieces of paper over." Miss. Tuski instructs.
Everyone did and some surprised murmuring broke out, because on the other side of the pieces of paper where all lost cats, there was a picture of the cat and an address and phone number for the owner on the paper.
Amber raised her hand.
"Yes Amber?" Miss. Tuski asks.
"Miss. Tuski are you serious?! You want us to find lost cats?!" Amber asks.
"That's correct." Miss. Tuski responds.
"But, why?" Amber asks.
"Because what better team building activity is there, you have to work together to find your lost cat and once you find him or her you have to work as a team to catch them, and not only that there owners will be thrilled to have there lost cats back, so you're also helping out the city of Sorairo as well." Miss. Tuski explains.
Amber looks at her teammates.
"Well I guess that makes sense." Amber says.
"Anymore questions?" Miss. Tuski scanes the classroom and no one else had there hands raised. "So, no more questions? Well in that case everyone there's some lost kitties that need to be found!" Miss. Tuski says and gives them a thumbs up.

Everyone is outside of the school looking at there lost cat posters.
"So our cat is named Mittens, they appear to be a pure black cat with white feet and white on there tail tip from what this picture shows." Drake says looking at the paper.
"This won't be a easy task since Sorairo is a big city, this cat can be literally anywhere." Jason says feeling defeated.
"Yes." Glaciea sighs.
"Hey you two don't lose hope before we even start, because if you do then poor Mittens might not ever be found." Drake says trying to lift there spirits.
"True we need to reunite Mittens with there owner!" Glaciea says.
"Well if we are looking for a lost cat maybe starting with ally ways is the best way to start." Jason suggested.
"Yeah that would be the best place to start, but we need to be quit when searching since if we do find Mittens we don't want to scare them off." Glaciea says.
"Very true Glaciea." Drake says.
Drake, Glaciea and Jason start walking in the direction of the nearest ally way.

A few moments later they arrive at an ally way entrance.
"Geez it's kinda dark down there." Drake says.
"Yeah it's the perfect cover for muggers to be lurking, so we need to be extra cautious." Jason warned Drake and Glaciea who both shook there heads in agreement.
"Alright then let's go see if Mittens is down there." Jason said and Drake summoned a flame in his right hand that illuminated the darkness in a warm orange glow.
The three continue walking down the alley way when suddenly Glaciea grabs onto Jason's arm.
"Glaciea what's wrong?" Jason asked her.
"It's really creepy down here isn't it?" Glaciea asks still holding onto Jason's arm.
"Yeah I guess it kinda is." Jason says.
"Jason is it okay if I continue holding onto your arm?" Glaciea asks.
"Yeah I don't mind." Jason says.
"Th...thank you Jason." Glaciea says her face turning red and she hoped that Jason didn't notice.
The three reach the end of the ally way.
"And nothing." Drake says.
"Yeah I was really hoping we would find Mittens in there." Jason said.
"Same actually, but there's still a few ally ways left to look, so let's go to the next one." Drake says and starts walking to the right.
Glaciea and Jason follow after Drake.

(Spongebob a few hours later card)
"We looked through all the ally ways, but this one, and if Mittens isn't here I don't know where to look next." Drake says peering down the ally way. "So, let's get this one searched."
Drake, Glaciea and Jason start walking down the ally way when they suddenly see movement at the end of Drake's flame next to a dumpster, they get closer so the glow illuminates what's causing the movement, and sitting in front of them is a pure black cat with white feet and a white tail tip.
"No way that's Mittens!" Jason says quietly and in disbelief, so Mittens would hopefully not hear him, but Mittens picked up there head and looked at them.
Jason slowly walks towards Mittens.
"Here Mittens, come here Mittens." Jason says softly, but Mittens backs up. "Mittens we don't want to hurt you we just want to return you to your owner." Jason says and he takes another step towards Mittens, but Mittens takes another step back.
"Jason that won't work Mittens doesn't know that we won't hurt them, so we have to show Mittens that we won't hurt it." Drake said.
"And how do you suggest we do that?" Jason asks.
Glaciea looks around the ally and sees what appears to be a small pice of a mirror in the dumpster.
"Jason, Drake I think I have an idea!" Glaciea says softly and excitingly.
Glaciea goes over to the dumpster and carefully pulls out the pice of mirror.
"Okay Drake can you move your flame, so it reflects off of the surface of the mirror?" Glaciea asks.
"Yeah sure." Drake says and moves his flame.
The flames light reflected off of the small pice of mirror making a light orangish circle on the ground, when Glaciea moved the mirror the circle moved as well.
"So what's this plan of yours Glaciea?" Jason asks her.
"Just watch." Glaciea says.
"Okay..." Jason says.
"Jason, Drake look!" Glaciea says excitement present in her voice, because Mittens was chasing after the orange circle on the ground now.
"Oh I see you where trying to show the cat that we meant no harm like Drake said." Jason says.
"Yep exactly, and cats love to play." Glaciea says.
After a few more minutes of playing with Mittens, Glaciea slowly started to walk up to Mittens who was distracted playing with the orange circle, Glaciea reached out her hand and gentle stroked the cat. Mittens stopped playing with the circle and looked at her, but instead of running away Mittens started rubbing there head on her hand, Glaciea put the mirror pice on the ground and picked up Mittens who wasn't trying to get away from her, Glaciea continued to pet Mittens.
"Wow Glaciea that was a really good plan!" Jason complimented her.
"Oh um thanks Jason." Glaciea said still petting Mittens.
"Well you two let's go return this kitty cat back to there owner." Drake said pulling out the pice of paper from his jeans pocket that had the owners address on it.
"Right." Glaciea said.
Jason nodes his head in agreement.
So Drake, Jason and Glaciea exit the ally way and head towards Brazen Street where Mitten's owner lives.

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