Chapter 18

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The next day Jason, Glaciea and Sara are all walking to school together Jason and Glaciea are talking amongst themselves, but Sara is still thinking about her encounter with Flora... I mean Crystal the night before, she is completely lost in thought that she doesn't realize that they arrived at the entrance to the school until Glaciea's concerned voice brings her back to reality.
"Sara are you alright?" Glaciea asks her.
Sara looks at Glaciea.
"Yes I'm alright why?" Sara asks her.
"No reason just you had a blank look on your face the entire time here and you didn't answer any of my questions or Jason's." Glaciea says.
"Oh, sorry about that Glaciea what where your quest..." Sara gets interrupted as Drake flys down from the sky landing next to them.
"Good morning Jason, Glaciea and Sara." He greets them.
"Good morning Drake." Glaciea greets him.
"Good morning." Jason replies.
"Um, yes good morning." Sara says.
"Well class is about to start we should probably be going." Drake says and walks in Jason and Glaciea follow after him inside.
"Well it looks like those questions where not important at least." Sara says to herself before entering the school.

In the classroom
Drake, Jason and Glaciea sit down in there normal seats and Sara sits next to Glaciea, a few moments later the door to the classroom opens up and Miss. Tuski walks in.
"Okay class find a seat and sit down." Miss. Tuski says.
Everyone did as instructed.
"Okay class you haven't had a teamwork project in awhile now, so I was thinking instead of me assigning another one to you this time your groups decide amongst yourselves what you want to do." She says and the class erupted in murmurs of excitement. "But before you start thinking of your teamwork project Sara."
Sara looks up at Miss. Tuski.
"You can choose whatever group you want to join." Miss. Tuski says and everyone turns and looks at Sara.
"Um is it okay if I join Glaciea's group?" Sara asks her.
"Well what do you three think?" Miss. Tuski looks at Drake, Jason and Glaciea when she asks this.
"Well I don't see any reason why she can't join us." Glaciea says and Drake and Jason shake there heads in agreement.
"Alright then, with that said and done I will let all of you brainstorm ways you can improve your teamwork!" Miss. Tuski says sounding more excited then the students now.

After class
"So any of you have any ideas for a teamwork project?" Drake asks Jason, Glaciea and Sara.
Jason puts his thumb on his chin.
"Hmmm... I got... nothing." He says.
"Um not helpful Jason." Glaciea says jokingly.
"I don't have any ideas either." Sara says.
"Hey I have an idea why don't we go to my place and have a snack while we brainstorm, Albert might also be able to give us a suggestion or two." Drake suggests and Glaciea and Jason's faces lighten up at this proposal.
"Good idea Drake." Jason says.
Glaciea shakes her head in agreement.
"What about you Sara?" Drake asks her.
"Well considering if I opposed I'd be out voted, so sure." Sara says.
"Okay then follow me." Drake says then starts walking.
Jason, Glaciea and Sara follow after him.

Its around 4pm now (16:00 pm) and fancy houses start to appear in the distance.
"We are almost th... Drake gets interrupted by Sara suddenly yelling.
The group stops dead in there tracks.
"Sara what is..." Glaciea trails off because a little bit in front of where they stood the shadow of a nearby tree started to move then appeared to rise up and solidify into a slender man with pitch black hair, wearing black dress pants and a fancy black suit with pitch black eyes, Jason grits his teeth.
"Akuma!" Jason said anger in his voice. "What are you doing here?!" He asks him.
A pointy teeth smile appears on Akuma's face.
"It's nice to see you again son of Satan, but you should know why I'm here and this time I won't be leaving empty handed." Akuma looks Jason right in his eyes drowning him with his pitch black gaze, Jason summons his sword in his right hand.
"We won't let you take Jason!" Glaciea says then summons her ice bow and stands next to him.
"Yeah you picked a fight with the wrong individuals!" Drake says then summons two balls of flame in both of his hands, his rage fueling the flames making them burn even hotter and more intense.
Sara walks up and stands beside Glaciea.
"Akuma I will never forgive what the fiends and Oblivion have done to Heaven!" Sara says and summons a sword of pure light, feathers made of light seemed to float off of it.
At seeing the sword a cruel smile appeared on Akuma's face.
"So not only do I get to take the son of Satan I also get to kill Heavens' 2nd in command!" A cruel cold light seemed to illuminate his pitch black gaze. "So shall we begin?" Akuma asks and summons his pitch black sword in his right hand and points it at Jason.
Jason is enveloped in darkness, when the darkness departed he had horns on his head, with jet black wings wearing jet black armor.
Akuma gave him his pointy teeth smile.
"Now this is going to be fun!" He says.

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