Chapter 15

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Trey stands atop of a toppled pillar and in front of him are Lucifer, Yurie, Kasia and Kaze, behind them are approximately 100 soldiers which was all Lucifer, Yurie and Kasia could find that where not helping out wounded or they themselves where not wounded, this force was small compared to the soldiers that Kasia described that the fiends had, but despite that Trey knew that they could win and take back there territory that the fiends took from them.
"May I have your attention please everyone." Trey calls out to the group and they all turn and face him.
"I don't know how many of you know this, but there's an army of fiends that has entered into the middle of the Underworld." Trey says and he could hear surprised gasps come from the soldiers assembled in front of him. "From the information I've gathered it seems that the fiend force is quite large and growing larger in numbers from the many victims that had there magic drained from them and turned into fiends themselves, they also apparently have a strong leader in there ranks." Trey says and he could see terrified expressions on some of the solders faces. "But, do not worry because we are going to beat this force and take back the territory that they took from us! I will not let anymore innocent lives be taken by these fiends! That includes the lives of any of you assembled before me!" Trey says.
A soldier speaks up.
"And how exactly do you plan to do that?!Especially after you said that there force was large and growing larger with a strong leader! And there's what 100 of us against an army like that sorry, but are you insane?!"
Concern murmuring broke out amongst the soldiers and Lucifer, Yurie, Kasia and Kaze look up at Trey, Trey gives them a reassuring look.
"Do not worry I have a plan." Trey says loud enough so everyone could hear him over the murmuring, when the soldiers heard that they stop talking amongst each other and looked at Trey again.
"And what's this plan of yours?!" A soldier asks.
"My plan is that the 100 of you soldiers will break into 4 groups, each group will have 25 soldiers in each one and each group will be lead by one of the 4 Demon Generals." Trey explains then looks down at Kasia, Yurie, Lucifer and Kaze.
"What?!" A soldier says.
"It's official our king has lost all of his marbles." Said another one.
"Being on Middle World must have turned his brain to mush if he thinks splitting us into even smaller groups is a good idea..." Said another soldier.
The soldiers go silent because they hear Trey clear his throat.
"You didn't let me finish before you interrupted me, I was also going to say when we encounter the enemy I want all four groups to stay a safe distance away and stop any enemies if they get by me, since I'm planning on using my trump card against them." At hearing this the mood of the soldiers took a complete 180 degree turn.
"If his majesty is going to use his trump card we actually have hope of beating this foe!" Said a soldier.
"Yeah I might be able to see my daughter again after all." Said another.
"So after hearing my plan I won't punish you for leaving if you still think I'm insane." Trey says than scans the group of soldiers assembled before him, but none left they all remained where they stood.
"Alright then let's go take this battle to the fiends and take back our territory!" Trey Says and raises a fist to the sky.
"Yes sir!" Kasia, Yurie, Lucifer, Kaze and the group of soldiers say and they all raise a fist to the sky as well.

The 4 groups of soldiers each one lead by a Demon General follow Trey, they been walking for quite awhile looking for the fiend force when suddenly Trey puts his hand up for stop because he sees the enemy force off in the distance heading there way.
"Okay everyone you know the plan you stay here out of the way and I'll go and confront the enemy." Trey says and everyone nods there heads in agreement. Trey turns to walk in the direction of the enemy and he could hear his soldiers shouting words of encouragement at him.
"You got this your majesty!" Shouted one.
"Make them regret coming to the Underworld!" Shouted another.
Trey walks until he's halfway between the enemy force and his soldiers where he waits for the enemy force to arrive which arrives a few minutes later. The fiend force was being lead by a large fiend that looked like a crocodile except it was pitch black and was walking on two legs, Trey assumed this was the leader since it was larger than the other fiends.
"Well if it isn't my lucky day I seem to have found myself being in the presence of Satan himself." The fiend mused.
"I don't know if you would consider that lucky or not." Trey says looking the fiend right in it's pitch black cold eyes.
The fiend chuckles, if you call it chuckling since it sounded more like someone banging on a tin trash can.
"Of course it is because I get the honor of draining your magic along with the magic from that weak force you brought along with you." The fiend looks at the soldiers assembled in the distance a cruel look appearing on its crocodile face.
"I'm not going to let you harm them." Trey says and his eyes start to glow.
"Oh do you really think that you alone can take on me and my army of thousands of fiends?!" The fiend starts to chuckle again.
"And it's obvious that you underestimate me fiend." Trey says then he summons his scythe in his right hand and started to chant in an ancient and forgotten language.
"Wait wha... what are you doing?!" The fiend asks as the sky turns an unnatural black and pure menacing feeling magic starts to engulf Trey, when it clears Trey has a skeleton dragons skull on his head, his wings where also skeletal and his body was completely covered in pitch black armor, the armor looked like it would swallow any light that ventured to close to it, his eyes shone from underneath the dragons skull they looked completely blood thirsty, all of the fiends even the leader backed up.
"I guess I don't blame you for being terrified since you are in the presence of my true form!" Trey says, he then taps the ground with the tip of his scythe and a fissure appeared on either side of the scythe tip, from that fissure skeletons crawled out of it, they where armed with lances, and swords which all glowed an eerie black, in a matter of moments Trey had an army of two-thousand skeleton warriors awaiting there cue to attack the fiends.
The fiend leader was completely speechless.
"Now we are on more even footing fiend." When Trey said fiend it was like the cue word the skeleton warriors where looking for since they started to charge the enemy.
The skeleton warriors hacked and slashed the fiends to nothingness.
The fiend leader had no idea how to respond to this as it watched there fiend soldiers getting decimated by the skeleton warriors.
"So who's the weak force now?"
The fiend leader was to distracted by watching the skeleton warriors go through there fiend ranks that they didn't realize that Trey was standing next to them now, his scythe just inches away from it's neck.
"Please Satan spare my life please." The fiend leader pleaded.
"And why should I? You fiends never spared any innocent lives, so I'm not going to spare a life of a parasite!" And with that Trey brought his scythe down slicing the fiend in half.
"The fiend let out a cry, but it was quickly silenced as the fiend leader dissolved into nothingness.
Trey looked around at the remaining fiends and of his skeleton warriors, some fiends attempted to get away, but the skeleton warriors caught up to them and slayed them.
After a few moments the skeleton warriors finished off the last of the fiends that they where summoned to get rid of, so like the fiends the skeleton warriors also dissolved into nothingness.
With the battle now over Trey converted back into his normal demon form and walked back to the group where he was welcomed with cheers and applause.
"Your majesty you where amazing!" Kasia says then runs over and hugs him.
"Wow I can't believe I got to witness your true form!" Lucifer says.
"You where completely amazing your highness." Yurie says.
"Thank you every one, but we should get back to the castle, I don't like the thought of keeping you all away anymore than I have to especially with Oblivion plotting and all." Trey says.
"You're right your majesty." Kaze agrees.
The group heads back in the direction of the castle.

In the cavern where Oblivion is in-prisoned.
Oblivion and Akuma where watching the entire battle unfold on a magic mirror that Akuma created with his magic.
"It was that fiends own stupidity to underestimate Satan why it and there force was destroyed that easily." Akuma says.
"Yes, but it doesn't really matter that much Akuma, I got quite a bit of magic from the Underworld, so even though that fiend was a complete idiot at least it still did it's job until the very end, but now let's go onto the next two phases of my plan, and that's the invasion of Heaven which is already underway, and for the other part I'll be needing your assistance again Akuma." Oblivion says.
"I will do whatever you want my master." Akuma says.
"I want you to go after Satan's brat again." Oblivion says.
"It shall be done my master and this time I will not fail." Akuma says.
"Good now go." Oblivion orders and Akuma leaves the cavern.

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