Chapter 14

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Even though Trey protected himself from the explosion with his magic the force of the blast still rendered him unconscious, when he came to he noticed that he was lying on the floor underneath ruble of what used to be the castle infirmary, maraciliesly none of the ruble fell on him and the opening was big enough so he could sit upright on his legs, it was dark and the only light illuminating the darkness was from openings that where not covered up by the ruble.
"I need to get out of here." Trey thought to himself, then he summoned his scythe and focused magic into it, the scythe started to radiate with the magic, and Trey was able to slice through the ruble like it was a hot knife through butter creating an opening big enough for him to crawl through, when he got out Trey looked around, there was nothing left of the castle other than a few pillars everything else was in ruins, there was soldiers, and staff helping victims that where trapped under the ruble by pulling them out and checking to see if they sustained any injuries, Trey scanned the individuals looking to see if he could spot Kaze amongst them when he heard footsteps rapidly approaching him, he turned to where the footsteps where coming from and it was four of the castle staff.
"Your highness, we're so relieved to see that you're alright!" One of the staff members said before all four stopped in front of him they seemed to be out of breath and in tears.
"Your highness we where so worried that the worse happened to you!" One said wiping tears from her eyes.
"Are you badly injured your highness?!" One asked then she gasped when she saw that his forehead was bleeding.
"I'm fine. Have any of you seen Kaze?!" Trey asked them.
"No we haven't seen him your highness." One of them said.
"Darn it all! If only I would've done something to that Mizu imposter right away than none of this would've happened!" Trey thought to himself and grits his teeth in outrage.

Trey is walking around surveying the injured and seeing if he could help out in anyway when a pile of rubble shaking off to his right catches his eye, Trey runs over to it.
"Someone's trapped underneath it!" He thought to himself.
Trey gets ready to start taking ruble away to help whoever is trapped underneath, when he suddenly hears what sounded like the howl of very strong wind or possibly a...
"Wait could that be a Tempest wolf?!" Trey thought to himself.
The next thing he knew he was getting buffeted by very strong wind that was coming from underneath the pile of debris, the wind sent the debris flying like it was as light as feathers, and standing in front of him was a Tempest wolf.(Tempest wolves are a type of demon, they look like where-wolves, they stand on two legs and can run really fast), with emerald green eyes and storm gray fur that rippled from the remanence of the wind that it used to send the debris flying.
"I'm relieved to see that your alive my old friend." Trey says. Over joyed to see Kaze alive and standing in front of him.
The Tempest wolf turned his emerald green gaze towards Trey.
"You're majesty I'm relieved as well to see that you're alive." Kaze says back, then turns back into his human disguise and walks over to Trey.
"Your majesty what happened?!" "The last thing I remember is walking into the infirmary and you where talking to Mizu, then there was this blinding white flash, then the next thing I knew I felt myself being thrown forcefully to the side by a strong force and lost consciousness, when I awoke I was under that pile of ruble." Kaze explains.
"That wasn't Mizu." Trey says anger in his voice.
"What?!" Kaze says surprised. "Then do you know who that was then?!" Kaze asks.
"I have a suspicion on what it was."
Trey says locking his eyes with Kaze's emerald green gaze.
"You do who?!" Kaze asked.
"It was a fiend." Trey says.
"What?!" "A fiend?!" Kaze asks shocked.
"Yes, a fiend and they disguised themself to appear as Mizu." Trey explains.
"But who could've been behind this?!" Kaze asks.
"I'll give you one guess Kaze and there name starts with O and ends with blivion." Trey says and hearing this all the color seemed to drain from Kaze's face.
"Oblivion was behind this?!" Kaze asks still trying to comprehend what his king just told him and Trey shakes his head yes.
"Bingo, he's the only one I can think of that could've planed something like this."
Kaze is still at a loss for words when they hear footsteps approaching.
"Your majesty!" "Oh thank Hades you seem to be alright!"
Kaze and Trey both looked in the direction of where the voice came from and running towards them was a girl, with flame colored hair that seemed to flicker as she ran, to her left was a little girl that appeared to be no more than 8, but Trey knew that she was much much older than that, she was holding a teddy bear, and flying above them was Lucifer, when they got to Trey and Kaze the little girl and red haired girl where gasping for breath.
"Your... your..." the red haired girl gasped.
"Kasia catch your breath first." Trey tells her.
"But It's... it's terrible your highness." Kasia wheezed out.
"Why what happened?" Trey asked her.
"It's fiends, they have entered into the middle part of the Underworld!" Kasia said.
"What?!" Trey says anger clear in his voice.
"The troops that where stationed there got overwhelmed by the fiends numbers, I tried to help them hold them off... Kasia trailed off.
"But, they have a very powerful leader in there ranks and we couldn't eliminate them, they killed a lot of the troops before I issued a retreat to go to the nearest village or town and I came here. Your majesty I've failed you and because of my weakness I have no right to be called a Demon General!" Kasia says sadness lining her voice. Trey walked over to her, he places his right hand on her left shoulder Kasia looks up at him expecting to see her king furious with her, but instead of fury that she was expecting to see instead he has a comforting expression on his face.
"You did not fail me Kasia, and from what you told me you did what was best for your soldiers since the fiends outnumbered you, and by doing an retreat you probably saved a lot of there lives, so don't say you don't deserve being called a Demon General because you do deserve it." Trey reassures her.
Kasia was at a loss for words.
"Thank you your highness." Kasia says finally.
"So what are we going to do your highness?" Lucifer asks.
"Well we need to get rid of the fiends that are in the Underworld, but I don't want to drive them out since they could cause potential problems to Middle World." Trey says.
"So... so how do you want us to deal with the fiends?" The 8 year old girl asks.
"Well Yurie we will have to come up with a plan to eliminate the fiends here and I have an idea on just how we can do that, so with that in mind Kaze, Kasia, Yurie and Lucifer get as many soldiers ready as you can, and prepare for our first major battle in 5,000 years against Oblivion's forces!" Trey says.
"Right your highness!" All four said in perfect unison then Kasia, Yurie and Lucifer left to go round up what troops they could find.
Kaze stays standing by Trey.
"You do realize your highness this is probably a trap set by Oblivion, since this fight will kill some of our remaining soldiers and wound others it will severely weaken us." Kaze says concern in his voice.
"I'm completely aware of that Kaze and the fact that this force that Oblivion sent is basically a bait." Trey says then faces Kaze. "But don't worry I have a plan and it will result in the enemy perishing and all of our forces uninjured.
"Wait you don't mean..." Kaze trails off.
A menacing look appears on Trey's face.
"Yep if Oblivion thought he could have his forces invade the Underworld and put a lot of innocent lives in danger without me getting outraged, I will make sure he greatly regrets making me mad!" Trey says.

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