Chapter 12

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The next day Jason, Glaciea and Drake are still recovering from the events that unfolded the night before.

At school
"Agh I'm so tired." Jason says as he sits down at his desk and lays his head on top of the desk.
"Yeah I don't blame you for being tired Jason, you used a lot of magic yesterday your body is still recovering." Drake said.
"I wish today was Saturday, so I could sleep." Jason says then closes his eyes.
"Hey don't fall asleep Jason, Miss. Tuski would be furious if she walked in to start class and your snoring." Glaciea says.
Jason sits upright and yawns.
"Yeah your probably right." Jason agrees than like right on cue the door to the classroom opens up and Miss. Tuski walks in.
"Okay everybody find a seat and put your butt in it let's begin cla..." Miss. Tuski gets interpreted by the phone on her desk ringing, she picks it up and answers.
"Hello, I see, wait what?, okay we will continue this conversation in your office." Miss. Tuski hangs up and walks over to Jason, Glaciea and Drake. "Can you three accompany me to the principals' office please."
"Yeah, sure." Jason says and all three of them stand up and head towards the door and exit the classroom.
"Everyone else you will be having study hall." Miss. Tuski says then leaves and follows Jason, Glaciea and Drake to the principals' office.

Miss. Tuski, Jason, Glaciea and Drake arrive at the principals' office, Miss. Tuski knocks on the door.
"Come in." A voice on the other side of the door says, Miss. Tuski opens up the door and enters Jason, Glaciea and Drake follow her in.
"Wait dad why are you here?" Jason asks surprised because sitting in a chair looking at him was Trey.
And sitting next to Trey was Glaciea's dad George.
"And dad why are you here?!" Glaciea asks surprise in her voice.
"All will be answered soon." A voice said from the side right of the room, and standing there was a guy that looked like James from Team Rocket, (Devil is a part timer reference), and standing to his left was...
"Wait?!" "Why is Crystal here?!" Drake asks.
"That's what we are going to discuss." Trey says.
"Yep." Said the James look a like.
"Um okay, but can you answer me something first, who's the James from Team Rocket look a like?" Jason asks pointing to the guy next to Crystal.
"Wait who is this James from Team Rocket?!I'm the great archangel Gabriel! You'd be wise to remember that Jason!" Said the James look a like... I mean Gabriel.
Miss. Tuski walks up beside Jason.
"Dad it's not his fault for not knowing who you are, especially when you're in your human form." Miss. Tuski says.
"Wait, Miss. Tuski this guy is your dad?!" Jason says in surprise and Glaciea and Drake have surprised looks on there faces as well.
Gabriel walks over to them. "Yep I'm Madalyn's father." A sinister glimmer appeared in his eyes when he looked at Miss. Tuski, then he out stretched his arms. "Now will you let your dear old daddy have a hug?" He steps forward and Miss. Tuski pushes him away.
"Not in this life or the next! You might be an archangel, but you will always be a pervert!" Miss. Tuski says annoyance clear in her voice.
Behind her George coughed.
"Can we please move onto what we came here to discuss?" George asked.
"Yes of course, my apologies." Miss. Tuski said.
"Trey you want to start?" George asks.
"Alright, you three where wondering why you are here, well it's actually a very important matter." Trey starts off. "We where informed by Crystal here that you three where attacked by of all things Oblivion's right hand man Akuma last night is that correct?" He asks.
"Yes that's correct dad, actually I don't know what would've happened if Crystal didn't step in and helped us, she saved all three of us with her nature magic." Jason explained, but when Jason was telling them about what happened the night before he caught George glancing at Crystal who wasn't meeting his gaze, instead she had her site trained on the floor, after Jason finished he saw fury burning in his fathers eyes George also looked furious.
"Dam that cowardly Oblivion he targeted me through my son!" Trey said as he slams his hand on the principals' desk which startled her.
"Calm yourself Trey this is how Oblivion wants you to react." George says.
"Yeah dad there isn't any reason to react this way, because of Crystal Glaciea, Drake and I are all safe." Jason tried to reassure him.
George suddenly stands up.
"Well Flora you're story was 100% accurate, so I will not have Gabriel strip you of your angel status and make you into a fallen angel." George says.
"Wait dad what are you talking about?! And who's Flora?!" Glaciea asks.
George turns and looks at her.
"The one that you know as Crystal Heartfall is actually Flora Shizen, she's an angel that betrayed heaven one of the greatest crimes and sins an angel could ever commit, and the punishment for that betrayal is becoming a fallen angel!" George explains, surprise expressions appeared on Glaciea, Jason and Drake's faces.
"Flora has been on the run for quite sometime, and Gabriel was finally able to track her down through her magic signature last night, but when he was about to take her back with him she told him about the incident that just happened, and he informed me of it, I thought it was all a lye why I wanted to hear your side of the story, but now that I've heard it I know she was telling the truth." George says then looks at Crystal.
"Crystal you committed a great crime and sin against heaven, but you saved the life of my daughter and her two friends, so I'll allow you to remain an angel."
Crystal raises her head.
"Wait do you really mean that?!" Crystal asks tears forming in her eyes.
"Wait you can't be serious!" Gabriel said anger clear in his voice.
"I'm quite serious Gabriel." George said.
"Thank you so much!" Crystal said not knowing how to react.
"But Crystal you will still have a punishment for betraying heaven, even if it means you won't be a fallen angel." George says.
Crystal looks at George tears in her eyes.
"And what would that be?" Crystal asks him.
"As long as I'm on Middle World you will have to stay close to me so I can watch over you okay." George says.
Crystal wipes the tears from her eyes.
"Yeah that won't be a problem." Crystal said.
"Alright then this discussion I declare is now over!" George says.

After school Glaciea and Jason arrive at the apartment complex and they see Crystal she was carrying a box in her arms.
"Hey Crystal." Glaciea called out to her.
Crystal stops and looks in Glaciea's direction.
"Oh hey Glaciea." Crystal says.
"Crystal what are you doing?" Glaciea asks.
"Oh I'm just getting moved into my new apartment." Crystal said.
"Do you need help with anything?" Glaciea asks her.
"Nope this is the last box actually." Crystal says.
"Crystal what apartment number are you in if I may ask?" Jason asks her.
"Oh I'm apartment number 117." Crystal says.
"Wait we are next door neighbors!" Glaciea says.
"Well when Go... I mean George said he wanted to keep an eye on me he literally means it." A bead of sweat tickles down the right side of her face. "Now if you excuse me I have some unpacking to do." Crystal walks away in the direction of her apartment.
"Glaciea can I ask you a question?" Jason asks her suddenly which takes her by surprise.
"Yeah go ahead." Glaciea responds.
Jason turns so he's looking at her.
"You're dad is God isn't he?" Jason asks her and Glaciea quickly looks at the ground.
"Glaciea you know my dad is Satan, so there is no reason to keep it a secret, but if he's not I apolo..." Glaciea raises her head tears in her eyes.
"Yes it's true my dad is God, and now that you know I understand if you don't like me any..." Glaciea trails off because Jason pulls her in and kisses her on the cheek which completely takes her by surprise, she could feel her face turning beet red.
Jason pulls away and looks at her.
"You didn't say anything or freak out when you learned who my father was, so why should I freak out that I know who your father is?"
Tears of happiness start rolling down Glaciea's face, she's at a complete loss for words.

Glaciea and Jason are unaware that there being watched.
"Well what do you know God you where right after all, even though they both know who's each others father is it's like they grew even closer knowing." Trey says.
George smiles.

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