Chapter 4

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"And here we are!" Trey says putting his arms up in a ta da pose.
"Wait what is this restaurant?" Jason asks him, because the restaurant his dad lead him and Glaciea to looked like a really fancy restaurant with stain glass windows, marble columns, and a door man greeting people as they walked in and thanking them for coming when they walked out, Trey turned his head and smiled at Jason and Glaciea.
"Just follow me inside and you will see." He said.
Jason and Glaciea follow Trey inside the restaurant and to there amazement see that the restaurant is a buffet style, the entire left hand side was rows of all kinds of different food. The right side of the restaurant had the stain glass windows that Jason saw outside, the light of the setting sun sent rays of light through them bathing the dining area in a rainbow of color.
Trey walks up beside Jason.
"I'm assuming you never been here before?" He asks Jason which makes him jump.
"Um... no I haven't." He says.
"I see, what about you Glaciea?" Trey asks her, but Glaciea shakes her head no.
"Awesome, so this will be a new experience for both of you!" Trey says.
"Um if we can afford it, I can't imagine what the buffet will cost in a place like this." Jason says.
Trey smiles. "No need to worry about that Jason I already paid for all of us.
"Um thank you for paying for me Trey." Glaciea says.
"Yeah thank you dad." Jason says.
"Hey you don't need to thank me, now let's stop talking and get eating!" Trey says with extreme enthusiasm.
Trey, Jason and Glaciea get a table then head towards the buffet, the buffet had everything you could ever imagine on it, it had cuisines from all over Middle World from Chinese food, Japanese food, American food, Mexican food etc. if you could think of a food this buffet will probably have it, it was literally like dying and going to food heaven (yes I know that's ironic sounding for me).
"I don't know where to start." Glaciea says as she's trying to take in everything.
"Honestly I don't know where to start either." Jason says.
After what felt like an eternity Jason and Glaciea got back to there table, they both have at least one item from each of the different sections on there plates.
"I'm, so glad that it's an all you can eat buffet since there's a lot more that I want to try." Glaciea says.
"Same Glaciea, also this is random but I wonder where my dad went." Jason says then looks behind his shoulder and sees someone walking towards there table with two plates piled high with food. The food was piled, so high Jason couldn't see there face, but when they got closer he realized it was his dad. Trey placed both plates on the table then sat next to Jason.
"Dad what are you doing?!" Jason asked him.
"Well it's an all you can eat buffet, so I figured I will get my money's worth." Trey says.
"That doesn't mean you have to take the entire buffet." Jason says.
"Then they shouldn't call it an all you can eat buffet then." Trey says then picks up a fork.
"Now where should I begin?" Trey says softly.
Jason just shakes his head and continues to eat, Glaciea locks eyes with him on the other side of the table and gives a little chuckle. The three continue eating when all of a sudden Trey suddenly stops eating on his Mt. Saint Food.
"Do you two feel that?" Trey suddenly asks.
"Feel what?" Jason asked him.
"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels like magic is rushing at us..." Trey suddenly gets up and yells. "Everyone get down!" Trey pulled Jason and Glaciea out of there chairs onto the floor, he then got onto his hands and knees above Glaciea and Jason covering them, right when the glass window beside them exploded sending glass everywhere, Jason and Glaciea didn't get cut by the glass since Trey shielded them from it.
"Are you two okay?" Trey asked them as he sat upward on his legs.
Jason and Glaciea sat upwards also.
"Yes thanks to you Trey." Glaciea said. "But are you okay?!" Glaciea asked worry clear in her voice since Trey was bleeding from several cuts on his right arm and on the right side of his face.
"Yes I will be alright nothing serious." He assured her.
"Well well well what do we have here?"
Trey, Glaciea and Jason quickly turn there heads to the hole in the wall where the stain glass window used to be, standing there was a muscular looking man with blond hair, green eyes wearing black leather pants, a black T-shirt and black boots, on his left arm was a blue band with what looked like a wolf howling on it, when he walked into the restaurant he was followed by a female demi human that had a tiger tail with tiger ears, behind her was a demon with razor sharp white teeth and razor sharp claws, and the last one to enter was a female angel wearing all black which Jason thought was weird (because angels don't like wearing black since it's the color of fallen angels), but she still had her halo, so she was an angel all of them wore the blue band with the wolf howling on it.
"Listen up all of you, you are in the presence of four members of the Outcast, we are individuals that feel that we have no place left in any of the worlds, and we also feel that the so called Angel God and Demon King are unfit to rule over Heaven and Hell and that the true ruler of all three of the worlds is Oblivion!"
When the man said that a lot of individuals started looking at one another not sure how to respond to this.
"And to show our loyalty to Oblivion we will be taking all of you now as magic sacrifices to him, and who knows maybe if we are lucky we can even break what's left of that barrier sealing him releasing him back into this world!" The man scanned the crowd of individuals a cruel smile written on his face.
One women in a violet dress stood up she had a halo on her head so she was an angel.
"Are you insane!" She said with more bravery and steadiness then Jason thought she would be able to muster.
"Oblivion doesn't care about you! He doesn't care about any of us! All he cares about is devouring all the magic in the worlds, and conquering them along with his army of fiends he will turn on you as soon as he can!" The woman's words only seemed to annoy the Outcast. The angel outcast walked over to the woman.
"What... what are you doing?" The woman asked her terror in her voice.
"How dare you talk that way scum." The angel outcast said then put her left hand on the woman's neck.
"Sc...scum we are the same ra...ce." The woman chocked out.
"That maybe, but I know who the real ruler is..." the angel outcast broke off as she let go of the woman to avoid a chair that was thrown at her.
"You four I've had enough listening to you talk, so highly of Oblivion." Trey said. "Now I will show you not to mess with innocent individuals!" Trey was suddenly engulfed in shadows and when the shadows cleared he had horns on his head, with jet black wings wearing jet black armor and in his right hand was a scythe that seemed to radiate powerful magic.
"Wait who...who are you?!" The muscular man asked Trey fear in his voice.
Trey laughed. "I'm the last thing you'll ever see."
"Wh..." the man didn't get to finish because Trey appeared from the shadow behind the man and in the blink of an eye the man's head was on the floor.
"You... you bastared!" The demi human tiger girl said. She had her sharp claws outstretched and leaped at Trey, but before she made contact he dissolved into shadows.
"Wait where did he go?" The tiger girl asked surprised looking around.
"Behind you!" The angel girl said, but it was to late.
Trey appeared behind the tiger girl.
"To the eternal abyss with you!" He said.
He then opened up the shadow underneath the demi human's feet with the tip of his scythe.
"Waagh!" The girl yelled as she fell into eternal darkness.
Trey turned and faced the demon and angel girl.
"So just two left now, how shall the fates cut your stings of life?" Trey asked his red eyes glowing.
"Let's get out of here!" The angel girl said to the demon terror clear in her voice.
"Hah I won't let you escape!" Trey says, but before he could make a move the demon held up his right hand and the ground started shaking violently.
"Earthquake?!" Glaciea asked.
The earthquake was so violent that one of the lightning fixtures above a man came crashing down towards him, the man covered his head waiting for the impact but it never came.
"Hey are you okay?" The man looked up and saw Trey flying above him holding the lighting fixture.
"Yes th...thank you." The man said.
During the short time that Trey went to save the man from the falling lighting fixture it gave the angel girl and demon enough time to escape.
"Darn it they got away!" Trey said softly to himself as he set the lighting fixture on the ground.
The girl in the violet dress walked over to Trey.
"Thank you for saving me." She said.
"Hey you don't have to thank me, they where starting to get on my nerves for praising Oblivion so I thought someone had to shut them up." Trey says.
A restaurant employee came walking over.
"Still though if you didn't step up and fought back who knows what would've happened to us." The employee says.
A woman walks over to the group from the left side of the room.
"I agree, if you didn't fight back none of us would probably be still standing here." She says.
"Thank you for your praise. Trey says not sure what else to say.
"Since I'm extremely grateful that you saved everyone here, I would like to reward you." She says.
"You really don't have to." Trey says.
"But I want to, here take these." The women hands Trey three all you can eat buffet passes for life. "I noticed that you walked in here with two other individuals, so when the restaurant reopens I want you three back as our honored quests." She says and smiles.
"Wow, thank you very much." Trey says. "Can I ask what your name is?"
"Oh pardon me I'm the owner of this restaurant my name is Violet." The woman introduces herself.
"Thank you again Violet, and here I would like you to take this." In Trey's right hand a medium sized pouch appeared, he handed it to Violet who's taken by complete surprise by its weight, inside of the pouch its filled with platinum and gold coins, (the currency in the three worlds, it goes from copper coins, to silver coins, to gold coins, to platinum coins which are worth the most) Violet is at a complete loss for words. "I hope that covers a lot of the damages.
"Yeah this should be more than enough, but why are you giving me this?!" She asks him.
"Because I don't want to see you stuck cleaning up the mess that those Outcast left behind." Trey says.
"Well thank you again." Violet says still in
Trey walks over to Jason and Glaciea.
"Well you two let's head back to the apartment this dinner was to eventful for my liking, so I don't know about you, but I feel like I could go to bed." Trey was engulfed in shadows again, and when the shadows departed he no longer had horns, wings or wearing his jet black armor, instead he was wearing his red T-shirt and blue jeans. The three of them headed back to the apartments it was only 8pm (20:00pm) by the time they returned, but Jason and Trey both went to bed early.

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