The staff of wonders

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(400 years ago, planet Moroad)

The skies were clear and the beauty of nature engulfed the planet. Kids were running around and playing and the adults were at their normal activities. Everyone was smiling with each other sharing their love. At that time, no one could have imagined what would happen the next day. At 9am inter-realmic standard time (IRST), the sky which should have been bright was still dark. Something was blocking the light from reaching the planet. A large Battleship was anchored over the planet. It generated unease among the people fear roamed the planet. Before long, the invasion by the destroyers had begun. The military was rushed there and tried hard to repel the attacks but the destroyers had the stronger weapons and technology and larger numbers. The planet was doomed to destruction. Morcos, the Great Mage of Moroad knew what Magnus was after and so he set out to make this plan a failure. The Staff of Wonders which was the strongest artifact in the realm was the reason for the attack. The staff is said to have belonged to the god of the fifth realm which he forged from the destructive power of the mortals. Morcos used the staff's power to cast a spell that shattered it into 10 fragments and sent 9 of them to different areas of the mortal realm. The spell was so strong that it broke off a chunk of earth from the planet taking the mage and the tenth piece into a faraway place.

(Present day, Curion Central)

Alex: "Where's David?" Alex asked Mary.

Mary: "He's in the ship. I think he said he had a software to write."

Alex: "Ok, thanks". Alex walked to the ship to find David. "David"

David: "Over here, in the bridge."

Alex: "What are you doing?"

David: "Writing an AI"

Alex: "What's an AI?"

David: "Well, it's a system designed with the ability to think and reason like us living beings and to make its own decisions based on its judgments"

Alex: "I see. Won't that kind of system someday decide to turn against its creator?"

David: "That's only possible if the eventuality was not considered during the preprogramming phase and besides, I'm writing this system using biological code. In other words, the system and I are one."

Alex: "That sounds complicated"

David: "It's not really as complicated as it sounds."

Alex: "Why use biological code?"

David: "In order to make the ship inherit some of my abilities, I have to link it to myself and what better way than to link the system that controls the ship to me."

Alex: "So, what can the ship do that makes it different from earlier?"

David: "Its scanners can easily pick up the existence of supernatural objects in the fabric of space. It also permits me to use my new design of a hyperspace route."

Alex: "New hyperspace route design?"

David: "Yes! Till now hyperspace routes have been able to link just 2 points in space as well as every point in between. But my design is one that doesn't have any real points. They are created as the ship digs through the fabric of space. This flexibility enables it to transport objects and bodies 2x faster than light"

Alex: "Wow! I'm impressed."

David: "What was it you wanted to ask again?"

Alex: "I was thinking of helping you with cleaning your bedroom but I need a password to enter"

David: "That's very kind of you. I don't know how many princesses out there are ready to do domestic chores. Well my room was cleaned this morning so there's no need for you worry yourself about it"

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