The black mage

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Gladys: "With the hyperspacial engines repaired, we can now make a jump; however, we'll need more fuel if we're to make it to Curion Central. The amount of fuel we have left will not even be enough to cross the inter-realmic barrier"

David: "Take us to the closest inhabited planet?"

Gladys: "Scanning... scan complete. I found a planet but its destroyer territory"

David: "Take us there"

Gladys: "Ok, as you wish"

A hole seemed to open up in space and the ship flew into it. The hole closed as soon as the ship was in and a few seconds later, another hole opened near planet Frusin from which the ship exited. Blending in with the trade ships, they made it pass the checks and got to the planet's surface.

(Frusin, 28 July 3366)

They got to a fuel station where they filled the ship's tanks. David then landed the ship in an isolated forest in the middle of trees.

David: "Alex, I'm going out on a stroll. Want to join?"

Alex: "No sorry, I've got some more learning to do here"

David: "Gee, if you ask me I'd say she getting herself too much into this learning stuff"

Gladys: "Taskanaians are known for their keen interest in learning"

David: "Ok, I'm off"

David had already found out about the bounty on his head and so he used a disguising spell to make people believe they are seeing someone else and not him. As he walked through town, he saw a guy who was being beaten by a destroyer soldier. Everyone around was just watching helplessly. David being annoyed at this sight launched at the soldier and punched him. This punch killed him instantly. After seeing this, everyone ran away in panic which made David rather confused. Soldiers who were passing by saw the dead soldier by David and opened fire at him. He ran as fast as he could without using his lightning speed. He kept on running away and throwing obstacles at his pursuers. He knew that if he stopped to fight, he'll have been overwhelmed with destroyers and so couldn't afford to stop. He got pulled into a corner by a stranger letting the soldiers pass by. When they were gone, David walked out of the corner and thanked the stranger.

David: "Thank you kind sir, by what name may I address you?"

Siegran: "I'm Siegran and you my boy, have a talent at attracting attention"

David: "My bad. I'm David"

Siegran: "I saw what you did earlier. You've got quite a fist there. This is not the right place to talk. Follow me"

David followed the man as he crossed the street and entered a sewer in alley.

Siegran: "I'm from the rebellion army. They say the enemy of my enemy if my friend so I'd like to invite you to join us"

David: "I-I don't think I'll be able to join. I'm just not cut out for that kind of stuff"

Siegran: "Alas that was not what I expected. But you know where to find me in case you change your mind. I'll be right here"

David: "I don't think that's ever going to happen, but I'll keep in touch"

Siegran walked towards the wall and a doorway opened up from it through which he passed. David climbed out of the sewer and continued walking to the ship. As he walked through the busy streets of Chiad, the Frusian capital, he saw Alex. He decided to go over and meet her when one of the Frusian officials appointed by the destroyers approached her. David decided to keep his distance and see what happens. After a while of talking, the official had his guards take Alex with them by force. Being such a skilled warrior, Alex quickly put both of them to sleep. The enraged official quickly called for more guards putting Alex in quite a pinch. She readied her sword and got into battle position. Just as the guards were about to launch onto her, they saw a 25 foot tall monster appear behind them. The monster had sharp teeth and a glowing red body. It had 3 eyes, one being on its forehead and they were all shiny red in color. The people ran around in panic and the guards who were in front of it momentarily froze. As the monster started to roar, they all scattered into different directions except for the official who slipped and fell as he tried to run. David immediately ran towards Alex grabbing her hand and running away with her. When they were a safe distance away, the monster disappeared.

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