Chapter 2: Only 5 in a team

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"Damn it" Red Wine cursed. "I jinxed it this afternoon!"

Steak, in all his fiery red glory, glanced over to his long time rival and scowled. "You scoundrel! I can't believe I'll be working with you again."

As Red Wine got up from his seat and started striding over to Steak tauntingly, the latter placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to retaliate. You can already picture the ruins your restaurant will be in if they were to fight it out in here.

"STOP IT! Red Wine, Steak just got here! Can't you chill out for now?" You said as you stood between the two antsy food souls.

Red Wine withdrew his blade "I've known this fool for a long time, Attendant. All he knows is how to be loyal to his master, nothing else." He turns and makes his leave.

"WHY YOU!" Steak bellows. "I'M GUNNA GET YOU FOR THAT!!!" Eyes ablaze, he pulled out his sword from his belt, pointing it at the proud alcoholic drink (that sounds weird lol). You placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from throwing himself at Red Wine.

"Red Wine." You said in a rarely seen serious tone "although I see all you food souls as my friends, I still expect you to be loyal to me. You guys can do your own thing but I need you to be there for me when I need you. If Steak is a loyal food soul then it's nothing to be ashamed of."

Steak, only having known you for less than five minutes, stared at you with nothing but utmost admiration. He had previous Master Attendants who treated their food souls with less respect, finding you was truly a gem. He internally promised himself that he would protect you no matter what.

Red Wine muttered something incoherent but it was something along the lines of "-I'm very loyal what the hell... foolish pig..." he turned around and stomped up the stairs, every step clanking loudly with his posh boots.

After some of the food souls left the room, you finally formally introduced yourself to your new friend.

"So, my name is Y/N and I'm your new Master Attendant!" You cheerfully said to Steak. You've seen his catalog in your food souls guide but his picture in the book really couldn't reflect how handsome he was. You caught yourself slightly blushing. Steak, being oblivious as always, didn't notice.

"I'm terribly sorry for my outburst just now. Red Wine and I go way back but we aren't always on the best of terms..." Steak sheepishly scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

You smiled and waved it off. You then proceeded to show him around your restaurant and the general order of things. Steak seemed mildly interested, but he only started legitimately listening when you started to talk about missions and fights.

"Right now I have Milk as my leader in my main team. There's also Black Tea, Red Wine, Gingerbread and Bamboo Rice." You counted as you listed off the main fighters in your family of food souls.

"Oh." Steak looked a little disheartened at the fact that your team is already full. He really wanted to prove himself worthy to you.

You sensed his sudden gloominess and reassured him "Don't worry though! Once I've given you enough potions and level you up, you'll be strong and you can join us sometimes!"

"But your team is already full." Steak sulked even more.

You shook your head. "Sometimes, some missions don't allow us Master Attendants to use Strength or Magic food souls for some reasons, I'll need backup when that happens so don't worry!"

At that, Steak recovered his normal vigour.

-time skip-

"Why are these dumplings so hard to KILL!" Gingerbread grunted as she wiped off the sweat that had beaded on her forehead. "I don't like being sweaty... ARGHHH!!!" She cried as she did a series of slashes against the enemy.

Black Tea leaped up into the air, did a flip and did her special attack.

"It ends. Here."

The evil colourful dumplings fell lifeless to the ground. You gathered up the small amount of loot they dropped and turned to your food souls.

"I know these things are bothersome and a drag, but we gotta do it to proceed further. How about I make your favourite dishes when we get back?"

Bamboo Rice had the biggest grin on his face "HELL YEA! I can't wait for those corn pies of yours, Attendant!!" Lost in his delicious thoughts, he charged forward into the woods, searching for new enemy.

"Wait! Bamboo don't just run away like tha-!"

Your warning went unheard as your green food soul was attacked by a long slimy tentacle.

"It's Uke Mochi!" You exclaimed! "Guys we've dealt with her before! This will be a piece of cake."

Another tentacle darted forward from the shrubs and tall trees. Uke Mochi's body was hidden behind the thick canvas so your team couldn't see its face, hence made it more difficult for them to fully engage in battle.

Bamboo Rice scurried back into formation and muttered a few apologies for running off, took out his trusty machete and went into a battle stance. "Ha. You wanna fight? I'll give you a fight! This will be EAAASYYYY!!!"

Uke Mochi slowly emerged from its hiding... except, it wasn't the normal Uke Mochi you were accustomed to seeing. This one was a complete monster! (Enhanced version)

You've only heard tales of the true form of Uke Mochi, you never thought you'd have to face one so soon! Your hands grew sweaty as they gripped the hilt of your knife in case you needed to use the straight cutting skill to help your food souls.

"U-uh Master?" Bamboo Rice stuttered, something he never did unless he knew he was in deep shit. "You might wanna have some healing skills handy too."

Enhanced Uke Mochi was now towering over all of you, it roared in anger and lifted a tentacle to attack.
Gingerbread, being the first line of defence, immediately blocked the blow with her shield. It didn't stop her from staggering a few steps backwards though.

"Damn it's strong!" She hissed through clenched teeth. "We're gunna have to give it our all."

"Don't we always?" Red Wine said while attempting to slash a tentacle with his blade.

The battle continued with Milk constantly healing everyone, but it was barely enough to keep them standing. You used your healing skills too but it only can help so much.

Uke Mochi, growing frustrated with half its health left, violently swung its tentacles at Gingerbread. Immobilizing the toughest one will lead to the fall of the others. A series of strong hits nearly took her out. With less than 10% of health, she still stood bravely in front of the rest.

Uke Mochi, having been so DONE with these annoying food souls, started to charge its special attack.

"Watch out!"
"Damn it!!"

With one exhale, Uke Mochi took all five of your food souls out.

Hiiii!! Well there's a bit of action now but not much romance yet but it'll happen soon!!! Steak will be more involved in the next chapter I promise!!!! <3

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