Chapter 30: One Hundred and Fifty Soul Embers, with All my Heart

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This is the last chappie :(

"TEAM! We are going to gather soul embers!"

"... Master Attendant it's 5am... can't we go a bit later?"


A very grumpy Bamboo Rice watched an overly excited Ichi leave his room to harass the next food soul before kicking at his bedsheets as he forced himself up from his bamboo bed.

"Fucking hell." He swore under his breath before falling over onto the ground because his legs were still asleep. "FUCK!"

This routine went on for a few days with Ichi filling up his soul ember wallet with the help of his irritated food souls. Red Wine was so pissed that he almost forcefully broke the contract on the fifth day of this ridiculous new schedule.

"I hate you Ichi," Red Wine didn't even try to mask his burning rage for the boy. "If it wasn't Y/N's will, I would've killed you by now."

Ichi gulped "Hey hey... I'm just trying to get you more shards is all! It'll be worth it!"

-that night-

"No matter how many shards you give me, I still hate you." Red Wine sneered at his working Attendant in the summoning basement.

"Shut up Red Wine. You're annoying." Steak opened his mouth for the first time in a few hours and earned a few looks from other concerned food souls.

Red Wine quirked his finely plucked eyebrow. "Oh wow! Look who's finally speaking! It's been a while since you've opened your big oaf mouth." Steak scowled and remained silent again.

Ichi stood in front of the yellow portal in the basement with his arms full of soul ember.

"Please please work I beg you." He said to no one in particular. With 2700 soul embers, he was going all or nothing in this game of luck.

The food souls watched as their Master Attendant dropped all the soul ember into the portal and shards of various food souls came out one by one. Ichi's forehead beaded with sweat as the food soul he wanted didn't show up time and time again.

"25 shards of Rum? Nice." He muttered. "At least that's something."

The portal whirred again as it processed the last hundred and fifty soul embers. Ichi watched the yellow depth intensely and silently prayed for that food soul...

Whirrrrrr... ding!

"A-are you my mommy?"

"NOOO!" Ichi hollered in despair. His sudden and seemingly rude first impression scared poor Cold Rice Shrimp, who started tearing up immediately. She clutched onto her lantern harder.

"Ugh... oh sorry Cold Rice Shrimp. But I won't be your mommy... I guess you can call me dad." Ichi apologized once he caught on the little girl's reaction.

"Daddy?" She cocked her head innocently.

Ichi looked uncomfortable "N-no... just dad."

"Who are you trying to summon anyways?" Tempura asked out of curiosity.

Ichi started digging through his backpack to see if he had any extra embers lying around that he didn't find before. "A new UR food soul... I really want her on my team... dang I can only find 90 embers..."

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