Chapter 12: New Beginnings?

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As the two of your stumbled through the hallway, Steak thought he'd lecture you on your poor judgement just now. "Master you shouldn't have done that, now you'll feel ill in the morning."

You groaned "Shaddap..." and threw your whole body weight onto your food soul. Steak sighed and faced his back towards you "Get on now, apparently you can't walk either."

With your arms securely around his neck, he stood up and piggybacked you down the hall. You laced your fingers into his flaming red locks and said in a quiet voice "you're so mean to me, do you not like me?" you tugged slightly on his hair.

Steak stopped momentarily "what makes you think that?"

"You always tell me off and make me feel kinda sad ya know?" You spoke as you continued to rake your fingers across his scalp. "You make me feel queasy inside."

"I don't dislike you one bit, Master Attendant." He spoke gently as he started to walk up the stairs, the wood creaking beneath his feet. "In fact... I'm quite fond of you, more than I thought I'd ever feel towards a human."

Should I confess now? When she's drunk? Steak internally debated with himself. She's completely wasted and won't remember in the morning, this may be a good way to see how she feels about me too. But wouldn't that be taking advantage of her??

Before Steak can even finish his internal argument, you buried your nose into his red locks and inhaled. "Mm... you smell nice."

Steak's face instantly turned 2 shades redder. "U-uh thank you Master. You smell quite nice yourself." Damn! I'm such an idiot!!! He restrained himself from cringing at his stupid reply.

He felt you vibrate above him as you giggled. "You're so cute."

The two of you continued in silence. Once you've made it to your room, Steak placed you down onto your mattress, tucked you in and got up to leave. You stopped him before he exited the room. "Wait Steak."

He turned back "huh? What's wrong?"

You stretched your hand towards him dramatically "don't leave, what if I die in my sleep?"

Steak huffed "you're not going to die in your sleep, but fine I'll stay until you fall asleep."

He sat down on the side of your bed, his weight making a depression in your mattress that caused you to slump closer to him due to gravity. You grabbed onto his waist as he watched you with soft eyes.  You mumbled something incoherent.

"What was that?" Steak pardoned.

You cracked an eye open and gave him a content smile "I said you're the best."

Steak stroked your bangs soothingly to help to fall asleep. He was beyond happy to hear what you thought about him.

It seems like you've fallen asleep on your food soul's lap. Still stroking your head, he realized how beautiful you were, especially with such a peaceful expression. Steak whispered to himself, thinking you couldn't hear.

"I kinda love you, Master. I wonder if you feel the same." He sighed.

Removing you from his body, he carefully positioned you back into the covers and stood up. 

With your eyes still closed, you grinned a little "I know."

Steak did a double take and blushed furiously. "I thought you were asleep...!"

You gave him a small laugh "I almost did. Good thing I didn't otherwise I wouldn't have heard you."

Not knowing what to do, Steak tried to excuse himself and apologized for blurting his confession out so blatantly. You grabbed his sleeve and forcefully yanked him onto the bed to shut him up. "Nobody said I didn't love you back, you big oaf."

Steak was still. He's never experienced romance so deeply before. Sure, there were always fangirls who are fond of him and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least somewhat experienced in the dating world, but he had never fallen for someone so hard as he did for you. Now he was lying next to you, scared that anything he'd do would ruin the moment.

You, on the other hand, were elated. The moment the contract began you knew that Steak would be much more than a battle food soul to you. The fact that cared so much and put so much effort into helping you only deepened your affection for him. Not to mention, he was fucking hot.

You snuggled up against his side, felt that he was still as stiff as a board "Relax... stress makes people die sooner."

This statement brought Steak back to reality. Right. People die, food souls don't.

His thoughts drifted back to what Bamboo Rice said "we'll deal with the problems when they come." Live in the moment.

Gulping down his anxiety, he shifted his body on the bed so he was facing towards you. Your eyelids were barely open but you fought to keep yourself awake. Steak pulled you into a hug so your face was buried into the crook of his neck. He tilted his head down and kissed the top of your head.

"Go to sleep, Master." Was the last thing you heard before you passed out in his arms.

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