Chapter 14: Too Close, Stay Back.

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You woke up from your slumber with a pounding headache. The golden sunlight beaming into your room through the window told you that it was already late morning and you had over slept.

Turning away from the blinding light that made your hangover worse, you faced a warm body sleeping next to you.

He literally smells like steak.

You glanced up at the sleeping food soul who was millimetres away, his breathing even and calm.

Well it's time to wake up anyways. Smiling mischievously, you reached up to his head and wrapped your delicate fingers around his left horn. I never get to do this. This is so fun!

Steak grunted a little in his sleep and jerked his head as if he was trying to shake off whatever was grabbing his precious horns. His eyes opened with an annoyed expression written on his face, he grumbled "What are you doing?"

Your hand retracted back. "Nothing! Nothing at all my dear Steak." You sang in a playful tone.

Steak sent you a slight glare, grunted and turned around to face the other way to continue his slumber.

Huh. I didn't think he'd be the type to hate waking up. Ignoring the agonizing pulsing in your temple, you swung your left leg and arm around Steak and tried to climb onto his side. "Wake up beefy boy, time to start another day!"

It took a while for Steak to realize what was happening. His grogginess left him when the reality of being in your bed struck him which caused him to bolt up and accidentally throw you off him. "Forgive me. I can't believe I fell asleep here! I'm sorry Master Attendant!"

His gaze found your fallen form lying next to him, clutching your head as the pounding returned with a vengeance. "Do you need pain killers? You were quite wasted yesterday." He paused a few moments before asking the important question. "Do you... remember anything?"

You massaged your head to clear the cobwebs and to hopefully alleviate the pain while answering "not much but I remember bits."

"Oh." Steak was at a loss for words. He wasn't sure if he should bring up the confession in case you did forget about it.

You looked uncertain for a moment but you thought it would be better to address the situation now than later. "I did remember the part where you... told me how you felt about me. I don't remember if I said anything in return but I... love you back." You blushed furiously and hid yourself under the covers in embarrassment. Screeeee

Now that Steak has had his confirmation, he wasted no time diving under the covers after you. He found your waist and pulled you into a tight hug and started laughing in the crook of your neck "I'm so happy right now."

You gleefully buried your face into his chest and giggled with him.

He tilted his head down to kiss your head, your cheeks, your nose and your neck which tickled so you started flailing your limbs to get him to stop, only for him to hold you down harder.

As the two of you squirmed around under the covers, you didn't hear the door to your room open.

"Uhh...What is going on...?"

Sukiyaki was asked to wake you up since you were quite late to go down to the kitchen today. He didn't expect to find Steak snuggled up with you under the covers. A look of realization dawned on his face and he gasped "Steak you lucky bastard! Tell me all the details!"

"It's not what it looks like!" Steak exclaimed, jumping out of bed and tried to push the snickering Sukiyaki out the door "And knock before you enter!!!"

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