Chapter 3: Staunch in Nature

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Grinning evilly at its victory, Uke Mochi slithered back into the woods. You stood, shocked still. How did this happen?? I knew I wasn't fully levelled up but I thought I could've pulled it off!! You were knocked back to your senses by Bamboo Rice's painful groaning.

"Ungghh... Master... are you hurt?" His wild green tresses were even messier as he lifted his head and tried to push himself to his feet. You quickly rushed to his side to assist him. "Thank you, Master."

You didn't know how you did it, but you managed to miraculously drag all your food souls back to your restaurant. Well Bamboo helped too but he was having a harder time.

With Gingerbread on one side and Milk on the other, your hands were full so you tried to knock the door with your forehead. As you braced yourself for the impact of the door to your forehead, it opened.

You couldn't stop yourself in time and accidentally hit your head onto a pair of nicely kept horns. You winced and pulled back in pain.

"Ack! I'm sorry Master Attendant! Are you alright?" Steak asked as he used the palm of his hand to sooth the pain in his horns (they connect to his skull so let's say he felt something). His eyes then drifted to your injured team. "Damn! What the hell happened?"

Steak helped the rest of the injured food souls into the house while some other food souls lend a hand as well. You explained the situation to them, they were upset but most knew they couldn't have done anything to help anyways.

"I'll need a new team to fill up their spots for now." You addressed your strongest food souls in the room. You had an extra few of them levelled up in case of situations like this.

"Oh dear... looks like Gingerbread isn't going to be in fighting condition for quite some time..." Tiramisu sighed as she checked up on the unconscious Gingerbread. "She suffered quite a terrible concussion, these burns don't help anyone either.

You looked over to Gingerbread's sleeping form, full of regret. If only you had left the fight and escaped, but your pride didn't let you. How foolish of me. I knew it was dangerous, all of my senses were telling me to run and forfeit the battle... but I was naive and thought I could do it... your hand balled into a fist as you thought of the battle. Milk was first to fall. With the lowest HP, it wasn't a surprise, but once your only healer was down, everyone else soon followed.

Gingerbread took the most damage. With bruises and charred marks on her face, even when she's not conscious, her face was scrunched up as if she was still in a lot of pain. You bit your lip at the sight, remorse washing over you.

Steak noticed how hard you were taking this and placed his hand over yours. It was calloused and rough but gentle at the same time. "You did your best. Many don't survive after fighting Enhanced Uke Mochi.... That slimy bastard will pay for this." He snarled out the last bit of his sentence with poison dripping from each word.

Taken aback by his gentle touch but the sudden coldness on his face at the mention of Uke Mochi, you kept quiet and tried to suppress the slight fear you felt towards Steak's murderous demeanour. Part of you thought it was because of what Uke Mochi did today, but another part of you felt that there was much more to Steak's hatred towards the Fallen Angel.

What happened between them?

-time skip-

For the past week, you have assembled a new team of food souls while your main team rested. While you didn't want it to seem like you were picking favourites, you reserved the big missions for your main fighting team instead. As of these few days, you have only been running errands and battling against weaker Fallen Angels.

"Master Attendant," Tom Yum said while you bent over and collected the loot from the Rocketeros your team slaughtered. "I-I was wondering... I love fighting alongside you during missions, but I've always wanted to do explorations or delivery instead."

You raised an eyebrow, pondering Tom Yum's request. To be completely honest, you knew Tom Yum was tough but maybe the current team wasn't right for him. He didn't even have a combo attack.

"Alright. I'll switch you out so you can join Nasi Lamak for explorations. You're both three starred so I expect a lot from you two!" You replied. Tom Yum was elated.

Well now I don't have a defence. Your thoughts drifted off to a certain fiery red head.

Once reaching your restaurant, you found Steak training with his swords in the training area. You approach him to tell him the newly made arrangements.

"I'm honoured to help you Master, but why do you ask me now instead of before?" Steak inquired after you've proposed his new position.

"Well with Red Wine still recovering, you'd have no one to do your combo attack with, so I was hesitant until now. I don't have a defence food soul at the front lines." You gave him your truthful answer.

Steak looked offended "Are you saying that I can't fight without that scoundrel?? He furrowed his brow and squared his shoulders. "I'll have you know that I am SPLENDID in combat!" He proclaimed while putting a hand to his chest, proudly.

You giggled at how he was trying to be cool but it came out looking funny.

"What are you laughing at??" Steak popped a vein on his temple. "Do you doubt me?!"

"Not at all!" You exclaimed with a laugh. "Show me how good you are in battle the next time we have a mission." you turned and made your leave, not without winking at him. "I expect a lot from you."

Steak stared at your retreating form. True, he was annoyed at the fact you seemed to doubt his skill, but no one had ever teased and taunted him in a way that made his heart pound so much.

Do comment my lovely Master Attendants!!

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