Chapter 25: Alliances

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You raised your hand and sprinkled some seasoning onto Steak who was sweating and panting. After his health recovered, he groaned his thanks before getting up and charging back out at the enemy, who happened to be... a blue umbrella.

"What the hell kind of deadly umbrella is this?" You yelled in frustration. "Why won't you just die and fuck off!"

This guy held some precious rock lobsters and lately people around the kingdom have been demanding for the seafood delicacy. It was so annoying. You just can't seem to finish those damn lanterns and umbrellas off before one of your food souls fell. Of course Steak took the brunt of the damage since he was the defence. Tom Yum had offer to take his place but your stubborn boyfriend wouldn't have it.

After the angry white lanterns came the creepy puppeteer who was too overpowered. Either that or you were just not strong enough. Olivia recommended that you should upgrade everyone up to level 63 before fighting Orochi but your level 59 ass just wouldn't listen, after all your customers wanted to have lobsters and crab hot pot and you aimed to please.

Tackling the little evil Pranjas Orochi threw at you, you smirked as Steak and Bamboo Rice reached their max power at the same time and did their special attack, finishing off Orochi. 

"Every time we do this level it's hella stressful." You lamented. You looked at your watch and growled angrily. 65 seconds. Too slow AGAIN so you can't sweep the area next time you wanted rock lobsters.

Black Tea sighed and pocketed her pistols back into their slots. "Well at least we got what we came for. Let's head home, Master."

You and your team turned to leave after picking up the dropped loot, hoping to get some serious relaxing once you made it back to the restaurant. You didn't notice the blueish lock of hair sticking up from the bushes though.

"Did you see that Arthur?" Queen Conch shook her henchman's shell to catch his attention. "Their team was really struggling during that battle! Those ugly umbrellas are so much more than they look... come let us investigate further."

Arthur stayed silent and followed his boss to the battle field where a fallen Orochi laid. "Huh. He's not dead." Queen Conch pondered out loud and poked the puppeteer's half exposed face. "Wakey wakey Orochi."

The puppeteers stirred and his red eye cracked open, slowly focusing on his surroundings. When he realized it was Queen Conch in front of him, his red eye gleamed with menace, hoping to cast an illusion onto her.

Queen Conch turned away to avoid his piercing gaze and nonchalantly covered Orochi's eye. He was still incredibly weak from being defeated just now so he didn't have the strength to stop her. "Calm down my friend, I mean no harm."

Orochi, annoyed by her actions, pushed her hand away but didn't try to attack her. He stayed silent, letting her know that he was listening.

"I'm here to propose a pact."

Now he was really interested. His one eye looking up at her, wide with curiosity. Orochi was a fallen angel of little words, he lets his expressions and body language speak for him.

The crustacean chuckled lowly, the vibration of her voice sending shivers down Arthur's back. "I see I've caught your attention. It's about that cooking attendant. You are quite a strong fallen angels with capable henchmen and yet... How many times has a frail girl like her defeat you?"

Too many times. Orochi glared and clenched his fist.

Although you have yet to fully beat Orochi, he couldn't deny that you were slowly inching towards defeating him and taking over his territory. If this pattern continues, soon he will die by your hands and all the rock lobsters will be yours.

You may not know it, but you, the low key cooking attendant of Gloriville, have made a name for yourself amongst the fallen angels. A girl who started out as the daughter of a man who owned a little restaurant, who later died in the war and left his establishment to his beloved child. You began summoning food souls to help out in the kitchen, later even making a team to set out and look for more exotic ingredients. That was when you began crossing paths with fallen angels. Defeating one after another to make your dad's restaurant prosperous.

To the town's people, you were a doing them all a favour by taking out the evil, terrorizing beings lurking in the forest; but to the fallen angels, you were a menace. Killing and destroying. Of course, the fallen angels themselves are also diabolical creatures and lacked remorse when it came to destroying neighbouring towns and villages, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to protect his turf.

Now that your restaurant was famous AND you were happily dating your food soul, you were at the top of your game, making the fallen angels salty af if not downright bitter. So much so that many of them were ready to wipe you off the face of the earth at any given chance. Orochi was definitely one of them and Queen Conch was smart enough to take advantage of his hatred.

"The next time you see her, Orochi," Queen Conch said in a eerie calm voice, her face without a trace of uncertainty and her eyes dark with killing intent. "Ignore the food souls and go straight for her head. I will take care of the rest."

The puppeteer nodded. The plan was set.

HELLOOOOOO!!! The story is going to take a darker turn now so SHIT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!!

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