Chapter 16: Your Answer, then?

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A/N - Read this if you don't know the plot of the Steak Valentines Day event.

So basically what happened was that some old lady, Mrs. Gia, requested Steak, Red Wine and Gingerbread for a mission to help out her dead son's girlfriend Angie. She's diagnosed with a terminal illness and is going blind because of it. Joss (the son) left for war a few years prior and died (Oof) but he promised Angie he would come back for her (Angie still thinks that he's alive and going to keep his promise). Mrs Gia was like "oh hey both Steak and my son have red hair. I'll just get Steak to disguise as my son and make Angie happy before she dies." And so they did it. Angie ends up dying but she dies happy in both endings. Steak is allowed to keep the sexy clothing Mrs Gia gave him (the new Steak love skin or whatever it's called). The whole mission took a few days to finish so that's just something to know if you want to be mindful of how much time has passed in my story. Also! The plot of this chapter is inspired by Sinful_Elegy

This chappie is so freakin long, should I make them shorter from now on??

It's been four days since Steak received his mission. Angie had just passed away in the hospital and despite the peaceful smile on her face, everyone in the room was solemn about her departed soul.

Mrs. Gia thanked the three food souls repeatedly and insisted that Steak kept the outfit she made.

"But ma'am didn't you make these for Joss? Don't you want to keep them as a memoir?" Steak tried to return the clothes again.

Mrs. Gia shook her head "A handsome young man like you must have a lovely lady by your side. Keep them. Make her happy." She smiled.

"Well... alright then, if you insist."

—flashback to the past few days—

Red Wine faced his Master Attendant and delivered the mission details. "Steak is to disguise as someone and pretend to be someone else's lover. The objective of the mission is- ...Don't give me that look, Master, it's just pretend."

You didn't even notice your slight scowl when you heard 'someone else's lover'. Yes it's only been a few hours since the argument between you and Steak but the silence between you two is starting to cost you your sanity. Hearing this mission was like sprinkling salt on an open wound.

"And he accepted the mission?" You inquired with an edge in your tone.

Red Wine chose his next words carefully, "Well yes, on the condition that he doesn't need to do anything intimate with the girl. There will be minimal touching so there's nothing to worry about."

You looked down at your shoes and felt a knot form in the pit of your stomach. Despite Red Wine's best efforts to ease you, you couldn't help but feel like you were losing your Steak.

It's just pretend. Don't get all worked up.

Red Wine continued "The mission is to last from a few days to a week, depending on Angie's condition."

"A week?!" You snapped out of your little mental tantrum. "He's going to see her for a week??"

"It's just pretend, Master." Red Wine reminded you again with a sigh. "Gingerbread and I will make sure nothing goes out of hand. Our purpose is to make sure YOU'RE happy, even when you're being childish about this."

You nodded reluctantly. "Alright. It would be mean of me to Angie if I don't comply... do your best."

"Thank you. We'll be going tomorrow morning." Red Wine bowed and left.

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