Chapter 15: Forgive him, he's dense.

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Your stamina truly surprised you, who knew your messy emotional state can give it such a physical boost. You continued to cry and run ahead of your food souls through the woods and after what seemed like hours, finally made it back to your restaurant, eyes red and out of breath.

You pushed open the doors and sighed a breath of relief. It seems like your team has yet to return so you took advantage of that. You ignored your food souls and went to your room, slamming the door shut.

"Looks like shit went down. I wonder if this has to do with Steak..." Sukiyaki thought out loud after he heard the slam from upstairs. He was lounging around the empty restaurant with Pineapple Cake and Gingerbread.

Pineapple Cake looked intrigued "Are they finally a couple? I haven't been caught up with what's going on with them." She eyed Sukiyaki suspiciously "Is there something you know?"

Gingerbread, who was sucking on her lollipop, pulled the candy out of her mouth with a pop "Yeah I've been unconscious for so long, I don't even know what's going on anymore between those two."

"I found them in the same bed together this morning." Sukiyaki nonchalantly waved his hand. "But that Steak did say nothing happened so I'm not too sure."

Gingerbread rolled her eyes "Ugh you're no help. I'll go talk to her to see what happened."

The UR food soul hoisted herself up from her seat with her hands, still quite sore from her recent recovery. With a bit of effort, she walked up the stairs and approached your door and heard some sniffling coming from inside.

Something terrible must've happened. Master Attendant never cries.

Breaking her fist up, Gingerbread gave the door a gentle knock "Master? Are you alright in there?"

After some slow footstep sounds, the door opened and revealed your red faced mess. "No. I'm not alright."

"Do you wanna talk about it? Maybe I can help you out." Gingerbread offered kindly. You thought about it and decided that Gingerbread was probably the best source for advice since she was very level headed, not to mention she was the closest food soul with Steak and Red Wine. 

"Yeah okay. Come in." You stepped aside and closed the door after Gingerbread walked in. The both of you sat on your bed. It's time for some girl talk!

Gingerbread propped her head on her hand while sitting with her legs crossed. "Well? Is what I'm hearing from Sukiyaki true? Are you and Steak a thing now?"

You looked down "I'm not sure what we are. We're more than friends I guess but I wouldn't call us a thing..."

Gingerbread looked at you with expecting eyes, urging you to continue. You told her everything that has happened for the past few weeks, from training with Steak to this morning when he finally confessed his feelings to you.

Gingerbread was happy for you. "Then I guess all there is now is to make it official. Why are you so upset?"

"He yelled at me just now. He's really angry with me... even though I guess his reaction can be justified, what I did was kinda stupid." You continued to retell what happened on the battlefield. Gingerbread had a look of contemplation and slight worry.

"Well I'm not going to sugar coat it, what you did WAS pretty reckless," Gingerbread reprimanded. "but you did it out of good intentions and Steak shouldn't have been so harsh. He can be such a dumbass." She shook her head and sighed.

You let out a shaky breath. "I should apologize for not recognizing the severity of my actions, but I'm still upset at how angry he got." Damn your pride.

Your kind food soul placed a hand on your shoulder "Don't rush it. Give it a bit of time so you both can cool down, then you can both apologize and finally be an official couple!" Gingerbread was secretly hardcore shipper.

"I've known steak for decades. Literally. He's not one to wear his heart on his sleeve and I'm honestly surprised he came forward and confessed his feelings for you." Gingerbread continued. "Give him some time to get a feel of what it's like to be in love, the fool isn't exactly the Romeo type."

Before you can voice your reply, a knock on the door came. You got up and opened it. "Hey B-52, did you need something?"

"No, Master Attendant. But a client is looking for Gingerbread. Apparently there's an old lady looking for Steak and suggested that Red Wine and Gingerbread came along."

So Steak is home now.

You nodded. "Sure. We were just chatting."

B-52 nodded and left. Gingerbread pushed herself off the bed and stretched "Wow I'm glad I'm finally needed for missions, staying home for the past few months has been so dull."

You gave a small smile. Gingerbread  waved and stepped outside the door frame. "Don't worry about Steak, he's a hot head but he's loyal. He would never hate you for what you did. I'll see you later then, Master. Feel better!"

—time skip brought to you by lonely Master Attendant sulking in her room—

Steak was pacing around the living room while Red Wine sent him an annoyed glare. "Would you stop that? It's not that hard a mission, you just act as a girl's lover, make her happy and then done!"

Steak halted "Not hard?? I am brilliant in battle and my swordsmanship is amazing however I cannot say the same when it comes to sentimental issues."

Red Wine muttered under his breath "I beg to differ about the first point." Steak heard him.

"What?? Say that to my face you coward!" Steak lunged at Red Wine.

"Would you two knock it off? Mrs. Gia is waiting outside for our answer." Gingerbread reprimanded while pulling the two men apart. "Steak. Think about this carefully. We would be lying to the poor girl if you DO disguise as her lover."

"Yes but at least she'll be happy. Her disease is terminal after all." Red Wine added his opinion. "Poor girl, so young too."

Gingerbread looked at the oddly silent Steak. "Is there something else making this decision hard for you?"

"Yes well," Steak sighed. "It's just that... wouldn't it be unfaithful of me to pretend to be another person's lover?"

Gingerbread knew what he was talking about, but Red Wine didn't. "You and the Master aren't even a couple." He pointed out.

"Shut up you dick! You don't know that!" The red head glared at his comrade.

"Well by the way you yelled at her this afternoon, it REALLY didn't seem like you were together." Red Wine clicked his tongue and looked the other way as Steak continued to fume.

Gingerbread slapped the table top. "Focus! Steak, the client is outside so we must come to a decision. To me, as long as you don't do anything beyond hugging, I think the Master would understand."

"IF the Master still wants me after the things I did." Steak sulked.

"She still loves you, she's just miffed and upset that you yelled at her. Now hurry up. Yes or no?"

The red head sighed and got up "Yes. Fine. I'll do it."

"Yay! Money!" Red Wine cheerfully followed Steak out the door.

The mission that was mentioned is the Valentines Day event from the past February. I think I'm not going to type out what happened in the mission so I'll just give a quick summary of it in the next chappie! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS SO FAR!!!

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