Chapter 20: (side quest) Pizza x Cassata

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The following few chapters are going to be side quests of the daily life of our dear Master Attendant and her food souls. I'm doing this to make it sorta like a transition instead of just saying "a few months/years later". Kinda like one-shots if you will.

Cassata's POV

Another day another task. Cheese said we were out of eggs so she asked me to go grab some at the market and since Pizza was bored, I decided to take him along with me.

"What a beautiful day!" He skipped next to me, his braid flopping behind him. "It's been a while since the sky is this blue."

I looked up and squinted at the sunlight. "Right. It's been cloudy these few days."

We continued to walk down the cobblestone roads of Gloriville that led to the local market, the streets bustling with life as everyone went about their day. The food soul next to me started humming and trotting along.

After a while, Pizza stopped singing to himself and asked "say... you know where Master Attendant is? I haven't seen her today yet."

"I haven't seen her either." My thoughts shifted to our current Master. I can say that she's the kindest, probably the best Master Attendant I've ever had.

I absentmindedly touched my abdomen where a scar from a deep gash was. It was made from one of my previous Master Attendant who was a coward and an abusive owner, I was nothing but trash to the man.

Pizza's eyes followed my fingers. "You still think about him? That terrible old Attendant of yours?"

My brows furrowed "I try not to but it's hard to forget what he did... although, one of his evil schemes did end up leading me to you," I smiled at the blond food soul "so for that I'm grateful to him."

Pizza's eyes shone brighter than the sun above us. With a huge grin he lunged at me and gave me a bear hug. "I'm so glad you feel that way. Don't worry Cassata, I'll never leave your side."

After he released my neck from his crushing grip, I caught a glimpse of fiery red hair, well-kept horns and a brown cloak. Was that Steak?

My guess was correct when he stepped aside and revealed our Master walking alongside him holding a basket.

"Looks like Master Attendant is also out shopping for ingredients," Pizza commented. "Come on let's go say hi!" Then he skipped off towards the two with me trailing behind. I'm not big on skipping.

Pizza never got to them though. He stopped pursuing them when Steak bent down and gave the Master a kiss on the lips.

"What's the matter?" I asked when I caught up to Pizza.

He was uncharacteristically quiet and pointed to them "We shouldn't get in the way of their date. C'mon let's go get the eggs." Pizza turned around and walked to the eggs stand. Steak took her hand and they continued down the road happily. I gave the couple one last glance before following Pizza.

"Something's wrong." I immediately addressed his dampened mood. "Tell me what's bothering you."

Pizza pulled a cheerful face that I immediately knew was bullshit. "It's nothing! I don't know what you're talking about." He turned his face away and continued walking.

I tried to figure out the answer and connected the dots — he was jovial as usual until Steak kissed the Master. No way.
My stomach sank when I came to my conclusion.

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