Chapter 21: (side quest) What's that Sound? Part 2

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You woke up groggily from your bed and sighed.

Ugh getting up in the morning is the most tiring thing ever.

It became less of a chore overtime, especially on days when you'd wake up to your horned food soul who just so happened to be your boyfriend. He didn't move into your room yet but he does spend the night there a few times a week. Today was no different. You snuggled up closer to Steak's body and inhaled his natural musk, unintentionally waking him up in the process.

"Mm... morning Y/N."

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"Yea but it's okay, we're kinda late anyways."

True to his words, the clock read 11:24am, an hour later than your usual routine. Oh well whatever it's Sunday after all, the restaurant's closed today.

Steak got up from his spot and stretched, popping his joints in the process while you did the same. Note that both of you were fully clothed in your sleep wear, meaning that absolutely nothing sexual had occurred the night before. What? It's not like you were THAT horny that you had to fuck every night. Plus it was a tiring day yesterday which resulted in the two of you passing out in each other's arms the moment you hit the bed.

"I'm going back to my room to change, I'll see you downstairs." Steak gave you one last peck on the forehead before exiting your room.

—time skip—

By the time you got down to the kitchen, you were met with a familiar uncomfortable déjà vu feeling. Steak wasn't in the area yet so you assumed he was still in his room doing whatever. There were some tired food souls which was weird since the day had barely started and you made sure that their freshness was up to at least 80% last night.

"Why so glum guys? Did something happen last night?" You approached a very very annoyed Red Wine.

He snarled at you "You're one to talk. I know you're madly in love with that idiot Steak but please, shut the hell up when it's half past 2 in the morning."

"Huh??" You were taken aback by the venom in his voice. Evidently he was sleep deprived. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

Red Wine bristled "The audacity of that question baffles me. I'm not talking to you." He abruptly got up from his seat and stomped away.

Milk, who saw the whole scene came up to you and put her hand on your shoulder. "Forgive his manners, Master Attendant, but you really ought to be more quiet when you're engaging in sexual activities with Steak."

You turned to her with a questioning expression "I already had sound proof systems renovated into my room and I do try to be less noisy," you defended. "But we didn't fuck last night."

"Don't lie Master, even I heard you last night." Bamboo Rice walked into the room, rubbing his tired eyes while his other hand tried to untangle his green nest of hair. "I heard a girly voice moaning and humping sounds."

"How can you hear humping sounds??" You brainstormed possible sounds from the act of humping. Isn't it only two sweaty bodies slapping against each other? That can't be enough to wake the whole building up.

"I think it was the creaking from the bed." Milk enlightened you. "You should get that fixed as well."

"But my bed isn't squeaky! I even put a pillow between the head board and wall so the thrusting wouldn't make them hit each other."

"Please stop." Bamboo Rice held up his hand and groaned. "I don't want to hear about your dick appointment."

You continued to argue about late night endeavours and how it wasn't you having loud sex last night but everyone didn't believe your plead of innocence.
Eventually even Steak came down and joined the heated debate of "who was having loud sex last night."

"It wasn't us. I swear it on my sword!" Steak yelled indignantly into Red Wine's face, accidentally getting saliva onto the latter's face.

Red Wine grimaced. "You grotesque being! Only you could've sounded so animalistic and uncivilized." He whipped out his handkerchief and wiped the saliva off his face. Steak angrily grabbed his swords off the table and directed them at Red Wine.

"Fuck you! Even if you don't believe me you should believe Master Attendant and she said WE DIDN'T SCREW!"

You watched in dismay as your sleep deprived, grumpy, short tempered food souls all fought amongst themselves.

My restaurant is going to fall apart. And yet you felt like you had no energy to deal with this bullshit right now. But then, your salvation arrived.

"Stop! It wasn't Master Attendant last night!" A certain cocktail food soul intervened, his blue fire flaring enough to capture everyone's attention.

"Oh yeah? What's your evidence B-52?" Bamboo Rice eyed the robot with a pointed expression. Obviously doubting the UR food soul's words.

"My dormitory is directly below Master Attendant's. I can hear everything they do, even after the renovations." He said, almost expressionless as if his words held no meaning to him.

"You... still hear everything?" It was a well known fact around the restaurant that you and Steak would get it on from time to time, but no one has yet to know what exactly goes on in your chambers, well at least you thought so but it seems like you were wrong.

B-52 shrugged "Well almost everything, not if you talk in a normal volume though. I can still hear you moaning 'Oh yes Steak' if I try hard enough."

"Why would you even try to do that? That's so weird man!" Bamboo Rice exclaimed, clearly disturbed by the conversation topic.

"My point is, the sexual sounds weren't coming from above me last night, they were from down the hall I think."

You smiled proudly at the cocktail food soul and patted him on the back. "See? Even B-52 agrees with me and he has super keen hearing so we should all believe him."

"Nuh uh Master," Sukiyaki waved his sassy finger in your face. When did he even get here? "For all we know, you could've been screwing in another part of the building."

"Oh give me a break!" You threw your hands up in defeat. "I passed out in bed after fighting a bunch of Pranjas yesterday. I didn't even have the energy to have sex!"

As the debate continued, uneven, limping footsteps began coming from the hallway that went unnoticed by everyone.

Pizza came into the room, dressed in his usual bright attire but with a cringing look on his face. "Guys what's going on? Why is everyone fighting??"

"Pizza!" Yelled Bamboo Rice "didn't you hear Master and Steak screwing around loudly last night? None of us had a good sleep!"

"Having... sex?" Pizza let the information go through his brain. "Being... loud??"


"Nope! Sorry! I was fast asleep like a baby last night hahahahahahaha." Pizza laughed awkwardly and scratched his head. "I'm going to go somewhere now bye."

Milk shot Pizza's leaving form a questioning look. "He seems more jittery than usual. I hope he's alright."


Pizza made sure he was out of earshot before taking deep breaths to calm his frantic heart. He cringed again when he felt a stinging pain shoot up his body from his bottom. He rubbed his butt again before limping back to his room.

"Cassata might've been a tad too rough with me last night." Pizza admitted to himself quietly. Better not let the others find out the true culprits of last night's... incidents.

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