Chapter 26: When it Rains it Pours

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A lot has happened this week and so there was some delay for the chapters. Sorry about that :') finals and stuff ya know?

"I'll have a garlic lobster."
"And I'll have a crab hotpot."

Omurice sheepishly scratched the back of his head as the loli and little shouta ask for their meals. "Ehehe sorry folks, we don't have any lobsters or crabs left... we're having a hard time getting them."

The two customers got up and left angrily, Omurice sweat dropped and bowed at his waist a bunch of times, muttering words of apologies before running to the kitchen to find Sandwich and Pudding.

"You sure we don't have any lobsters left?"

Pudding turned around abruptly clearly seething at Omurice's question, making his towel whip around his waist as he did. "This is the sixth time you've ask Omurice. No, we do not have rock lobsters."

Omurice scrunched his nose. He didn't like his dear Jello's agent and this is one of the reasons why, he's always so meticulous and wouldn't let him get too close with Jello. He exited the kitchen to return to his waiter position when he saw Steak pass by the corridor. Might as well get him to tell the Master that they were running out of ingredients again.

"Hey Steak! Tell Master Attendant that we're out of rock lobsters and crabs. Some some customers are pissed again." He waved to the red head who just hummed his agreement nonchalantly.


"Again??" You sighed and placed your hands on your desk to push yourself to your feet. The scraping sound of your chair created a cacophony that hurt your brain even more.

"You've been stressed lately, Y/N." Steak held your shoulder to steady you from swaying as the dizziness invaded your head. "Take a break, I'm sure the towns folk will understand if you go on a short vacation."

You closed your eyes and considered his idea. "Yeah a vacation does sound nice... but I want to get everything solved before I start relaxing." You opened your eyes with a new found determination now that you were motivated to grant yourself that vacation. "Alright Steak, we will get those rock lobsters tomorrow. And we will do it so well that we'll be able to grab them whenever we need to. (Get 3 stars)"

Steak looked at you adoringly. "That's my girl. Don't stress yourself out today so you'll be energized tomorrow." He gave you a peck on the cheek before leaving your office.

You sighed and plopped yourself back onto your chair, talking to yourself "I'd love to, but I have to do my taxes. Disgusting."

—the next day—

Hiking is fun when it's not a chore. But getting ingredients was a chore, so hiking naturally became a chore to you as well.


"Master Attendant please shut up." Red Wine complained along with you. By the look on his face, he hated the hike even more than you did.

"I caaaan't... making tired noises makes it less painfullllll." you continued to whine annoyingly, dragging your feet across the dirt road as Red Wine shot you a menacing glare.

"Steak you have bad taste in women." He pointedly readdressed his annoyance to his rival, who's face turned bright red and clenched his fist to punch Red Wine.

"Stooooop." You groaned while holding Steak back, still exhausted and sloppy.


"Don't give me that look Orochi." Queen Conch whispered to her ally while they hid in the bushes with twigs in their hair as camouflage. "She seems goofy and harmless on the outside but you've seen the destruction she's capable of."

Yes but I never thought she'd seem so useless. Orochi thought to himself and rolled his red eyes.

The two fallen angels sunk further down into the bushes as your uneven footsteps drew near. Holding their breaths, Queen Conch and Orochi made sure their presence was well hidden from you as they watched you stretch and ready yourself at Orochi's well known turf.

"Alright this is it." Your head moving side to side to stretch your neck, your eyes surveying the familiar terrain as you readied yourself to battle Orochi. "I'm ready to beat the shit out of him so I don't have to fight him every time I need lobsters!"

As if your sudden burst of determination had shot through your team's body, everyone's fatigue demeanour was replaced with unwavering resolve as they stepped in front of you, awaiting Orochi's appearance.

To everyone's surprise, a pair of lonely fanged snails appeared from the shrubs as they slowly made their way forward to face their adversaries.

"Snails?" Bamboo Rice pondered aloud. "I didn't know Queen Conch had her henchmen luring around in this area."

"Heh. Guess again."

The bushes ruffled again as the Queen stepped out with her humongous shell upon her back, smirking gleefully at the shocked faces sent her way.

Eyes widening and sweat perspiring on his brow, Steak felt like something was terribly wrong as he made eye contact with the queen of seafood. Why is she here? Different species of Fallen angels almost never take over another's territory without a huge fight that would alert nearby towns... unless...

It seemed like his suspicions also crossed Red Wine's mind as his rival's eyes glinted dangerously and his hand moved to unsheathed his sword from his belt, eyes darting from corner to corner to find the other fallen angel.

Orochi is hiding.

Steak took his battle stance against Queen Conch as she stood there, cracking her knuckles loudly, her signature move before typically charging towards her enemies.
Steak took this time to shoot Bamboo Rice a look. He darted his eyes towards you quickly as if saying 'go back and protect that master.'

With a curt nod and no questions asked, the green food soul left the front lines to stand by your side with his machete at the ready. You spared him an odd glance "What are you doing here?"

"Something's fishy," he said lowly with his guard up, his back towards you as he prepared to fend you off from any harm. "Have your weapon ready just in case."

Queen Conch bent her fingers backwards and after hearing the sound of the satisfying cracks of her joints, she bolted forward to clash with Red Wine and Steak. Watching carefully, your hand tightened around the hilt of your frying pan whilst trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Everyone else seemed to have answers but you only drew blanks.

"Keep your eyes peeled, Master Attendant." Bamboo Rice hissed, "I can't really gather my thoughts enough to explain right now but Orochi is nearby."

Black Tea fired her bullets at the two fanged snails that quickly gave in to their fate. She then held her guns close to her body, barrel pointed to the sky and refrained from shooting Queen Conch so she can help scan for the missing fallen angel. Where is he?

"Black Tea why did you stop?" You said loudly over the sounds of clashing swords. The food soul turned to regard her Master Attendant when she caught a red gleam from behind you and Bamboo Rice. Without waiting another second, Black Tea shut her left eye and squeezed the trigger of her gun, the bullet zipped past you and hit its target as you heard a faint, pained hiss come from behind you.

It took you a while to grasp the situation, after all your food soul just seemingly shot at you for no reason. But all previous accusations died in your throat as an injured Orochi ignored his bleeding shoulder and flew at you with breakneck speed.

"Master! Dodge!"

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