Chapter 24: Battle Friendly Body Parts

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You hurriedly grabbed a frying pan off your nightstand before leaving your room to head to the training grounds. It's been a little more than a year since you've assembled your food souls to train you. Not gunna lie, you've improved drastically.

You're able to defend yourself properly now, using your trusty frying pan as a shield and a weapon. There was honestly no other staff more suitable for you.

Once you've made it to the training grounds, dressed in a baggy T-shirt and sweat pants, you greeted your food souls who were ready to teach you more combat skills.

Red Wine, who would normally never attended these sessions, made a tsking sound of disapproval. "You're going to fight in that?" He gestured at your loose garments, displeasured eyebrows knitting together. "You look like an old man! Absolutely absurd... then again you are dating Steak so a lack in taste is to be expected..."

Steak immediately swung his fist at Red Wine's head, which he dodged beautifully without batting an eye.

"Although he's an ass, he's not wrong, Master." The red head huffed indignantly, not giving his attention to the complacent Red Wine.

You looked at him, feigning betrayal. "You think I look like an old man too???"

"No, if you were a man you'd be a beautiful man, but I was talking about your clothes." Steak voiced his concerns again. He keeps telling you to wear something that will protect you better but you just never listen, claiming that it was too extra and troublesome to wear. His nagging was starting to get annoying though so you finally gave in.

"Ugh. Alright fine. What should I wear?"

Steak beamed at his stubborn Master Attendant. "Something similar to mine. After all you are a weapon wielder so armoured protection is a must."

You frowned and went up to him before jabbing your finger at his exposed abs. "Armoured protection my ass."

—time skip—

You walked alone on the bustling street of the local market in search of your new armour. You honestly didn't want to spend money on these things, you'd rather spend it on a few bowls of deluxe ramen than this stupid shit but oh well, it was to make Steak and Red Wine shut up.

"This red armour here is worn by none other than Madara Uchiha. Perfect for a young woman who's looking for some extra protection in battle." Smiled the vendor, showing his yellow rotting teeth.

Bullshit. You thought to yourself. Madara Uchiha is from an entirely different universe, it wouldn't be far fetched if it he was just a myth. This is obviously fake.

"Haha that's alright mister, besides I doubt it'll fit me." You smiled politely at the fraud who's grin disappeared off his face and scowled at your back as you left his store.

Shoving your hands into your pockets, you let out an exasperated sigh. Why was this so difficult?? You just had to wear something you were comfortable in while you fought. You continued down the cobbled street when you caught sight of a costume shop. Your thoughts drifted back to what Steak had said — "something similar to mine."

You pushed the door to the store open and heart the bell ding. Reading the signs above your head, you quickly made your way to the accessories aisle and grabbed the item you intended to troll Steak with.

"That'll be $75, young lady." The vendor punched a couple of numbers into the till. You died a little inside as you paid for your expensive new pair of high quality, tier 1, clip-on horns.

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