Chapter 13: (Side Quest) Brownie x B-52

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YO LOOK AT THE NEW COVER!!!! THANK YOU Flintshire  FOR SUCH A LOVELY PICTURE, my old one was just me being hasty and randomly doodling it. <3 arigatooooo! Check out Flintshire's work too! There's some good FF one shots there!

Vodka was out cold. Brownie and B-52 looked at each other with concern written on their faces while the Russian drink slept in their arms.

"We should put her to sleep, she's had enough for one night." Brownie said as he put Vodka's left arm over his neck and gave B-52 her right.

The two dragged her across the room and out the party atmosphere, barely breaking a sweat. There was a bit of awkward tension as the continued with an unconscious Vodka in tow. B-52, having a drink or two at the party as well, wasn't entirely sober either. He was still able to walk properly, but the alcohol was starting to interfere with the emotional gears in his brain.

He thought back to when Brownie tenderly asked their drunk Master Attendant's well-being before she left to entertain Steak and Red Wine.

Why didn't he ask how I was doing? He thought bitterly to himself. B-52 bore no ill will towards his Master, but he can't deny the pang of jealousy he felt for not having Brownie's words of concern directed towards him.

"Let's just bring her to her room and make sure she doesn't throw up." Brownie suggested but he only received an annoyed grunt from the cocktail.

Brownie ignored his impolite response. He was completely oblivious to B-52's obsession toward him, although the himself wasn't entirely sure what his own feelings towards the robotic food souls were either. Admiration? Affection?? Sure B-52 had a couple of drinks but he is cocktail himself, Brownie assumed that he would be able to handle his alcohol better so he refrained from asking if he was sober.

He might think that I'm underestimating his drinking skills. Brownie kept his lips sealed in case his worries offends his cocktail companion.

As their thoughts rattled through their minds, Vodka barely stirred in her deep sleep. Brownie used his shoulder to push the door open to Vodka's room. B-52 threw the drunk head onto the bed, accidentally throwing Brownie off balance as well since Vodka's arm was still draped around his neck.

"Watch it. Why are you so rude today?" Brownie asked, slightly losing his composure.

B-52 rolled his eyes "hmph. It's nothing, just that Vodka is so annoying when she's drunk." He lied.

Brownie was confused by this. B-52 and Vodka are close friends along with himself so it is safe to assume that the cocktail should be well acquainted with Vodka's drunk episodes. In fact sometimes he feels like he is third wheeling since he wasn't a beverage unlike those two. Vodka often portrayed a proud and majestic personality which made her hard to approach, B-52 appeared to be a cool and uncaring character until one gets to know him more.

Brownie has come to admire this trait and has tried to implement this into his own character, hence adopting the role as the butler, only caring about his work and nothing more.

I can't deny that my actions do not reflect how I feel. Perhaps it's time I become more honest with myself than to put up a façade. Brownie admitted to himself. I'll be more open about my opinions while still acting professional.

B-52 was miffed that Brownie seemed to show little to no interest in his slight tantrum. "*snort* nothing to say huh? I'm leaving."

"Wait!" Brownie's hand shot up to grab his sleeve. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware that I've upset you. What's wrong?"

B-52 raised an eyebrow "oh so you care?"

Brownie was surprised "Of course I care. I always care about you. I hadn't said anything because I know you can handle yourself."

"You... care?" B-52 stuttered. "You care about a machine like me?" He looked down at his mechanical parts.

Brownie placed his hand onto B-52's shoulder "you're more than just a machine. I know you feel human emotions too, don't be too hard on yourself and know that I'll always care and worry about you, even if I don't say it." He gave him a warm smile.

B-52 felt something inside him, a feeling he was quite unfamiliar with. It wasn't great, a bit queasy in a sense but it wasn't entirely unpleasant. He felt his face warm as the queasiness spread through his chest.

"Come on, let's leave Vodka to rest." Brownie held out his hand to B-52 and lead him out the room.

I don't know why this took me so long but I haven't summoned B-52 even though I've been playing for a year (oh what sacrilege!) but I am working hard to buy his shards from the tip store!!! I'm saying this because I don't know much about him and that's why I took longer to process what he would say and do. SORRY GOMENASAI!!!

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