Chapter 5: Clumsy Attendant

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You and your temporary team of food souls were trekking along the dirt road in a forest near Gloriville. You were on your way back to your restaurant after an easy mission, leading the way as your food souls followed behind you.

Sukiyaki had taken the liberty to give Eggette a very explicit sexual education class and the boy is now scarred for life. Pineapple cake was on the side trying to sugar coat every vulgar thing that came out of Sukiyaki's mouth. Phrases like "ball-gags to spice things up" and "chains and whips" were quickly covered by Pineapple Cake's frantic exclaims of "THAT'S TOO MUCH! STOP IT! HE MAY BE A FOOD SOUL BUT HE'S JUST A KID!"

Brownie, finding the entire situation quite amusing, asked the important question.

"How do you know these things, Sukiyaki? Have you experienced these things yourself?" Brownie's calm smile couldn't hide the mischievous look in his usually emotionless eyes.

Sukiyaki turned towards the food soul dessert and snorted "pfft. I wish. There are some hot people out there... oh well, I learnt this stuff from my previous Master Attendant. He ran a strip club on the side while managing his restaurant. Plus, if you asked, I'm sure Spicy Gluten would be happy to give u a few tips and tricks." He winked and nudged at Eggette.

Pineapple cake made a disgusted face and quickly covered the boy's ears. "ALRIGHT he's heard enough today!"

You just shook your head, still embarrassed but nonetheless, having fun. Your couldn't help but let your thoughts drift off to a side point Sukiyaki made though...

"So... tell me more about your previous Master Attendants. What were they like?"

At this, everyone looked uneasy. Food souls are bound to their masters until death. Their loyalty and feelings for their old masters must still be lingering after some time.

You quickly regretted the words once they left your mouth so you tried to wave it off. "I-it's fine if it's a sensitive subject! Let's talk about something else!"
However, Brownie thought it was a reasonable question so he saw fit to answer it.

"My previous Master Attendant was a nobleman in France. I was summoned by him sometime in the late 1700s. He ran a beautiful restaurant but only higher class people can afford to eat there. I don't really understand human sentiments but I think the towns people were unhappy about that..." Brownie recalled his old Master who was a little snobbish but nevertheless kind to his food souls. It didn't take you long to figure out what happen to his old Master. What a terrible time to be filthy rich in France.

"The town's people chopped his head off." Brownie vehemently finished his story. The rest of the food souls winced.

"Pineapple Cake and I had the same Master Attendant." Eggette said, after recovering from his trauma. "She was really nice but she passed away in a car accident at a young age."

Pineapple cake looked away, stone faced and shook her head to relief herself of bad memories.

Steak sighed. "time is most cruel to humans... your lives are so fragile it's almost frivolous to see how much conflict your kind starts, only for it to mean nothing once you leave this life behind." He continued, "my Master Attendant was a man of great cooking skills and owned a lavish restaurant. He was also very active in politics, something I will never understand. It made him cruel and unruly, although he was my master attendant and I was loyal to him, working for him was pure hell."

You stayed silent... you've heard of abusive Master Attendants but you didn't think Steak was one of the victims. You reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a supportive smile, in return he gave you a nod of thanks.

There was a long awkward silence between you and the food souls. You made a mental note that talking about ex-Master Attendants is taboo so you'll never end up in a situation like this again.

Lost in your thought, you failed to notice the root of a tree sticking out from the ground. Being the clumsy human that you are, the mossed wooden plant part's existence was enough to make you trip and fall into a patch of wet, cold mud. Screw Gloriville for its wet climate and common mud puddles.

"Ahh!" You yelped as the wet mud seeped into your shirt and shorts. It was so gross.

Not only did your team not help you right away, a few of them had the audacity to laugh at your little accident.

Brownie quickly helped you to your feet as you glared at the rest of your team.

"I hope you're happy! Now we need to take a detour to the river so I can clean myself."

They groaned at the thought of walking more.

Serves them right for being dicks.

-time skip-

"Master!! Are you almost done??" Steak yelled impatiently from behind some trees.

You had managed to find a peaceful spot with a waterfall that led to a small pond.

Being a neat freak, you immediately jumped into the water to clear your clothes of the muddy residue from the fall. The cold water was freezing at first but eventually became very cool and comforting. Your team decided to do some free roaming before you finished bathing in the pond alone. Steak annoyingly pointed out that you were weak and clumsy, so he made the oh so thoughtful decision to stay behind to make sure nothing happened to you. You made a very threatening point to make sure he didn't turn around and see you butt ass naked and he grunted a I don't care about these things but fine as a reply.

To take advantage of his presence, you took your clean, wet clothes off and ordered him to guard them them while they dried on a branch. To put it frankly, your beefy friend was fricken BORED!

Hollering a few words of haste, Steak continued to sulk against the bark of a tree and 'watch the clothes dry as Master relaxes a bit.'
He judged your choice of attire as his eyes studied the plain red T-shirt and denim shorts you were just wearing 10 minutes ago.

She ought to wear more battle-friendly armour!

His eyes continued to move along the clothes and lingered on your undergarments. He blushed when he was once again reminded that his very cute Master Attendant was fully naked in a pond right behind him.

He shook his head to clear unholy, sinful thoughts when Eggette's boyish voice came into his mind...

"Master Attendant likes it rough!"

Squeezing his eyes shut and pulling at his red hair, Steak grunted in disbelief at how poorly he was handling his attraction to you.

He was at his wits end! You better be done soon or he'll end up doing something he'll regret.


No reply.



Steak's blood pressure increased when you didn't respond. He pushed himself off the bark and turned around, only to find an empty pond with no Master Attendant in sight.

What the FUCK!

He considered finding the others but he honestly had no idea where they were. He was about to leave when he remembered the naked state you were in. Steak bit his lip. He can't carry all your wet ass clothes! He had no bag and only two pockets.

Deciding that he had no other options, he grabbed your bra and panties, shoved them into his pockets before hurrying off to find you.

This chappie started off kinda serious so I thought I'd give you and Steak a little adventure in the coming chappies ;) Stay tuned!!! <3

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