Chapter 11: Mushed Patota

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This chapter starts off a little slow but there's a treat at the end!!! <3

You, Olivia and Ichi we're walking through the woods where enhanced Uke Mochi was reported to have appeared. Trailing behind you three were two teams of food souls, yours and Olivia.

Since Gingerbread was still under the weather, you took Steak along to fill in for her. A perfect arrangement since he also specialized in defence.

Another 20 minutes passed and eventually you found enhanced Uke Mochi, harassing some innocent by-passers.

Your food souls assembled in front of you and fell into formation with Steak at the front lines. Olivia's team, led by Tempura was also ready for battle.

"Let's go! Watch me put an end to these traitors!" Steak bellowed and drew his double swords before he charged at Uke Mochi.

Tempura, impressed with Steak's determination, also lead his team to make an offensive attack.


After a bloody battle, enhanced Uke Mochi lied lifeless on the ground. It did quite a number on your food souls, they barely had any HP left.

Milk fell to her knees with exhaustion after she restored Bamboo Rice's HP to 75%. "I need a break Master Attendant."

You quickly caught her before she hit the floor too hard "Alright. Everyone take a break!"

Ichi let out a breath he was holding in the whole time "that was so intense, damn."

"Well, a hard level means good loot right?" You made your way to the carcass of a once fearsome Uke Mochi. You collected the items that appeared, one of them was a food you didn't recognize. "What's this? Pa...tota?"

Olivia looked up from her resting spot "you got a patota?? That's so rare, I don't think many people have that ingredient!"

"Yes but I have no idea what it is or how to prepare it." You carefully placed it into your satchel.

Ichi gave you a boyish grin "Well now you can experiment and make the new dish you wanted!"

"I heard it's kinda like a potato but it's a bit different." Olivia pointed out. "The flesh of the patota is red and has a sweeter taste. A bit more like a yam."

"Huh. I see."

-time skip-

Back in your kitchen, you were busy experimenting with the new food you've found. Pudding and Sandwich at your side ready to assist when you need it.

"Master Attendant, it tastes good on its own, don't make it too complicated." Sandwich advised. "Just... I don't know mash it up or something. Add some butter."

You put your finger to your lips "you might be on to something there... Pudding write that down in your notebook please."

Following Sandwich's instructions, you eventually came up with a simple yet tangy flavour. (It's basically mashed potatoes but it's not XD)

"What should we name the dish Master?" Pudding asked, pen ready to write down whatever comes out of your mouth.

"How about... mushed patota!" You delightfully exclaimed and ate a spoonful of your new invention.

It was the least creative name ever, but it works.

A few days later, the new dish was the new favourite of many of your customers.

"You did a good job Master." Steak maneuvered his way through the long line up after you sent him off to run some errands in the morning.

You proudly stuck your nose into the air "Ha. You think?"

Steak rolled his eyes "one criticism though. It's pure carbs, you should add some protein with it. Perhaps you should make it a side dish with a main course of steak."

You pondered upon his suggestion "I guess that works, they do compliment each other well."

Steak gave you a warm smile which caused you to blush.

-time skip-

That night, you and a couple of your food souls gathered in the basement to celebrate the new dish and the victory against Uke Mochi. Everyone was buzzing around excitedly and enjoying some alcoholic beverage.

"You are all barbaric but I suppose I'll let this slide since you're refined enough to be drinking red wine." Red Wine commented to himself as he sipped his own glass.

Steak took another swig of his beer "hmph. I'm not big on Red Wine, it's too weird tasting for me, just like it's personification."

Red Wine, clearly taking offence, lunged at Steak and started attacking him.

"Hey! Don't grab my horns!" Steak yelled and tried to shake Red Wine off his head.

On the other side of the room, you were with Vodka, Brownie and B-52.

"Shot! Take another one! Let's get drunk together Master!" Vodka, who was already pretty wasted, urged you to take your 6th shot.

You were no drinker since you just turned legal last year. Not too entirely sure what your limit was, you too a swig of the small shot glass before you and winced as the vodka burned down your throat.

"Vodka I think you should stop peer pressuring her." B-52 warned the swaying white haired food soul.

"Hahaha but this is so much funnn. Master Attendant you should do this more often!!" Vodka was definitely drunk, her bird Andre was shaking his head in disbelief.

You were definitely feeling quite tipsy now. You placed your shot glass down and got up wobbly. "Yeah... I think I'll take a break *hic* here and walk around for a *hic* bit."

"Awwww Attendant you're so laaaaame." Said Vodka before passing out into Brownie and B-52's arms.

You laughed at Vodka and left the table. Brownie sent you a worried glance before tending to his unconscious friend.  "I hope she'll be okay."

Your eyes landed on two figures fighting. One was red and the other was purple so it was sane to assume it was Steak and Red Wine again. The alcohol in your bloodstream amplified your anger and you stomped/wobbled your way to the duo.

"HEY! What you doin!" You shouted and slammed your fist onto the table.

Red Wine looked up and smirked "looks like someone's met her limit."

Your face was red and your hair was messy. Your half lidded eyes suddenly sharpened with annoyance at Red Wine's remark "Are you callin' me weak?? Just you watch I'll finish your little treat!"

You grabbed the bottle of red wine from the table and drowned half the bottle in a matter of seconds. Steak and Red Wine gaped at your stunt.

"Stop! That's mine!" Red Wine exclaimed, pulling the bottle from your mouth. "An exquisite drink like this can't be tainted by your bacteria filled mouth!" He immediately whipped out a handkerchief out of no where and wiped the rim of the bottle. "I hope you're happy Master Attendant."

Kids, it is never a wise idea to mix alcohol, let alone drink it so quickly. Our Master Attendant is careless but I hope you will keep this in mind when you go partying.

The dizziness in your head became ten times worse and caused you to almost fall over if Steak didn't catch you just in time. "Master that was not a smart move."

"Hah?" You looked at Steak with a dazed expression.

Steak hoisted you up and threw your arm over his shoulders "I think you've had enough, I'll escort you to your room."

As the two of you walked towards the door, Bamboo Rice jovially called out "STEAK! Remember to use protection!!" The room rumbled with laughter.

Steak turned and glared at Green Tarzan "shut up! I'm not going to do anything to her!" He ignored their catcalls and continued to your room.

Uwu next chapter is gunna be fluffy!!!!! :O

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