{Chapter 2}

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The next morning, I woke up bright and early, which was a bit unusual for me, but at least I had woken in time for breakfast.

I got dressed into my robes and then realized that Hermione wasn't in her bed. She had already left for breakfast. What a great best friend.

I sighed and made my way alone into the common room, and then out the porthole into the hallway. I was perfectly unhappy with walking alone, until I heard a voice call, "Starr!" And then, I immediately wished that I just been left alone.

I sped up my walking, not in the mood to deal with the Slytherin prince. But he sped up, too, and grabbed my shoulder. I spun around and shook him off me. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked.

He smirked. "Only to aggravate you."

I nodded. "Seems about right." Then I resumed my walking towards the Dining Hall.

"Why do you hang around the Weasel and the mudblood?"

I snapped around at him, and said in a dangerously calm manner, "Call her that again, and you won't know what hit you."

Then, I quickly walked into the Dining Hall, taking a seat beside Hermione, and angrily taking a bite out of a fresh peach.

Seamus asked, "Oi, what's up with you?"

"Malfoy," I huffed.

"What'd he do?" Harry asked. "I'll-"

"You won't do anything, Harry," I interrupted. "It won't change anything." I ate the rest of my peach and then stood up, not really knowing what I was doing. "Mione, c'mon."

I pulled her up with me, and she obliged, following me down the hallway towards the dungeons. "Won't we be a bit early?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes, but it doesn't matter."

We walked into Slughorn's classroom and took our desk. But while waiting for the class to start, Malfoy walked in and took his seat. But, just before he did, he winked at me. He winked at me. I wrinkled my nose as a response.

Hermione nudged me. "What was that?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Beats me."

Then, all the other students began to file into their seats and Slughorn started the class. It was quite boring.

Veritaserum...blah blah blah...truth serum...blah blah blah. Ugh.

But, he finally dismissed us and I found myself dreading our next class even more than the first. We walked in, and found that our names had been written on the desks; it was for our new seating positions. And I had to sit right beside Malfoy. Just great.

He soon came in and smirked when he sat beside me. Professor Burbage came in next, a cheery smile on her face. "Students, today you and your partner will be assigned your child."

She went down the rows, assigning children. I watched as Hermione and Blaise were assigned a cute little baby boy with the darkest hair I'd ever seen. Mione took the baby and then smiled down at it.

Finally, Draco Malfoy and McKenna Starr got called. The professor walked over to us, with a small baby girl in her hands. She had golden curls and the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen. She was smiling hugely. She was definitely the prettiest baby of all in my perspective.

I made to take her, but she acted like she didn't want me to, so Professor Burbage handed her to Malfoy. And the baby smiled up at him. He made a face of distaste and I rolled my eyes. But the baby didn't seem to mind that he was frowning down at her. She seemed to like him, actually.

Professor Burbage announced to the class, "Alright, now that you have this child, he or she will be entirely cared for by you and your partner. First, you must name the child, then the process will begin. At breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you will be expected to sit with your partner, and your child. Every day, you will take turns sitting at each table. Also, every night, you will take turns with the child, taking them with you to your dormitory. Well, you are dismissed. Bring your child to class tomorrow, and have a name picked out by then."

We stood up and I said, "We're sitting at my table today."

Malfoy said, "No, we're sitting at my table today." I rolled my eyes, knowing there was no way to talk him out of it. I would have to hope that Mione and Blaise were sitting at the Slytherin table, too.

But when we walked in, and made our way over to the Slytherin table, Hermione was nowhere to be seen. I glanced over at the Gryffindor table, and there she was, along with Blaise, Harry, and Pansy. Ugh.

"Kenna!" I heard familiar voice say as I sat down. I looked around, and saw that it was Ron.

"Oh, Ron, boy am I glad that you're here." I smiled. Malfoy rolled his eyes from beside me.

I looked at the baby in Ron's arms. It was a girl, I think, and she had flaming red hair. I giggled upon seeing her. "It's like she was born a Weasley!"

"I know, funny isn't it?" He asked. "We're naming her Felicity."

"That's such a pretty name!" I said, then turned to Malfoy and asked, "What do we name her?"

He only shrugged, not seeming to care much. The small baby was grinning up at him. She was so cute.

I held out my arms for her to go to me, but she shook her head and grabbed at Malfoy's neck. "Hmm. She seems to like you, Malfoy," I said.

"Nonsense," He said, as the baby pulled on his ear.

"Yeah, she's practically crawling on your face, mate," Blaise said. I guess he had moved to this table.

"Where's Hermione?" I asked him.

"She said something about going to her next class. She took the baby with her." Great. There she went, leaving me again.

I stood up, and tried to take my baby from Malfoy, but she wouldn't go with me. "Alright, stay with Malfoy, then." I looked up at him. "I suppose tonight is your night." Then I turned around and made my way to my next class, History of Magic.
After all of my classes, I was walking to my dorm, thinking about this assignment. This would mean spending a lot of time with Malfoy, which was something that I still wasn't sure about.

I walked into the common room, and found Mione in there, playing with her baby. I plopped down beside her. "What're you naming him?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I was thinking about William, but I'm still not sure. Perhaps Spurgeon or Gabriel. Ooh, what about Nicholas?"

I laughed. "They're all great."

She sighed. "I know, I just can't decide. How's it going with you and Malfoy?"

"Well, I'm not quite sure. But the baby seems to take a liking to him. It's me that's the problem. I don't know how I'm going to be able to work with him."

She nodded. "I understand."

"Well, I'm going to bed, see you in the morning," I said, walking into my dormitory, thinking about Draco Malfoy.

Thx for reading!!

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