{Chapter 18}

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Word got around pretty quickly that McKenna Starr and Draco Malfoy were officially dating. It made for quite the gossip. And the gossip only got worse whenever McKenna invited Draco to her house for fall break.

Yeah. I did.

Anyways, for break, the professors had been told to take care of the children, because they didn't trust us to take them home and bring them back alive. (That was basically what they had said)

So there Draco and I were, on a plane to New York. I lived in New York, but my parents had decided to let me go to Hogwarts because it was a "better school" than the American wizard school. Whatever the reason, I was very glad that I had ended up at Hogwarts.

Draco had never been on a plane before. And the only reason that I had was because I took one back to America every time we had a break.

Some of the flight attendants and passengers gave us odd looks because of our clothes, and possibly because Draco had a caged owl. We took our seats and I stuck my earbuds in. Draco looked at me like I was crazy.

"What're those?"

I removed them. "What?"

"What're those?"

"Oh, these? It's a muggle device for listening to music. It's called earbuds. Here, listen." I stuck one in his ear.

Draco made a disgusted face and ripped his out of his ear. I giggled. "What kind of enchantment is that?"

"It's not an enchantment, it's Shawn Mendes!" I giggled more.

"Well whatever the name is...how did you get one?"

"I saw it last year in a Muggle shop. I stopped by and bought a pair. They're pretty cool. I've learned a bunch of Muggle songs."

"I've no use for Muggle songs."

I rolled my eyes. Then I stuck my earbuds back in and tried to stare out the window calmly.

(Yes, I've just realized that they could've apparated but oh well)

We finally landed in New York, and my family was there to meet us. "Kenna!" My mom exclaimed, running up and squeezing me from behind.

Then I heard my cousin's (who lived with us) voice. "Draco!" She shouted, and ran up behind Draco and squeezed him tight. When she let go, Draco gave me a horrified look. But I just whispered to him, "She's hyper just go with it."

Then my cousin, Julianna, hugged me. My Dad hugged me, my mom hugged me again, and then we all took a big picture. I looked at it.

In it, I was in the middle, grinning. My Dad was on my left, and Mom on my right. Julianna was beside Mom, pulling a terrified Draco into the picture. When it moved, I looked over to Draco and grinned excitedly. He flashed me a nervous smile.

I loved it.

We all apparated home and then washed up and got ready for dinner. I was walking into the kitchen whenever Julianna caught me in the hallway. She raised her eyebrow. "He's a keeper."

"How do you know?" I laughed.

"He's hot, muscular, and plus, he's got a sexy accent!"

I rolled my eyes, even though I was smiling. Julianna was twenty-two. She'd gone to the American Wizard's school. She always had her eye out for "hot guys" as she said. She was always bringing up how she was "doomed to marry a Muggle."

I walked into the kitchen and took a seat beside Draco. He gave me a questioning look. "It's alright, they're alright, I promise," I assured him.

"I know it's just...I don't like how that one looks at me..." He waved a hand in Julianna's direction.

"Julianna, will you please quit staring at my boyfriend, you're making him uncomfortable."

"I did not say that!" Draco exclaimed, hitting my shoulder.

"Oh, it's alright, I've been told more than once," she said, stabbing her steak.

"So, you play Quidditch?" My Dad asked.

"Oh, here we go again!" Mom exclaimed.

"Dad's obsessed with Quidditch," I said.

"Yes," Draco answered.

"Tell him what you play, Draco," I said, knowing all too well how my Dad would react.


"Oh, my boy!" Dad clapped Draco on the back, almost making him choke on his food. "You're looking at Seeker number fourteen for the Haroldson Hippogriffs!"

"...That's...that's cool," Draco answered, giving me an even more horrific face. I only giggled.

"Dad, Draco and I are going for a walk outside, okay?" I pulled Draco up, and saw Julianna wink at me. I only rolled my eyes and urged Draco out the door. I was eager to get away from my family.

We walked outside and I immediately said, "I'm sorry-"

"They're great," he said.


He gave me a sincere look. "They're great. Really. They're like a-a real family. The father is obsessed with sports, you've got the over-worked but caring mother, creepy cousin-"

"Draco, do you hear yourself?" I laughed.

"Yes! It's just..." he sighed. "At Malfoy Manor, my father is always in a mood. And we can't joke, and I have to eat all my food, and be absolutely quiet, and-"

"Draco...it's okay. I get it." I smiled up at him then hugged him. We just stood outside on my porch, hugging for the longest time...

Sometimes hugging speaks more than kissing.

Hey guys!! Thx for reading! Somebody just went through and boosted my reads from 62 to 90 so that definitely motivates me😂to whoever it was, thank you so much! And I hope ur reading this right now!

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