{Chapter 16}

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The next day was Wednesday. And guess what? This "dumb-butt" slept in. Super late. By the time I woke up, it was already 10:30!

Gee thanks, Hermione, I said in my head. Thanks for letting me sleep in.

And I decided that since I had already missed half my classes, it wouldn't hurt to just skip the rest of the day. So I got dressed and decided to walk down to the Dining Hall. I was hungry. But on my way there, someone stopped me.

I was jerked back by my shoulder and then spun around, and I almost fell down onto my buttocks. I looked down to see who had stopped me.

She was a small girl with short, yellow hair. I figured that she was probably about a third year. I could see that she was a Slytherin by the symbol on her robes.

"Um, hi?" I said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Are you dating Draco Malfoy?" She asked, wide eyed.

"Um...well, I don't really know, but...I'm gonna go with a sure?" Again, more of a question.

"Right, well, Harry Potter just cursed him! He's hurt bad, you'd better go check on him!" She pointed down the hallway.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "But...but why would Harry curse Draco?"

The girl shrugged, then grabbed my hand and hurried me down the long hallway. Finally, we came up to a corridor where Draco, Harry, and Pansy stood. Well, Draco didn't stand. He was actually slouching against the wall, bleeding.

I ran up to him. "Draco!" There were crimson stains forming all across his shirt. He was moaning, and twitching against the wall. Then the small girl took off down the hallway, most likely going for help.

That was when I looked to Harry for an explanation. "What did you do to him?" Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I-I...I didn't mean...I only..." Then his wand fell from his limp hand, and he didn't even bother picking it up.

I turned my attention back to Draco. "Draco...it's alright. It's alright. We'll get help." Then I looked to Pansy. She seemed to be watching the whole scene with a horrified expression.

Soon, the girl came back with Snape on her heels. Why she got him, I didn't know. She should've gotten Madame Pomfrey, but oh well.

Snape looked absolutely distraught. "Move!" He shouted to me. I didn't hesitate to move away from Draco's body. Snape knelt down to him and began mumbling different healing spells over and over. I took that time to glare at Harry.

He saw me and began to exclaim, "Kenna-" But I cut him off.

"Save it, Harry." Then I sighed and turned back to Draco.

"Kenna, I walked up and saw him kissing Pansy! He was snogging her right here, I sware! I-I..." he looked around, then when he saw Pansy, grabbed her forearm, and jerked her over to me. "Pansy, tell her you were snogging Malfoy! Just tell her-"

"She doesn't need to tell me anything! I-Draco wouldn't do that...he-he wouldn't..." But I had faltered. I faltered. Suddenly, I wasn't so sure of what I was saying.

Then, Draco began to stir around on the ground. I helped him up and walked him to Madame Pomfrey's. Harry was following close behind.

Once Draco got situated in one of the hospital beds, (Madame Pomfrey had insisted) I sat on the edge of it. "What happened?" He asked.

"Um...Harry-Harry cursed you."


"Harry cursed you," I repeated.

"Why would he do that?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. That's what I'm trying to figure out...Draco, tell me what happened. Be honest." I was scared out of my mind for his answer.

"Well..." He seemed to be trying to remember. "Well...Oh yeah! Parkinson grabbed me and slung me against the wall, giggling and being disgusting. Then she began snogging me!" He made a disgusted face. "And...and then there was Potter, and-and that's all I can remember."

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then a thought came to mind. "Oh Merlin Draco, where's Ally?"

"Oh...yeah, well, she's with Blaise..."

I playfully slapped him on the arm. "Draco! You cannot keep this up! She's coming with me tonight...Where might Blaise be?"

He hopped up, and we snuck out of the Hospital Wing. "He's most likely at lunch now, but there's no way I'm letting you go find Blaise without me."

I smirked at him, then poked him in the side. "Ooohh, is someone jealous?"

"Stop that! And no, I'm not jealous."

"You're so jealous."

"Am not!"

"Are too!" Then he had his arms wrapped around me, and he was tickling me. I was laughing so hard that I was sure to have a good six pack by the time it was over.

"Draco....Draco! Stop...stop it! Stop it! Draco..."

He finally let go, and we stood there, my head leaning on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "I'm glad Harry didn't kill you today."

"Me too," he laughed.

I turned to face him, then stood up on my tip-toes. I pecked him on the lips, then quickly ran off to the Dining Hall.
"I really am sorry-"

"Harry, for the umpteenth time, I know! I get it. You're sorry. And I accept your apology. It's all over, and it's all alright. So just drop it."

He leaned his head over into his hands, staring intently into the fire. "Alright...I just...I don't want you to be upset with me."

"I'm not." I smiled at him. I got up from where I was sitting on the couch, and made my way over to the rug and sat by him. "You were trying to protect me. And I'm thankful."

A few minutes passed, and I said, "Well, Ally's already up there sleeping, so I'd better go." I stood, then quickly kissed him on the forehead. "I love you, dumb-butt. Goodnight."

Thx for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!! Feel free to vote, comment, or follow!!

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