{Chapter 20}

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From HoneyDukes we went straight to the Shrieking Shack, and I was instantly reminded of that time whenever Draco had taken me to the field of daises in the wood behind it.

And I soon realized that was exactly where we were headed.

We walked into it, and it was just as beautiful as I remembered it. Draco and I were holding hands, just like last time. We walked around and my dress flew up a few times.

"That's the only reason you brought me out here, isn't it? Just to see my dress fly up?"

He gave me a look like I'd just personally offended him. "Of course not! I can make your dress fly up any time I want-"

I playfully slapped him. "Draco Malfoy! How dare you say such a thing." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "...Even thought I sort of like it."

He smirked. "Of course you do."

Then we stood and kissed for a while. After that, we walked back out into the clearing behind the Shrieking Shack.

Just then, my Muggle device began to bling, so I had to answer it. It was my mom. She was desperately trying to figure out how to work it.

"Oh, hello, Kenna! This is your mom!"

"Yes, Hello, Mom, What is it? Draco and I are in Hogsmeade."

"Well, I'm afraid that I need you two now...it's a surprise! Just hurry! Good-" But she cut it off before she could finish the word. I sighed and looked back up at Draco.

"What was that thing?"

"It's called a cell phone. It's a muggle device for-"

"Of course it's a muggle device. Your whole family is obsessed with muggle devices. You're like the Weasleys."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with the Weasleys."

He grabbed my hand. "Of course there isn't."

"Was that sarcastic?"

"Obviously." I could literally hear the smirk in his voice.

"Whatever, Draco."

Then he stopped walking. "Hey, I've got to run an errand real quick, don't wait on me, I'll be right there. Just go along."

"Oh, al-alright...I will. Be quick..."

"I will!" He called after me, already walking in the opposite way.

Me, being the sneaky person I am, decided to follow him. And boy, am I glad that I did. He went to a shady part of Diagon Alley, and into an even shadier store. I didn't go inside there; I didn't want him to know that I was spying.

I watched from the window and saw that he was inside talking to the cashier about a cabinet it seemed like. Yes, that's what it was. A cabinet.

Just then, I heard Harry, Ron, and Hermione coming, so I quickly apparated into my house.

I waited about twenty minutes for Draco, and then he came. I held off on asking him about the cabinet. It was obviously something he was trying to keep from me, though I didn't know why. I mean, we could tell each other everything, right? Apparently not.

The surprise was that my Dad's old Quidditch Team members had been coming over for dinner. *Big surprise* It was the most loud and obnoxious dinner of my life, as you can probably imagine.

After we ate, Draco and I lied on the couch. I rested my head in his lap, steadily transfiguring my cat into an ottoman and then back again. Cat. Ottoman. Cat. Ottoman.

I was bored.

Then, suddenly, a thought occurred to me. I bolted upright on the sofa. "Draco! Have you ever seen a tape before?"

"...Er...What is that? Another muggle device?"

"Well, yes, but it's really fun! C'mon!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs, into our old dusty attic. I looked around until I finally found what I was looking for. I think it was called a Telesight or something like that.

It was rather dusty, so I scraped the dust off and went through all the old "tapes" we had. My Mom had shown me the Telesight when I was a child. I hoped I would remember how to work it.

I pushed a tape into it, and it immediately flashed on. Draco's face turned from disgust to confusion to delight.

It said the tape was called "Beauty And The Beast." I remembered watching it as a child.

Draco got really into it. He especially liked the singing parts. And I thought he was just about to cry whenever the Beast almost died. After it, he wanted to look through the other tapes and watch some more.

So we ended up watching "Snow White," "Peter Pan," and "Sleeping Beauty."

His favorite was still "Beauty And The Beast," though he said that "Peter Pan" was a close second.

I had more fun watching the Telesight with Draco and than I had walking in the daisies. Just seeing him that excited and happy made me happy too.

Comment, vote, follow!! As you can maybe tell, I'm still kinda going through writer's block right now, so maybe a little help! Pls😂

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